MAY 17, 2013

It’s a little after two in the morning when I make my move. I activate my uniform cloak and slip out of my room. The silence is suffocating as I creep down the hallway. My mind is still reeling from the knowledge that Alora is a Space Bender and a Time Bender. A Dual Talent.

They’re not supposed to exist.

When I stop at Alora’s door, my pulse spikes. Fure, I hate doing this. But if I’m going to shift to 2146 to get a Mind Redeemer, I’m not leaving without the Jewill. Future tech can’t remain in this time. And if I can’t return, at least I’ll know the Jewill can’t be used to alter the timeline.

Before I can change my mind, I twist the door handle. It’s locked. Figures. I pull a pin out of my pocket and within seconds, the door is open. Careful to not make any noises, I slip in through the cracked door.

I survey the room before moving. It smells like Alora—full of that lavender sent that always clings to her. I shove aside the guilt for invading her room yet again. Then I stay still until my eyes adjust to the darkness.

I don’t even bother searching the room. I only need two things.

The first is easy. I find Alora’s small bag and ease the sketchbook out. I take the book to the moonlit window and rip out the first drawing of Colonel Fairbanks and the dark-haired woman that I find. The tear sounds thunderous, and my eyes flick to Alora. She doesn’t move. Relieved, I slide the paper in my pocket and return the sketchbook. Then I turn my attention to Alora again. And the Jewill.

Alora is curled up, and her blankets are wrapped around her like a cocoon. This is not going to be easy. My hand trembles as it hovers over her.

Steady, steady, steady, I say to myself as I peel back the blanket. It feels like I’m moving in slow motion. Slowly, her neck is revealed. I let out a small sigh when I spot the Jewill around her neck. Now to get the thing off.

I try not to focus on her face as I brush her hair aside, but my eyes won’t cooperate. I take in her profile, the way she’s breathing softly. She frowns and makes a sad sound. She must be dreaming something bad.

I hope it’s not because of me.

The thing is, I never meant to hurt Alora. What was I thinking? Blurting out that she’s a Time Bender. No wonder she acted the way she did. Stuff like that is science fiction in this century. I wish she would’ve let me go when I walked away. But she couldn’t leave it alone and, for once, sticking to the truth backfired.

Suddenly Alora turns. I have to jump away to keep from getting hit. She kicks at her blanket and then settles on her back. One arm is slung over her head, the other resting by her side. The chain trails down the side of her neck.

My fingers touch the smooth surface of the black stone pendant. I can’t help but wonder again, how did her father get this? Did Colonel Fairbanks accidentally leave it behind?

Alora moans, and I release the pendant. She turns once again, facing away from me. This time I feel a sense of relief. I can see the clasp. I don’t know how, but I manage to unfasten the chain and slide it out from under her neck. I barely get if off her neck when Alora jolts upright, her eyes wide. Her arms flail out and hit my chest.

She screams.

A piercing, blood-chilling scream that could probably shatter glass.

I lurch away from Alora and look down at my body. I’m terrified my cloak’s gone, but it’s still activated.

Footsteps pound across the hallway. Then Grace pushes the door to the bedroom open. Alora has stopped screaming. She’s clutching the blanket to her chest.

“What’s the matter, sweetie?” Grace asks.

“I thought someone was in here. I felt someone.” Alora’s eyes are huge.

Even though Alora can’t see me, I look away from her. This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be in here.

“You must’ve been dreaming,” Grace says in a soothing voice.

Then Alora feels around her throat. “My necklace,” she breathes.

That’s my cue to get out. But I stand in the doorway, watching Alora frantically search through her sheets for the Jewill. Grace asks her what she’s talking about.

I’m certain the key to why my father wanted to save her is locked in her subconscious. I’m certain it’s because she’s a Dual Talent. I just don’t know why that would be so important to people in my time. It’s not like Alora could ever shift to the future. Time Benders can only travel to the past and back to their own present time. I have to get a Mind Redeemer to help her remember.

I drink in every part of her with my eyes. If I’m going to do this, I’m going tonight. And since Mind Redeemers are secured at the Department of Temporal Affairs and the Academy, along with Chronobands, I might not be able to get one.

I might not be able to make it back.

This could be the last time I see her. I want to tell her goodbye. I want to feel her again, maybe get one last kiss. But I can’t do that when she hates me.

I have to content myself with a silent goodbye, and then I walk out of the room. Possibly forever.