Frazier Thomas said, “Now look what you’ve done, Gar. You’ve lost an eye.”
And he picked it up off the ledge. It was just cloth, just a little round piece of cloth, and he stuck it back on. But before he did, there was Garfield with only one eye. Where the other one should be, it was all just blank. Frazier Thomas said, “What will the boys and girls think?” Then they went back to talking about Garfield’s birthday party.
But Frazier Thomas looked like he was embarrassed. His big face looked all hot and blotchy, like he was still wondering what the boys and girls will think.
I thought it was okay. Garfield is just a puppet, I already knew that, so I thought it was fine. Except, it bothered me a little, the way it looked. Just for a couple of seconds, where his eye was supposed to be it was all just smooth and blank and Garfield had his beak wide open like he was thinking, Oh my God, oh my God!
They were talking now about getting some carrots for Romberg Rabbit, for the party.
I got scared.
They kept wondering how many carrots they would need. Probably a lot, they said, because Romberg really loved carrots, that was the one thing he loved more than anything else, so they better make sure they got lots and lots, and I started thinking, What if they don’t get enough? What if Romberg gets really mad? What if he goes crazy? What if he has a gun?
I knew that was a stupid thing to be scared about but I didn’t care, I just kept wishing my mom or Ralph would hurry up and get back here.