With Pedro Neves Marques

What is ending is the modern world—a very particular world invented in 1492, animated by a naturalist ontology inside of which nature and culture were not to be confused. Which is to say that humanity can no longer be taken as the solution to anything—at least not alone, in its enlightened cosmo-ecological ignorance. On the contrary, from the perspective of the earth, humanity looks increasingly like the problem.

And yet, this humanity I am talking about is perhaps incomprehensible for the Yanomani or the Cashinawa of South America. Theirs is a worldview many would call animist, but which may be better described by what Viveiros de Castro has called multinatural perspectivism. To speak of worlds other than ours is not a case of difference in cultures, but of difference in natures. Multinaturalism is the negative of multiculturalism, but more importantly it is the reversal of uninaturalism. Here, nature is not that complex, albeit tamed and transparent, backdrop imagined by the moderns.

Given the ecosystemic mess we are in, that much is also becoming clear to us. While nature may be, or used to be, unified for us—and literally by us—other nature-culture imaginaries are now emerging, contradicting apocalyptic visions about the end of the world. This world, after all, is one only we moderns once imagined.