HOPE ran to the room that Burton and she used when they stayed at the apartment. It was more than a guest room, but a second home. She felt Reggie behind her, but assumed he was going to his room to look for the code. It looked like some things had been moved around. Maybe the Feds looking for evidence. She prayed they didn't take the thing she came for.
Hope went straight for the closet and found what she was looking for. She let out a sigh of relief and let herself catch her breath as she stuffed it into her backpack. She looked up to see Reggie at the doorway as she turned around.
"You got what you came for?" asked Reggie.
She nodded, "Did you find the code?"
"There was no code. Jubilee is autonomous." Reggie's smile broke through under his robotic tone. "But I knew this was the only way to get you back to the apartment. I had a feeling what you were coming back for. I was right." Reggie said with a simple smile.
"Reggie," Hope was close to speechless, patting his shoulder. But she'd never be able to thank him enough. "Let's get out of here. Roman's waiting."
They ran to the back of the apartment where Roman had moved aside a shelf that hid a passageway.
"Got it?" asked Roman.
They both responded with a nod as they passed by him into the passageway. At the end of the short hall, there was a steel spiral staircase that only went up. It was such a tight spiral that Hope felt her head grow dizzy as they ran up. They exited through a skylight onto the roof of the building.
As soon as all three exited, they made their way across the roof towards the Maiden Lane side of the block. The building rooftops were all connected and they only needed to lower themselves to another roof. They ran to the roof access door, unlocking it with a bump key. This stairwell would lead them to the street.