Training offered, general notice
From Training Department or Human Resources to employees
The Training Department has scheduled a series of courses on information technology, including advanced database management, PowerPoint presentations, and word processing. A full list is available by contacting the department.
Courses are open to any full-time employee with relevant job requirements or those seeking advancement within the company. Permission from your supervisor is required in order to be excused from your ordinary work assignments; in certain circumstances you may be asked to make up time devoted to the classes by performing overtime.
Class size is limited, and all applications are subject to approval by the Training Department. Please note the application deadline for each class.
Mandatory sales seminar scheduled
From Training Department, Human Resources, or Sales Department to employees
The Sales and Marketing Department has scheduled a special seminar entitled “How to Get Past ‘No’: Secrets of a Superstar Sales Rep.”
The seminar, presented by bestselling author Janice Keys, will be presented Friday, June 6, at the Lumbertown Sheraton in Meeting Room C. A continental breakfast will be offered from 8:30 until 9:15 A.M.; the seminar will begin promptly at 9:30 A.M. and continue until noon.
All employees in the Sales and Marketing Department are expected to attend the seminar. We will make special arrangements to cover telephones during the event.
A packet of reading material and a reminder will be sent to you one week in advance.
If you have any questions about the seminar or if you have a scheduled conflict, please contact your supervisor.
Notification of training seminar on Accounts Payable procedures
From Training Department, department head, or Accounts Payable to employees
All members of the Accounts Payable staff are asked to attend an all-day seminar on Wednesday, June 12, to be trained on our new accounting software and changes to our tracking procedures.
The seminar will be held at the Lumbertown Marriott in Conference Room A. Please check in between 8:30 and 9 A.M.; classes will continue until 4:30 P.M. We will provide a buffet breakfast at check-in and a buffet lunch.
The Lumbertown Marriott is located on Canal Street, two blocks from Consolidated Intergalactic headquarters. Attendees can park at the hotel or leave their cars in their usual parking space at CI. If you require assistance in getting from the office to the seminar, please advise Marylou Carben in the Training Department and she will arrange transportation.
Seeking suggestions for training
From Training Department, Human Resources, or Employment Office to employees
The training office of Human Resources is putting together a schedule of advanced courses on office proficiency, sales techniques, and managerial skills for the coming months.
Consolidated Intergalactic is committed to the success and productivity of its employees in all their endeavors.
We welcome suggestions for topics and skills related to current and proposed job tasks and products and services of the company. Please submit your proposals to Mary Vandermeer in the Training Department by June 1.
Request for additional financial training subjects
From Training Department or department head to employees
As we put together the schedule for our upcoming training session, all employees are invited to suggest topics in any area related to Accounts Payable. Most of our day will be devoted to training on new accounting software, but there will be time slots for several workshops and question-and-answer sessions.
Please submit your suggestions to Marylou Carben in the Training Department no later than May 20.
Notification of availability of training on Accounts Receivable procedures
From Training Department, department head, or Accounts Receivable to employees
The Accounts Receivable Department will be offering a full-day refresher seminar on computer-based tracking and accounting procedures.
All members of the department are asked to attend the session, scheduled for Monday, April 5, from 9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at the Lumbertown Marriott. Please check in between 8:30 and 9 A.M.; a buffet breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Attendees can park at the hotel on Canal Street, two blocks from Consolidated Intergalactic headquarters. Or they can leave their cars in their usual parking space at CI. If you require assistance in getting from the office to the seminar, please advise Marylou Carben in the Training Department, and she will arrange transportation.
In preparation for the session, please review the course materials that will be distributed to all employees. There will also be computer-based instruction posted on the departmental intranet beginning March 29.
Request for additional Accounts Receivable training subjects
From Training Department, department head, or Accounts Receivable to employees
The Training Department has asked for suggestions for specialized training and refresher courses for staffers in the Accounts Receivable Department. These could include accounting practices, computer training, and organizational skills.
Please submit your ideas for training to Vijay Patel, at extension 2367.
Training on public speaking skills offered
From Training Department to employees
Is having to speak in front of 500 strangers one of your recurring nightmares? You open your mouth, and feathers fly out instead of words?
Or are you an experienced speaker, but wish you could be better and more comfortable in front of an audience?
Either way, we’d like to help.
On Friday, October 5, the Training Department will offer a three-hour seminar called “Before You Say A Word: A Guide to Preparation and Presentation for Public Speakers.” The session, to be held from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. in Meeting Room A, will be conducted by Miles McGuirk, a professional speech coach.
You’ll learn how to plan a presentation, prepare handouts, and conquer your fears.
The course is open to any CI employee. Please seek permission from your department head before enrolling; contact the Training Department at extension 2323 to reserve your space.
Availability of new presentation tools
From Training Department to employees
The Training Department is pleased to announce the addition of a new electronic tool available to all departments for their in-service educational efforts.
Conference Rooms A and B now include wireless controls for the computer-based LCD projectors. The wireless devices allow presenters to roam the room while still being able to advance PowerPoint slides, click on-screen icons or controls, and perform other actions. In addition, the same wireless controllers also include a laser pointer that can be used to highlight projected images.
For information on how to use the wireless controllers, please see the following page on our corporate intranet:
You can also call the help desk of the Training Department at extension 2223 any time during ordinary business hours.
Availability of online training tools
From Training or Information Technology Departments to employees
The Training and Information Technology Departments have added software and networking tools that permit creation of prerecorded instructional programs, PowerPoint presentations, and self-guided tutorials for distribution within the company on our intranet.
The first user of this new facility was Consolidated Intergalactic’s Marketing Department which produced a twenty-minute training program to introduce our new line of environmentally safe three-quarter obscurantists. Viewers are shown the product line and then are able to put them to use in a series of simulations of field applications.
The Training Department has produced a program that demonstrates how the system works. To view the instructional Web site, please visit
You can also call the help desk of the Training Department at extension 2223 any time during ordinary business hours to arrange for personalized instruction.