Look, Old Teddy, see the snow
Falling on the window sill,
See it gliding to the ground,
Covering the road and hill.
Feel, Old Teddy, with your paw
The coldness of the window pane,
Watch me blow onto the glass
And draw a picture of a train.
See, Old Teddy, how the trees
Are bending under all the snow,
Even footsteps sound much softer,
Look how all the cars go slow.
Now, Old Teddy, here’s your coat,
Your stripy mitts and bobble hat,
I’ll wrap you up to keep you warm
And then we’ll both be snug and fat.
Old Teddy, if you hold your face up
And let the cold flakes touch your nose,
You can feel them melt away,
That’s what I like, when it snows.