
As always, thanks to my friends and family, who never stop supporting me in my crusade to create more worlds, and for understanding my need to become lost in them.

To my editor, Monica Castagnasso, for her diligence in perusing these pages, and for tracking down typos and errors like a spirit guide on the hunt for stray faelah.  Your assistance is much appreciated.

An extra special thanks to my Beta Readers, for taking time out of their lives to give me constructive criticism on this book: Stephanie Brady, Katrina Curry, Becky Dillingham, Charles Dyer, Melanie Kucharik, Jodi Moore and Kimberly Nidiffer.  Thank you so much for all your suggestions and feedback!

Finally, a special thanks to my readers.  Without you, my writing endeavors would never get a chance to truly shine.  Thank you for caring about my characters as much as I have, and for allowing them to run amok in each and every one of your imaginations.  May the blessings of the gods and goddesses of Eile be upon you.