WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS our gratitude to so many people who have seen us through the writing of this book and who have made this journey possible.

To the Turners, Hamptons, Greens, Bryants, Martins, and Kluksdals: You are our church. Thank you for sharing every Monday night on the patio with us. Long live MNOP!

Thank you to Chris Karcher and Terry Parish from emota, Inc. for cataloging the journey, making our film possible, and for having faith in us since day one.

Thank you to Mike McLeod, Jasper Newton, and Robin Romera for your incredible work ethic and amazing eyes. You captured truly beautiful moments on camera.

Theresa McLeod, you are the most amazing mother/sister/friend.

Scott Hancock, thank you for being such a champion for love and light.

Angela Scheff and Chris Ferebee, you have been unbelievable in this process. Thank you for giving us a chance and for being the best literary agents anyone could hope for.

Seth Haines, we are forever in your debt. Your editorial skills have made this book so much more than we could have hoped for.

Sarah Atkinson and the entire Tyndale Momentum team, thank you for your faith in us and in our story. You have been incredible partners. Thank you for bringing this book to life.

Catherine Oliva, thank you for all the work on the speaking front. Your work has made so much of this possible. Thank you for being an incredible speaking agent and friend.

To the countless friends who have walked by our side on this crazy journey, we love you. Thank you, Ted and Amee Hardy, and Michael and Matthew Turner, for your help on the trail. Thank you, Julie Turner and Amee Hardy, for letting your husbands accompany our shenanigans.

To all who have helped support the film and our endeavors, you are too many to name here, but you are loved and appreciated.

Our incredible fellow pilgrims: Joe, Richard, Christie, Claudia, John, Bernie, Lynda, Jess, Tiffanie, Ray, Julie, Jane, Tema, and so many others —there is no way we could have made it without you. Thank you for loving us!


Where to begin? I am indebted to so many amazing individuals who have influenced who I am —and will continue to.

Ed Castledine, thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and being an incredible mentor.

Howard King, thank you for your endless wisdom and patience with me. You have influenced many of my decisions with your perspective on life.

To my parents, Jerry and Karyn Gray, thank you for raising me, thank you for being my mom and dad, and thank you for your love, support, and prayer. I appreciate all the guidance over the years.

Jeff Gray and Susan Pennington, your words of encouragement have meant more than you know. Kilian Gray, I will never forget the day you brought me a manila envelope full of your savings to help us on our journey. Thank you for such incredible generosity.

Jennifer and Dean Coon, you both believed in this journey from the start. I am grateful for your love and support. James, thank you for the joy and energy you bring to our family.

Michael Gray, thank you for the countless hours on the phone. Your friendship means more than I could ever put into words. Kathleen Gray, thank you for sharing him with me. Lila and Sophie, you are both wonderful in so many ways.

Kenoyer clan, you all have been a remarkable extended family. Doug, Megan, Heidi, and Ellen, thank you for watching our kids so Donna could join me in Spain.

Cambria, Joshua, and Olivia Gray, you are the most amazing children. You have influenced my words in these pages more than you will ever know. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me as your dad. The world will be a better place because of who you will each become. I love each of you and am a better man because of you.

Donna, thank you for your undying love and support and for believing in me even when I give you reason not to. You have been a rock in so many ways. I can never adequately thank you for all you are, but thank you for being an incredible mother, an amazing wife, and my partner in life. I fall more in love with you every day. You make me better in every way, and because of you, I get to see how much God loves me.


As a person living with a progressive neuromuscular disease, I’ve had to relearn a lot of things, learn a lot about myself, and let other people into my journey. The following individuals have been in my court for many years, serving, loving, and sharing life with me.

Chad and Jennifer Lansford: Though our paths don’t cross anymore, you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you and miss you.

Jeff and Danielle Bolster: Thank you for always being there for us in San Diego, for laughter, and lots of fond memories.

Jim Johnson, my mentor: Since college, you have been my champion and prayer warrior. I am filled with joy every time we talk, and your heavenly insight has been invaluable in my life. Thank you.

My old college friends (now Idaho transplants) Ben and Joelle Powers, Mark and Melissa Michelson, Joe and Kelly Bankard, and new Idaho friends Leon and Carly Letson: Thank you for the laughs, love, and support. You made our transition to Idaho easier. Love you guys a ton.

My extended family, the Karlson crew: Gary and Maureen, Erik and Leticia, Marissa and Paris, and to all my nieces and nephews, your love and support for me and my marriage to Kirstin has meant the world. I love you and miss you.

My parents, Floyd “Jim” and Mavis Skeesuck: You have been amazing parents, and your unending love and support of all of my crazy ideas never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for continually praying for me and putting up with me as a kid. Remember, it was always Josie’s fault.

Ryan, Tara, Jillian, and Zach Skeesuck: Thank you for your love and support throughout all of this. Ryan, thanks for your guidance, mentorship, and for being such an amazing big brother.

Josie and Timel Ragland: I can’t thank you both enough for being behind me since day one of this whole crazy adventure. Josie, thanks for being the best little sister ever.

Jaden, Noah, and Lauren Skeesuck: You three are my light in this dark world. Thank you for being the kids God intended you to be and for loving me despite my disability. I hope this book can be something you can lean on when you feel you can’t go forward in life. I love you all very much!

To Kirstin: I love living every day by your side. I thank God every day that I get the privilege of sharing life with you and exploring this world together. You have made me a better man, husband, and father to our three very independent children. I am blessed to have you in my life, loving me despite my faults and putting up with all of my crazy ideas, no matter how ridiculous they sound. I love you from head to toe, inside and out, and look forward to our next adventure together.