Emergency health needs: whom to call first
From Security Office or Medical Office to employees
In case of medical emergency, please call the Security Office immediately at extension 9111. The officer on duty will coordinate with our Medical Office to provide the fastest response with our own staff, and will summon an ambulance and EMTs if necessary.
If a hospital or EMT is contacted directly by an employee, please also call the Security Office so that we can be prepared to assist.
Advisory on policy for noncritical health care in the workplace
From Security Office or Medical Office to employees
For noncritical health care issues, please call or visit the Medical Office at extension 2375. On-duty nurses can assist with basic first aid and coordinate necessary medical care.
Calls placed to the Medical Office after regular office hours will automatically be forwarded to the Security Office.
Policy regarding workplace injuries and workers compensation
From Medical Office or Benefits Office to employees
It is essential that any injury, major or minor, that takes place on company property be promptly reported to the Medical Office. Failure to do so could jeopardize your eligibility for workers compensation or result in a denial of claims by your health care provider.
If you have any questions about this important policy, please contact the Medical Office at extension 2345.
Requirement of notification of medical condition that will impact ability to perform job
From Medical Office or Human Resources Office to employees
Any employee who is injured or develops a medical condition that will impact the ability to perform his or her job is required to immediately notify the Medical Office. This applies whether the injury or condition developed on the job or on your own time.
Consolidated Intergalactic is committed to maintaining a safe and secure workplace for all employees. When necessary, we will seek to make special accommodations for an injured or ill employee including adjustment to work tasks and hours.
Requirement of notification when employee is taking medication that may affect ability to perform job
From Medical Office or Human Resources to employees
Any employee who is prescribed a medication that may affect the ability to perform his or her job is required to notify the Medical Office immediately. Such medications include, but are not limited to sleep aids, painkillers, and certain cold or sinus treatments.
Consolidated Intergalactic is committed to maintaining a safe and secure workplace for all employees. When necessary, we will seek to make special accommodations for employees who should not be operating machinery or driving vehicles because of prescription medication. Such accommodations may include adjustment to work tasks and hours.
Advisory on intestinal flu outbreak
From Medical Office to employees
As most employees are aware, a number of members of staff at our headquarters here in Lumbertown have been sickened by a stomach bug in recent days.
Symptoms include mild to severe nausea, diarrhea, and associated dehydration. The illness typically lasts twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
Health experts say the disease is spread by contact and not by airborne transmission. We have asked the Maintenance Department to clean doorknobs, railings, sinks, and other fixtures several times each day.
In addition, the Medical Office asks all employees to observe the following guidelines:
• If you are ill at home, please do not come in to work until symptoms have completely ended.
• If you become ill at work, please contact the Medical Office to seek our assistance in arranging transportation to bring you home or to seek medical care if necessary.
• To help limit the spread of the disease, please regularly wash your hands, especially after using restroom facilities. The Medical Office will also be distributing bottles of antibacterial hand cleaners to all employees and will have bottles at all entrances to the building.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call the Medical Office hotline at extension 4323. After ordinary hours, the same phone number will automatically be rolled to the Security Office.
Cancellation of conferences because of intestinal flu outbreak
From Medical Office to employees
As a precaution to help stop the spread of a stomach flu currently affecting some employees here at our Lumbertown headquarters, the Medical Office asks all department heads to cancel or postpone conferences, training sessions, and other such gatherings scheduled for the next week.
Medical authorities say that our current efforts, including sanitizing of door knobs and railings and bathroom facilities should limit the course of the disease to about a week.
We have previously asked all employees to stay at home, or leave the office, if they become ill. In addition, we have distributed antibacterial hand cleaners throughout the building and ask that they be used regularly.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call the Medical Office hotline at extension 4323. After ordinary hours, the same phone number will automatically be rolled to the Security Office.
