Announcement of press conference

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlets

Consolidated Intergalactic invites all members of the print and electronic media to a press conference on Wednesday, April 19, at 2 P.M.

The session at the company’s Lumbertown headquarters will feature a major announcement by Lauren Jamison, president of the company, about plans for expansion in Broome County.

Members of the media wishing to attend the conference should arrive no later than 1:45 P.M. at the main entrance lobby of the company. Escorts from the Public Relations Office will be available to bring reporters and equipment to Conference Room A.

Copies of the announcement itself, with an embargoed release time of 2 P.M., will be available through the Public Relations Office at noon on April 19.

If you have any questions about the press conference, or questions about the details of the announcement, please contact the Public Relations Office at extension 5555.

Announcement of Webcast for media

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlets

Consolidated Intergalactic will “Webcast” its entire annual meeting this year. The meeting will stream live onto the Internet beginning at 9 A.M. on Monday, September 30; to view the session at that time, go to There is no need to register to view the session.

Within an hour after the end of the annual meeting, the full video and audio of the meeting will be available on demand at the same Web address.

We encourage all stockholders, employees, customers, and other interested persons to view the Web-cast. We’re proud of our company and all of our people, and we use the annual meeting to salute our accomplishments, along with our sales and profit.

Announcement of video news release for media

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlets

Consolidated Intergalactic’s upcoming announcement of its expansion plans in Eumonia will be available in a video news release by satellite and on tape for all interested electronic news media.

The VNR will include the official announcement of the expansion as well as interviews with company executives and the architect for the new building. We will also provide B-Roll images for use as backdrops for studio reporters.

To obtain a login and password for the satellite VNR or to arrange to pick up a videotape of the same material, please contact the Media Relations Office at extension 3898.

Issuing a press release in advance of press conference

From Publicity and Media Relations Department or Executive Office to media outlets

Consolidated Intergalactic will announce a major new expansion in Lumbertown at a press conference today, April 30, at 2 P.M. in Conference Room A of our headquarters building.

Please find attached a copy of a press release with full details of the expansion.

We ask that you respect the embargo on publication or broadcast of the information in the release until 2 P.M. on April 30.

Representatives of the CI Public Affairs Office will be available at the press conference to assist reporters. In addition, a news hotline will be in operation on April 30 from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M. to answer telephone inquiries from reporters; the number is (727) 555-1001. Please note that this telephone number is not to be published or broadcast.

Announcing exhibition opening

From Media Relations to media outlets

A special exhibit celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Consolidated Intergalactic will open to the public on Monday, May 5.

The show, mounted in the main lobby of the company, includes some of the earliest prototypes of geegaws, doodads, and thingamabobs made by CI, as well as old photographs, advertisements, and other memorabilia.

Members of the public can view the exhibit any weekday during the month of May between the hours of 9 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Nonemployees are asked to park in the satellite lot on West Main Street.

Press advisory on exhibition

From Media Relations to media outlets

The geegaw that launched a company—and an entire industry—will be the centerpiece of an extraordinary exhibit that will be open to the public throughout the month of May at the worldwide headquarters of Consolidated Intergalactic in Lumbertown.

The Model 1 Involuted Reverser, handcrafted out of original growth betel nut wood by Consolidated Intergalactic founder Harry Simplon Jones in 1983, has been brought out of the vaults for the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration. Model 1, still functional, will be displayed in a temperature and humidity-controlled case in the main lobby along with more than 150 other artifacts.

Members of the media are invited to preview the show before it is unveiled at a special company gathering. The display will be available, by appointment, on Friday, May 2, from 9:30 A.M. to 2 P.M.

To arrange an appointment and discuss company executives available for interview, please contact the Media Relations Department at extension 3322.

Notice to media of availability of spokesperson

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlets

Consolidated Intergalactic has designated Addie Chase as official spokesperson for the company.

Please call her directly with any questions about the company or its operations; her office and cell phone number are listed on the attached business card.

