Several people have been of great assistance in the process of writing (and rewriting) this book. I’m greatly indebted to Paul Simpson for reading the whole thing (several times) as a work in progress and helping me focus my thoughts (as well as catching the occasional factual error: any remaining errors or omissions are entirely my own).
Thanks are also due to Brigid Cherry who read and commented on the manuscript, and to the Titan Magazines’ Doctor Who ‘brains trust’ of Jonathan Wilkins, Simon Hugo and Adam Newell for many hours of Who-chat (that must have endlessly annoyed our colleagues).
Additional gratitude is due to all those I’ve known across more than 20 years of involvement in and around British Doctor Who fandom, from the Glasgow Braindead gang through to the late-1980s DWAS crowd and the DWB/Dreamwatch group (comprising far too many people through the years to name individually).
Special thanks are also due to Barry Letts, Philip Hinchcliffe and Andrew Cartmel.