Policy on company’s right to conduct random drug testing
From Medical Office or Legal Office to employees, policy on random drug testing
Consolidated Intergalactic is committed to the establishment and maintenance of a safe and secure workplace. All employees are reminded that we reserve the right to conduct random and unannounced drug tests at any time, and to require a drug test any time a worker is involved in an accident or incident in the workplace.
Policy on disposal of syringes, other medical supplies
From Medical Office or Benefits Office to employees
The Maintenance Department has installed medical syringe disposal boxes in bathrooms on each floor of the Lumbertown facility. An additional disposal box is located in a treatment room next to the Medical Office.
No employee is to dispose of an approved medical syringe in common waste receptacles or anywhere else on company property.
Use of these approved boxes is intended to reduce the possibility of accidental transmission of disease or injury to others. For further information about use of the boxes, please contact the Medical Office at extension 2345.
Reminder to update emergency notification forms
From Executive Office, Office Services, or Medical Office to employees
All regular full-time and part-time employees are required to have on file a current listing of emergency contact information for themselves.
The form requests telephone and cell phone contact numbers and addresses for yourself, any family members you choose to have listed, and medical information such as physicians and hospital preference. All such information is held confidential by the company.
Please review your form as soon as possible. The information is available by signing in to the Human Resources Web site. (Locate the “Personal Notification Update” icon on the toolbar on the left side of the screen.)
Reminder to update medical forms to indicate allergies and medications (confidential)
From Medical Office to employees, reminder to update health records
The Medical Office reminds all employees to update their medical form to include any new medications they are regularly using and to indicate any recently discovered allergies. This will assist the medical staff and any emergency responders in dealing with health problems at work.
The medical form is confidential and used for this purpose only.
Policy on confidentiality of health information
From Medical Office to employees
Under the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), all personnel records related to health and medical issues are confidential and not to be disclosed to any third person with permission. We have made necessary improvements to the security of our computer files here at CI, and have added confidential meeting rooms in the Medical Office and the Benefits Office where employees can discuss medical issues and questions in privacy.
Commendation to employee for handling emergency
From Executive Office, Medical Office, or Office Services to employee
On behalf of all of us at Consolidated Intergalactic, please allow me to thank you for your recent exemplary performance in assisting an employee who was suffering a medical emergency.
According to our health staff, you made all the right decisions: notifying emergency services, making the employee comfortable, and administering basic first aid until the EMTs arrived on the scene.
A copy of this commendation will be placed in your personnel file, and I expect to be taking special notice of your actions at the annual company meeting in May.
Announcement of health fair
From Benefits Office or Medical Office to employees
Lumbertown Hospital will conduct a health fair in the main parking lot on Saturday, October 5, from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
All employees and their dependents are encouraged to attend this event, which is subsidized by Consolidated Intergalactic. Attendees can receive a free cholesterol test and basic screening for diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions.
Physicians and nurses will also be available to answer questions on health concerns, diet, and physical conditions. For information, please call the Benefits Office help desk at extension 3456.
Announcement of flu shot clinic
From Benefits Office or Medical Office to employees
The Medical Office will offer a free flu shot clinic for all employees on Friday, November 15, from 8 A.M. until 6 P.M.
Please call extension 2375 to arrange for an appointment. If you have any medical concerns about the flu shot please consult your personal physician.
Announcement of blood donation clinic
From Benefits Office or Medical Office to employees
The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in the main parking lot on Thursday, January 8, from 8 A.M. until 6 P.M.
As a token of our appreciation for any Consolidated Intergalactic employee who makes a blood donation that day, we will offer a $25 dinner certificate at Danziger’s Restaurant in Lumbertown.
Availability of confidential counseling on substance abuse
From Medical Office to employees
Consolidated Intergalactic is committed to helping all of our employees establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The Medical Office offers confidential counseling on matters of substance abuse, including referrals to area support organizations and medical treatment. No information disclosed in a counseling session may be used in any disciplinary action against an employee.
Training on emergency first response medical
From Human Resources, Manufacturing Department, or Medical Office to employees
Members of the Medical Office will meet with each shift of the Manufacturing Department during the week of May 1 to review proper first response procedures for medical emergencies including illness and injury.
