6 Human Resources: To Individual Employees

Letters to Individual Employees

Acknowledging letter of resignation

Acknowledging letter of resignation, without comment

Accept resignation, offer praise and reference

Notification of change in job status (parttime to full-time)

Welcome to new employee

Commendation on employment milestone

Acknowledgment of referral of new hire

Acknowledgment of payment of retention bonus

Offer of promotion

Offer of transfer

Decline offer to transfer instead of termination

Notice of layoff

Notice of termination

Request for resignation to avoid termination

Requiring return of laptop computer from departing employee

Withholding final paycheck for employee until equipment is returned

Regarding request for change from fulltime to part-time status

Denying request for change from full-time to part-time status

Suggesting job-sharing for part-time employee

Offer of assistance to family of ill employee

Offer of assistance to employee with ill family member

Introductions, References, and Recommendations

Letter of introduction for former employee leaving company

General letter of recommendation for former employee

Specific letter of recommendation for former employee

General letter of recommendation for employee applying to college

Specific letter of recommendation for employee applying to college

Decline to offer letter of recommendation for former employee, company policy

Decline to offer letter of recommendation for former employee

Commendation to file

Reprimand to file

Commendation to employee for exceptional service to customer