THE inside of the van began to light up with screens and indicator lights. Reggie felt as if he was coming into sunlight after being in the dark for too long.
Experfax was much more security-conscious than many other companies. The powered antenna and relay box that Hope had connected into their network was the only way to get any kind of signal in and out of the building. There were even wireless signal sniffers that would have set off alarms if they'd used unmasked comms.
Now that they were connected to the company's network, he was able to hide their communications. He was also in their security system. It took him a few more minutes than he expected, but he was able to find a backdoor through the very system that was there to detect him. He was able to see and control every camera on the campus. It was go-time.
The AC was blowing cool air using the auxiliary battery to keep all the electronics at a cooler temperature and even though the inside of the van was cool, Reggie could feel the sweat building on his forehead as he feverishly typed commands in the terminal window. He studied the network structure and found the individual servers he needed to get into. He wouldn't be able to do much until Roman accomplished his task, but he had to be ready.
He looked over at the monitors that showed him the security system view. In front of him were the same screens that the security staff would be monitoring. There were no alarms or caution messages.
"Everything looks green," Reggie said, with a slight nervousness.
"Okay, Dungeon Master. Mark the time. Everyone, be ready to set," Roman said over the communication system.
Reggie looked at the red digital clock display set in the center of his screen array. Once he started the clock, everything had to go at a specific moment. Everyone knew their cues based on the master time.
He hovered his finger over the start button, "Marking time in three, two, one, mark." He pushed the button and the clock's millisecond position came to life, followed by the seconds. There was no turning back.