As a reminder, we ask that members of the media do not call individual employees of Consolidated Intergalactic seeking information or quotes.

If you have need to speak with a particular executive or other employee of the company, please make any such arrangements through Ms. Chase.

Inviting press to demonstration

From Media Relations to media outlets

David Papi, head of Office Services at Consolidated Intergalactic, will be available for interviews and demonstrations of the first of the company’s new hybrid vehicles on Thursday, August 31, from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.

Beginning September 1, Consolidated Intergalactic will begin phasing in a fleet of hybrid vehicles for use by all sales representatives. The cars will use the latest technologies to permit use of electric batteries for low-speed travel; a small, efficient gasoline engine automatically turns on at highway speeds and when necessary to recharge the batteries.

Please call the Media Relations Department at extension 3434 to make an appointment. We will provide camera mounts to allow in-car videotaping for interviews. In addition, the south parking lot will be available for live standups from 9 A.M. to 7 P.M.

Compliment to member of media for coverage

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlet

I wanted to thank you for your coverage of our recent announcement of expansion of our facilities here in Lumbertown. I thought you and your station did an excellent job of reporting the news and placing it in the context of its significant impact on the local economy.

If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a follow-up interview with Lauren Jamison or other executives of the company, please give me a call.

Letter to editor correcting error in story

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlets

To the editor:

We appreciate the publication in the Lumbertown Times of the article about Consolidated Intergalactic’s major expansion of its local headquarters. (“CI Plans New Automated Factory,” April 20.)

However, it is important that we correct a significant misstatement in the article. While it is correct that the new assembly line will use highly sophisticated robotic assembly devices that will perform many duties formerly done by humans, we have no intention of reducing our Lumbertown workforce as a result of the new factory.

We expect that the new equipment will allow us to increase our overall production by about 20 percent without any associated reduction in staff; in fact, there will be a number of new, more skilled positions created to support the new factory. Some of those jobs will likely be filled from within Consolidated Intergalactic, while others will likely require additional employees.

Demanding retraction or correction of coverage

From Publicity and Media Relations Department to media outlets

On behalf of Consolidated Intergalactic, I am writing to ask for an immediate retraction or correction to your coverage of our April 19 announcement of expansion plans here in Lumbertown.

Your broadcast report, which aired on the 6 P.M. and 11 P.M. news on April 19, indicated that the new factory will employ 20 percent fewer workers than the existing facility. This is incorrect.

As we announced, “We expect that the new equipment will allow us to increase our overall production by about 20 percent without any associated reduction in staff; in fact, there will be a number of new, more skilled positions created to support the new factory. Some of those jobs will likely be filled from within Consolidated Intergalactic while others will likely require additional employees.”

If you have any further questions about the announcement, please contact me at (727) 555-1000 extension 5555.

Submitting an article for publication

From individual to publication

Have you ever wondered how a barrel of damiana extract makes its way from a field of flowers in the jungles of Central America to an assembly line for nickel-plated geegaw detanglers in Lumbertown, Ohio?

It’s a fascinating story that begins with hand-planted fields, canoe freighters, and mule trains and progresses to container ships that cross the equator to meet up with fleets of refrigerated trucks that bring the flowers from California to Ohio and into the high-technology processing plant of Consolidated Intergalactic.

I’m a quality control engineer for Consolidated Intergalactic, and I’d like to tell this story to your readers. I can provide a 1,000-word article, along with digital photos.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Offering to write an advice column

From individual to publication

I’ve been a loyal reader of Geegaw and Doodad Monthly for more than a decade. I’ve also been a design engineer at one of this nation’s largest manufacturers of nonpareils and thingamabobs for all of that time.

I’d like to offer my expertise to your readers in a question-and-answer column that would deal with all manner of issues ranging from procurement to quality control to manufacturing.

I’ve enclosed some writing samples for articles I have written for the Consolidated Intergalactic Newsletter and a copy of my resume that includes my academic credentials and work experience.

I look forward to hearing from you.