Depending on the workload during the training period, division managers may choose to schedule thirty minutes of overtime for the training, or remove workers from the factory floor in shifts that will not disrupt ongoing production.
As a general reminder, all staffers are asked to immediately call the Medical Office at extension 9111 in case of emergency; health professionals will coordinate in-house response and summon an ambulance if necessary.
Seeking volunteers for emergency response staff
From Medical Office to employees
Help is on the way: All of us here at Consolidated Intergalactic spend our days at work comforted by the knowledge that emergency medical response is just a phone call or an emergency call button away.
Our medical staff and the Security Office are staffed twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year.
Each shift includes a trained nurse and one or more staffers with certification as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).
But when it comes to protecting the health and safety of our staff and visitors there’s no such thing as “good enough.”
We’re looking for ten to fifteen new recruits to receive training and serve as auxiliary members of our emergency response team. We’ll provide the training and supplies; classes are given on the weekend (about twenty-four hours over a three-week period, with annual eight-hour refresher courses) and we’ll credit all training to your accrued vacation time account.
If you’re interested, please contact the medical office by May 1; courses will begin on Saturday, May 12. Call extension 9998 to register.
Accepting volunteer for emergency response staff
From Medical Office to employees
Thank you for volunteering to become an auxiliary member of the CI emergency response team. We’re happy to include you in our next training session.
Courses are held at the Lumbertown YMCA from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. for three Saturdays beginning May 12.
Please visit the Medical Office before May 7 to pick up the training manual. As part of the course you will be working with basic first aid supplies, automated external defibrillators, and other equipment. After graduation you will be assigned to an emergency response team, divided by floors and departments in the headquarters building.
Declining volunteer for emergency response staff
From Medical Office to employees
Thank you for volunteering to become an auxiliary member of the CI emergency response team. The response has been overwhelming—in fact, we have too many volunteers at this time. For that reason, we have decided to divide the training into multiple groups.
The first set of classes will be conducted in May, and all fifteen slots in that group have already been filled.
We expect to start a second set of classes in July and we will contact you by June 10 to see if your schedule will permit participation at that time.
CPR training course offered
From Medical Office or Training Department to employees
Beginning August 1, the Medical Office will offer a free course in CPR and use of automated cardiac defibrillation equipment to any employee. Four classes will be conducted Wednesdays at 3:30 P.M.
Consolidated Intergalactic encourages all departments to release employees from other duties to take the course if they choose.
Please call the Medical Office at extension 2345 to register.
Deployment of automated AED devices
From Medical Office to employees
We want to advise all employees that the Medical Office, in cooperation with Office Services, has completed deployment of automated external defibrillator (AED) devices throughout our Lumbertown offices. Each is marked with a bright red triangular AED sign with a heart-shaped logo.
More than 100 Consolidated Intergalactic employees, including every member of the Medical Office and the Security Office have received training on use of the devices. We will also be offering regular courses on their use to any interested employee.
Even without training, the AED devices are intended to be useable by anyone. Step-by-step instructions are plainly displayed on the devices and there is also automated recorded verbal instruction. The devices are designed so that they will only administer a shock if one is medically needed and the AED is properly in place.
As with any emergency in the office, we ask that employees call extension 9111 immediately to alert health and security staff.
OSHA occupational safety training
From Manufacturing Department or Training Department to employees
All full-time and part-time employees in the Manufacturing, Shipping, and Maintenance Departments are instructed to sign up for one of six Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training seminars scheduled during the first week of June.
Please see your department head to choose one of the available sessions; a limited number of slots will be available for each meeting.
Consolidated Intergalactic is committed to the safety and security of all of its employees and fully supports all of OSHA’s regulations.
Request for training suggestions
From Medical Office or Training Department to employees
The Medical Office requests suggestions for any health-related training or seminars. Please contact the office at extension 2345 with your ideas.