Allen (Al) C. Auten: 36, Denver, Colorado; Assistant Editor of Design News; Responsible for Expedition radio communications.
Barry (Barrel) C. Bishop: 31, Washington, D.C.; Photographer, National Geographic Society; Expedition still photographer.
John (Jake) E. Breitenbach: 27, Jackson, Wyoming; Mountain guide and part owner of mountaineering and ski equipment store, Grand Tetons.
James Barry Corbet: 26, Jackson, Wyoming; Mountain guide, ski instructor, and part owner of mountaineering and ski equipment store, Grand Tetons.
David (Dave) L. Dingman, M.D.: 26, Baltimore, Maryland; Resident in surgery; Second medical officer of Expedition.
Daniel (Dan) E. Doody: 29, North Granford, Connecticut; Photographer by profession and for Expedition.
Norman G. Dyhrenfurth: 44, Santa Monica, California; Motion picture photographer and director; Expedition organizer, leader, and film producer.
Richard (Dick) M. Emerson, Ph.D.: 38, Cincinnati, Ohio; Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Cincinnati; Expedition logistical planner and head of sociological study on motivation.
Thomas (Tom) F. Hornbein, M.D.: 32, San Diego, California; Physician; Responsible for Expedition oxygen equipment and planning.
Luther (Lute) G. Jerstad: 26, Eugene, Oregon; Speech instructor, University of Oregon, and mountain guide, Mount Rainier.
James (Jim) Lester, Ph.D.: 35, Berkeley, California; Clinical psychologist; Studied pyschological aspects of stress during Expedition.
Maynard M. Miller, Ph.D.: 41, East Lansing, Michigan; Associate Professor of geology (glaciology, etc.), Michigan State University; Research in glaciology and geomorphology of the Everest region.
Richard (Dick) Pownall: 35, Denver, Colorado; High school physical education instructor and ski instructor; Expedition food planner.
Barry (Bear, Balu) W. Prather: 23, Ellensburg, Washington; Aeronautics engineer; Assistant to Maynard Miller in geological research.
Gilbert (Gil) Roberts, M.D.: 28, Berkeley, California; Physician; Responsible for medical planning and problems of Expedition.
James (Jimmy) Owen M. Roberts: 45, Kathmandu, Nepal; Lt. Colonel (retired), British Army; Responsible for Expedition transport and porter and Sherpa planning.
William (Will) E. Siri: 44, Richmond, California; Medical physicist; Deputy leader of Expedition in charge of scientific programme and conduction of physiological research on altitude acclimatization.
James (Jim) Ramsey Ullman: 55, Boston, Massachusetts; Writer; Official chronicler of Expedition as author of Americans on Everest.
William (Willi) F. Unsoeld, Ph.D.: 36, Corvallis, Oregon; Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Oregon State University, on leave as deputy Peace Corps representative in Nepal; Climbing leader.
James (Jim) W. Whittaker: 34, Redmond, Washington; Manager of mountaineering equipment store, Seattle, Washington; Responsible for Expedition equipment planning.
Nine hundred and nine porters en route (Photo by Norman G. Dyhrenfurth)