
Thank you, Readers, for once again joining in with me and my Otherworld characters on another adventure!  I hope Caelihn has lived up to your standards.  I normally do not include an afterward in my books, but I thought this installment needed one.  If you feel that Caelihn fell a bit short of completion, then you are correct.  This novel was originally meant to be a novella, a book half this length.  But, as it often goes, my Muse didn’t see it that way.  Having said that, this is also NOT the sequel to Lorehnin - Robyn’s and Devlin’s story is not yet over.  There will be a true sequel sometime in the future.  When that will be, I cannot yet say.

Also, you might have noticed I hinted at much activity taking place in Eile while the events of Lorehnin were taking place.  Although they have not been written yet, there will be future books featuring Meghan and Cade.  Part of this has simply to do with the natural development of the story: I did not know these things when I finished writing Luathara because they hadn’t been revealed to me yet.  Another part of it has to do with you, the readers.  I will admit, I read every review I see posted about my books, and I noticed some of you were disappointed that the story ended with Luathara.  Well, it hasn’t ended.  Your comments got me thinking about what happens after the happy ending, and so for the past several months, I’ve been brainstorming and, plotting of course, about what has befallen the main characters of the Otherworld Trilogy.  I hope you will be patient with me, once again, as I continue to work on books in this series, as well as the many others that will come my way.  As always, all the best and happy reading!

-J.E. Johnson