Pre-Magic Prep

You may have some burning questions by now—and that’s natural. You’re about to embark on a journey that requires you to focus and go deep, so I want to clarify some ideas around magic and this book while also sharing with you some techniques and tricks to use before you get started.

Magical F.A.Q.s

Before you begin reading the spells in the chapters ahead, I want to share answers to some questions that may provide clarity around witchery and a general foundation for your spell-casting and ritualizing.

Is Witchcraft a Religion?

While it may seem so, witchcraft is not a religion. There’s no one god or goddess, and there are many (nearly endless) ways that one might practice it. Witchcraft is more of a lifestyle—one that values nature and a connection to the vastness of our world and the cosmos beyond it. Many witches do meld their practice with more organized religious beliefs, while others don’t. And others are atheists. Everyone is on a different path.

What If I Don’t Have One of the Tools in This Book?

You’re welcome to remove items, cut steps, or skip from page to page. This is all about your intentions, goals, and healing.

What Is the Difference Between a Spell, a Ritual, and a Practice?

For the purposes of this book, these terms are used somewhat interchangeably. A ritual can contain a spell, and a spell can also be a sort of magical practice. In this book, a spell tends to incorporate a goal or an incantation (a spoken magical phrase); a ritual tends to include a repetitive act; and a practice is usually an activity without any formal structure or spell component. Feel free to fold certain aspects of one into another—be creative and build on what feels right to you.

Do I Need to Believe in God or a Higher Power to Use This Book?

No. You’ll use your own energies to effect change.

I’ve Heard I Shouldn’t Blow Out My Candles After Casting a Spell—Is This True?

Many witches believe it’s bad luck or bad form to blow out a candle after a spell. Instead, you may use a snuffer or a fan. That said, if you really need to blow out a candle for whatever reason, do it—especially if it means stopping a fire risk! Generally speaking, fire’s pretty cool—until it burns down your house. Some other candle tips: Light candles with another candle when you can. Also, spells tend to work best when you’re using a new candle. Old energy can “stick” to them.

Always burn candles safely and in a safe environment. You know: No painting your nails and then lighting up. No going to sleep with candles burning. Make sure your pets won’t get burned or knock over your lit candles. And always burn paper and other things in fireproof bowls near or in a sink.

Can a Magical Lifestyle Fix All My Problems?

I wish. This book should be used as one tool in your wellness arsenal—but it’s not the only tool. This book is not a replacement for professional health care or mental health care. You deserve love, care, and help when you need it.

What about Crystals?

Throughout this book, you may be asked to use a crystal for a certain spell. I’ve used crystals you can generally find at esoteric bookstores, occult shops, and Etsy shops, rather than hard-to-find ones you’ll need to hunt for. Most of these crystals can be found at low cost.

But it’s all right if you don’t have the specific crystal on hand for most of these. For the spells in this book, crystals can boost your magical practice by representing love, strength, or healing, for example. Many people like to make up their own crystal associations.

Should I Use Medicinal Plants, Herbs, and Flowers?

Never ingest anything without knowing if it’s safe for you to do so. Certain herbs contraindicate medicines, while others may trigger an allergy. If you do use plants, get them from trusted sources. Plucking them from a garden sounds magical, I know, but it could be risky (or illegal).

How Do I Manifest Like the Witch I Am?

One of the best ways to manifest is to believe your goal has already happened. Meditate, visualize, and set intentions. Writing goals or dreams in the present, rather than the future, is one potent way of manifestation.

Can Spells Control or Change Another Person?

Changing someone’s will is often considered unethical or pointless; people are who they are. Though movies and books have long promoted the idea that you can simply cast a spell on someone to make them love you or give up a bad habit, many witches stick with the idea that this is not only unethical but also a waste of energy because magic usually works with what’s already there. I have included spells, rituals, and practices that acknowledge the autonomy of others.

How Do I Prepare My Mind, Body, and Space for These Spells, Rituals, and Practices?

Grounding is the act of centering yourself in your body in the here and now. Taking the time to do this before some magical practices can help you clear your mind and focus your energy without feeling pulled in a million directions. No one is perfect—drifting thoughts and feelings are bound to cross your mind while performing magic. But grounding beforehand will help you stay more firmly rooted in the moment and in your power.

If you think of magic as the paint, then grounding is the canvas, as it preps everything. This doesn’t mean work without grounding is for naught—magic works if you put energy behind it. Grounding just means you can focus more easily. Some forms of magic don’t need it. Sex magic, for example, works off your sexual energy—not your grounded energy. You get to choose when you want to use this tool.


Cleansing is useful when casting a spell or making sure an object like a crystal doesn’t contain old, potentially negative energies. Basically, the space where you’re spell-casting or meditating should be prepped for magic. It can be hard to relax in a messy room, right? The same is true in magic—especially if you performed a particularly heavy ritual or used a crystal to absorb seriously dark energy. Plus, the symbolic act of cleansing your space can help you get into the mind-set of magic. And mind-set is our number one tool.