26 Information Technology: General Policies
From Information Technology to Employees
Announcement of scheduled downtime for computer network maintenance
Announcement of scheduled unavailability of resources because of updates
Notice of system-wide update for all workstations
Policy on file naming conventions
Use of computers for personal purposes (prohibition on commercial, religious, political use)
Policy regarding use of office telephone for personal purposes
Policy regarding use of company-provided cell phones
Policy regarding use of personal cell phones in the workplace
Prohibition on use of personal cell phone cameras in the workplace
Soliciting requests for training
Requirements for approval for new software installation
Requirements for approval for installation of new hardware
Policy on maintenance of e-mail files
Availability of corporate discounts for computer purchases by individuals
Availability of corporate discounts for cell phone purchases by individuals
Policy on disposal of outdated computer hardware
Availability for purchase of used equipment by staffers
Policy on use of integrated calendar software
Training course on PowerPoint presentations
Announcement of recall of laptop batteries
Process to replace laptop batteries
Availability of amplified telephones
Availability of privacy filters for laptop computers
Information Technology to Third-Party Vendors