Advisory about performance evaluation
From Human Resources or Employment Office to employee
Your semi-annual performance evaluation is scheduled for June. Please give me a call to discuss the best date and time that meets both of our schedules.
Attached is a copy of the Employee Self-Assessment Form, which we ask you to complete and submit at least one week before your scheduled appointment.
The evaluation process is intended to help employees improve their performance and open the pathways to advancement. For managers, it offers the chance to intervene and offer assistance in a situation where improvement is necessary.
The full details of the performance evaluation process can be found in the employee manual; please review that information before your interview. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources.
Confirmation of performance evaluation meeting
From Human Resources or Employment Office to employee
This is to confirm your performance evaluation, scheduled for Monday, June 1 at 11 A.M. in Conference Room A.
If you have not already done so, please be sure to submit your Employee Self-Assessment Form to your supervisor at this time.
Full details of the performance evaluation process are in the employee manual. If you have any questions please contact Human Resources.
Notification of memo to personnel file
From Human Resources or Employment Office to employee
Attached please find a copy of a memo that has been placed in your personnel file as a result of your performance evaluation conducted on June 1.
The purpose of the memo is to put on the record your manager’s directives for actions that need to be taken by you.
Please read the memo carefully. If you have any questions about the contents of the memo, you may discuss them with your supervisor or contact Human Resources.
Notification of special training schedule, result of performance evaluation
From Human Resources or Employment Office to employee
As a result of a recommendation by your supervisor following your performance evaluation of June 1, the Training Office has set up a six-week course of study to improve your communication skills.
Attendance and successful completion of this course of study is an important element of satisfying requirements noted in your performance evaluation.
Classes for a small group of employees—no more than six—will be conducted on Mondays and Fridays at 9 A.M. in Conference Room B. Each session will last approximately forty-five minutes, and there will be some assignments that must be completed prior to each session.
Your supervisor has been advised of the schedule and you will be excused from your ordinary assignments for each training session and a reasonable amount of time for preparation each week.
The first class will be held on July 12. You will receive an information packet and reminder one week before then.
Commendation for extra effort
From Human Resources or Executive Office to employee
We have been advised by your department manager of your extraordinary efforts in helping the Shipping Department deal with a rush order from a very important client last week.
Knowing your history here at the company, I’m sure you feel that you were “just doing your job.” That is, at the same time, true and an understatement of your level of commitment to the goals of the company.
Thank you for your service.
cc: To Employee Personnel File
Employee evaluation: chronic tardiness
From supervisor or department head to employee
I am writing to confirm the elements of our discussion this morning about your failure to meet our expectations for working hours.
Your job description calls for you to be at work each day for eight hours, with a thirty-minute lunch break. By agreement with your department head, you are permitted to adjust your starting time to be between 8 A.M. and 9:15 A.M., if such adjustment is necessary because of commuting difficulties.
As we discussed in your performance evaluation, you have been unable to maintain a consistent arrival time and have on more than one occasion arrived late and departed early on the same day.
You were advised in our meeting, and I am reiterating the point in this letter, that we must insist you maintain a consistent work schedule. Your unreliable working hours have an impact on the productivity of others in your department and elsewhere in the company.
We will be closely monitoring your working hours. If we determine that you are unable to consistently meet our work schedule expectations we will be forced to terminate your employment.
We hope you are able to adjust your schedule and hope for your success as a member of the Consolidated Intergalactic team.
Employee evaluation: violation of lunch break rules
From supervisor or department head to employee
I am writing to confirm the elements of our discussion this morning about your failure to meet our expectations regarding the length of lunch breaks.
Your supervisor reports that you cannot be relied upon to keep within the allotted thirty-minute lunch break that is stipulated in your job description.
We have offered an extension to your work day to allow for a sixty-minute lunch break; this would require arrival by 9 A.M. each day with departure at 5:30 P.M.
Alternatively, you can keep your current schedule of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. and take a thirty-minute lunch break.
You told me today that you do not want to extend your work day until 5:30 P.M.
Your department head will closely monitor your working schedule; we will expect that your lunch breaks will stay within the allotted thirty-minute time. If we determine that you are unable to consistently meet our expectations in this area, we will be forced to terminate your employment.
We hope you will be able to meet our needs and hope for your success as a member of the Consolidated Intergalactic team.
Employee evaluation: violation of sick day policy
From supervisor or department head to employee
I am writing to confirm the elements of our discussion this morning about your apparent failure to meet our expectations regarding the use of sick days.
As we discussed, Human Resources has noted a recurring pattern which seems to indicate misuse of sick days for personal purposes; in the past year we have noted four instances where you have called in as sick on the day before or day after a holiday or a holiday weekend.
The published policy of Consolidated Intergalactic states that sick days may only be used for actual medical problems or appointments and may not be used to extend vacation or holiday periods. As an employee, you have agreed to permit the company to require documentation of illness or medical treatment.
Your department head and Human Resources will closely monitor your attendance record. If we see any further questionable use of sick days, we will request such documentation from medical providers; if we determine that sick days have been improperly used we will seek your termination from employment.
We hope you will be able to meet our needs and hope for your success as a member of the Consolidated Intergalactic team.
Employee evaluation: lack of availability for overtime
From supervisor or department head to employee
I am writing to confirm the elements of our discussion this morning about your apparent failure to meet our expectations regarding availability for overtime when required to meet production needs.
Your job description as a full-time hourly employee states that the company has the right to require a reasonable amount of overtime to meet our needs. Although we recognize that our employees may face difficulties in this area because of family obligations and for other reasons, the company’s ability to rely on our staff for overtime is an essential element of your job.
Where possible, our department heads have been asked to make special arrangements with employees to allow for childcare during overtime periods.
However, in the past three months, you have turned down all requests by your supervisor for overtime assignments. This is not acceptable.
With this letter, we are advising you that a continued inability to make yourself available for overtime hours will result in termination of your employment.
If you would like to seek assistance from Human Resources in obtaining childcare, special transportation, or other accommodations that would allow you to meet our needs, please contact Bob Waylings at extension 4782.
Employee evaluation: absence from meetings
From supervisor or department head to employee
I am writing to confirm the elements of our discussion this morning about your apparent failure to meet our expectations regarding attendance at departmental meetings.
As we discussed, attendance at weekly departmental meetings as well as any other scheduled gathering is a requirement of your job. You are expected to attend all such meetings; if you have a scheduling conflict, you are expected to inform your supervisor in advance and the supervisor may ask you to adjust your schedule to allow attendance at a meeting.
This is the second time you have been formally advised that you have violated an important element of your job description. I must advise you that continued problems of this sort, or other violations of the employee manual, may force us to terminate your employment from Consolidated Intergalactic.
Employee evaluation: failure to meet deadlines
From supervisor or department head to employee
I am writing to confirm the elements of our discussion this morning about your repeated failure to meet reasonable deadlines in the performance of your job.
This is the third time such issues have been noted in employee evaluations by your supervisor, and I am sorry to say that we have seen no improvement in your ability to meet deadlines since this was first discussed with you twelve months ago.
We are not in any way questioning your commitment to your job or to the company as a whole. We have appreciated your willingness to accept coaching and training offered by the company; for our part we have sought to adjust your work load and relax certain deadlines in hopes that you will be able to improve your productivity.
However, at this time we must inform you that we have determined that you are not, at this time, in the appropriate job at Consolidated Intergalactic. We have an opening as a shipping clerk in the Mailroom, at a reduction in pay grade; if you choose not to accept this job, we will seek immediate termination from employment. Please contact Wilson Neves in Human Resources at extension 2342 today to make an appointment to discuss your employment.
Employee evaluation: inability to stay within financial plan
From supervisor or department head to employee
As we discussed this morning in a special performance evaluation follow-up meeting, we continue to have concerns about your ability to keep spending within the financial plan.
In the past six months you have received weekly reports from an analyst in the Accounting Department as well as coaching from your department head. However, your most recent monthly reports shows a significant amount of overspending in all of the budget lines you manage.
We value your dedication to the company and would like to find a way to help you in your career here at Consolidated Intergalactic. At this time, though, we have decided to offer you a new nonmanage-rial position as a product specialist in the Customer Service Department; we hope you will accept this reassignment.
Employee evaluation: inability to meet sales goals
From supervisor or department head to employee
Your monthly sales figures continue to fall well short of goals. As we discussed today, you have not met your quota for five of the past six months, and overall have booked sales 31 percent below expectations for the current fiscal year.
We have offered you training and coaching as well as special pricing for several of your most important clients but we have not seen progress in your sales numbers.
In our meeting I offered you a transfer to a noncommissioned sales support job in the Marketing Department. I have received your follow-up e-mail in which you decline that offer; I am sorry you have chosen not to accept a transfer within the company.
Therefore, we have decided to terminate your employment with Consolidated Intergalactic, effective immediately. Please report immediately to Howard Mussina in Human Resources to discuss the package of benefits and assistance we offer terminated employees.
Employee evaluation: failure to meet quality standards for service
From supervisor or department head to employee
As I informed you in our meeting yesterday, we are not satisfied with the cleanliness of the restrooms on the second and third floors of the west wing of our headquarters building; these six bathrooms are one of your primary responsibilities as a janitor. As we discussed, it is our expectation that each bathroom receive an inspection and cleaning before noon, and a full cleaning and restocking of supplies at the end of each work day.
This is the second time in the past three months we have notified you of a failure to meet our expectations in the performance of your job as a janitor.
We will be closely monitoring your performance, including daily inspections by a supervisor from the Office Services Department. We sincerely hope that you will demonstrate noticeable improvement of your attention to the details of your job description; if we determine that we cannot rely on the quality of your work, we will seek your immediate termination from employment.
Employee evaluation: violation of health and safety rules
From supervisor or department head to employee
As we discussed in a special employee evaluation session this morning, we have noted on at least six occasions in the past month that you have not been properly wearing and using required health and safety equipment in the Manufacturing Department.
Use of this equipment is a requirement of continued employment with the company, and is based on regulations of the state and federal government, our insurance carriers, and our employee manual. As stated in your job description, you must wear safety shoes and gloves, a particulate mask, and an eye shield at all times when on the factory floor.
According to our records, you have received training in the use of safety and health equipment four times in the past eighteen months, including a three-day seminar soon after you were hired and three regularly scheduled refresher courses. You have also received two verbal and one written reprimand by your supervisor in the past month.
At this time we are putting you on notice that for your protection and in keeping with our obligations no further lapses of this nature will be tolerated. If you are found on the manufacturing floor without all required safety and health equipment you will be terminated from employment with Consolidated Intergalactic.
Employee evaluation: violation of computer security rules
From supervisor or department head to employee
According to an analysis by the Information Technology Office, you have continued to use your company-issued personal data assistant to access Web sites that are not related to your job. These include a sports news site, an online gambling site, and several other sites that are included on the department’s alert list.
Company regulations require that employees not use computers or personal digital assistants (PDAs) to access any site that could compromise the integrity of our data services or is inappropriate to the mission statement of the company or a staffer’s job description.
If you have any questions about policies regarding use of the company’s computer resources, please contact me at extension 2344.
At this time we are advising you that a continuation of inappropriate conduct will be cause for immediate termination.
Employee evaluation: violation of rules on use of computer for personal purposes
From supervisor or department head to employee
Information Technology has determined that you have been using your workstation to access online auction sites and other commercial sites unrelated to your job description.
This is the third time we have noted such activities on your part. On March 12 of this year you received a written reprimand and were reminded that the company has an automated system that monitors Web sites visited by employees.
In the past week you have spent more than six hours logged on to Based on an alert generated by our system, we have determined that you were logged in to the site and managing the auction of a personal collection of china dolls.
We regret to inform you that you have been terminated from employment, effective immediately. Your department head will escort you to Human Resources where we will advise you of your rights and benefits as a terminated employee.
Employee evaluation: improper personal conduct
From supervisor or department head to employee
(NOTE: Discuss this with your security, human resources, and legal departments.)
In accordance with our company code of conduct, I am writing to advise you that you have been terminated from employment effective immediately. A representative of Human Resources will meet you at the security station at the entrance to the headquarters building to discuss the termination process; you will not be permitted to proceed past the security station.
According to reports from our Security Office and the Lumbertown Police Department, you became engaged in a physical altercation with another employee in the parking lot at the end of your shift yesterday. Copies of the police report and our own investigation have been placed in your confidential personnel file.
This is the second time you have become involved in a dispute with the same employee; you were given a written warning about this matter six weeks ago.
At Consolidated Intergalactic we consider any acts of violence, harassment, or threats of violence to be unacceptable and grounds for immediate termination.