From Academic Institution to Organization

Response from college acknowledging development of new course and seeking assistance

From educational institution to Employment Office

Thank you for your thoughtful letter about the need for special training on organic chemistry as a prerequisite for hiring at your company.

This is exactly the sort of role we seek as a community college; we want to provide education to local students and educated students to local employers.

Based on the information you have provided, we have determined that we could set up a curriculum of six academic credits (two courses over two semesters) that would specialize on the material you seek. A class load of fifty students would involve the part-time involvement of two professors and two lab assistants.

If Consolidated Intergalactic can commit to enrolling fifty students per year for at least two years, at standard credit hour rates, we would be able to deliver the courses you have requested.

Please give me a call at (727) 555-8888 extension 1234 to discuss this proposal in more detail. If we decide to go forward, we would like to set up a task force—including representatives of Consolidated Intergalactic as well as academic deans—to design the courses and recruit professors and lab assistants.

Request for permission to use copyrighted material in academic class

From academic institution to individual or company

(NOTE: Check with your legal department or outside legal counsel if you have any concerns about proper use of this release form.)

I am a professor at Lumbertown Community College, teaching a course about industrial quality control.

I am writing to request permission to reproduce and distribute the following copyrighted material to students in my class: (Describe requested material, including name of publication, date of publication, and page or pages of material to be copied or otherwise distributed.)

This material will be used as follows: (means of reproduction, number of copies to be produced, and the dates the material will be distributed)

I warrant that this material will only be used for the above-stated purpose, that I will not resell this material or make any charge other than the actual cost of reproduction, and that any requested copyright notice will be included on all copies.

I would appreciate it if you would indicate your permission by signing the following permission form and returning it to me at the address on this letter.

Thank you.

Grant Of Permission

Regarding the above request for authorization to make use of copyrighted material, we grant permission for the stated use. I certify that I am an authorized representative of, or the actual copyright holder, and have permission to give such authorization.

Name of person granting permission:

Signature of person granting permission:

Title of person granting permission:

Requested copyright credit to be published:

Date of permission:

Requesting participation in job fair

From community organizations to Human Resources or Employment Office

On behalf of Lumbertown Community College, we would like to invite Consolidated Intergalactic to participate in our annual Job Fair.

This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, May 12, in Archbold Gymnasium on the main campus, beginning at 9 A.M. and continuing until 3:30 P.M.

Each year we usually see more than a thousand eager jobseekers. Although attendees are free to visit any company at the fair, we do offer prescreening at the registration desk to try to best match applicants and employers.

There is no charge to companies to participate in the fair; we provide booths and offer assistance in traffic control.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. The deadline for inclusion in the listing of companies that will be published in the Lumbertown Times and in our own on-campus media is May 1.

From Academic Institution to Individual

Inviting executive to serve as associate professor or instructor

From educational institution to individual

Linda English, senior publicist
Consolidated Intergalactic
Media Relations Department

Dear Linda:

I have enjoyed working with you on many community projects here in Lumbertown and have always been highly impressed with your professionalism as a public relations specialist.

I’m writing to invite you to consider a part-time position as an associate professor at Lumbertown Community College. We are hoping to expand our journalism courses to include copywriting, media relations, and public relations.

We would be very pleased to add you to our faculty, and I am certain you would enjoy meeting and working with our bright and eager students.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Offering services as associate professor or instructor

From individual to educational institution

Robert J. Kensington
Dean of Academic Affairs
Lumbertown Community College

Dear Dean Kensington:

As I approach my twenty-fifth year as a copywriter in the Media Relations Department of Consolidated Intergalactic, I have decided I am finally secure in my position.

It is about time for me to try to offer some help to some of the people who may one day replace me in a public affairs or media relations job. I’d like to offer my time to Lumbertown Community College as an instructor or associate professor.

I’d be willing to teach a course on copywriting, media relations, or corporate communications. I’d be available for night and weekend classes beginning this coming fall or next spring.

I have a B.A. in journalism from Syracuse University and am a member of the executive Board of the National Association of Public Relations Specialists.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Response to request for work experience to be applied toward degree credit

From educational institution to individual

Thank you for your letter inquiring about applying your work experience as a quality control engineer toward an advanced degree in environmental engineering.

We would be happy to work with you to explore this option. Here is what we will need:

• A complete resume showing your academic and work experience;

• A copy of your job description for your current position and any other relevant jobs you have held; and

• A detailed letter from your immediate supervisor describing your assignments and accomplishments as a quality control engineer.

Once we have this material, we will be able to determine if your work experience matches a necessary curriculum component for the degree you seek. If it does, we may ask you to prepare a thesis or take an oral or written examination to demonstrate your competence in this field.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Response to complaint about teacher

From educational institution to individual

I have read your letter about Mr. Claren and his eighth-grade social studies class. I am sorry that you are not happy with the nature of this class.

The title of the class is “Seminar in Contemporary American Issues” and it is purposely set up as a discussion group that reacts to the news of the day. Mr. Claren has led this class for eight years, and we have found that, in general, it appeals very much to students who do not require or do not want a great deal of structure. In many ways it is an advance peek at a college seminar course.

Since this is an elective course and not a requirement for graduation, I would be happy to arrange for your son to drop the class from his schedule; we could substitute an independent reading course or a directed research project. Please let me know if this is what you want.

Response to complaint about student behavior

From educational institution to individual

On behalf of the Lumbertown School District, let me first of all apologize for the inconvenience caused you by having the school bus stop in front of your home.

I have asked our bus coordinator to look into the situation and see if we can make a change to the location of the bus stop; the problem with using the small park you wrote about is that it is past the point where the bus makes a left turn toward the school and would add about ten minutes to the bus route because of rerouting. In addition, we do try to minimize the number of busy roads that our students must cross to get to the nearest bus stop and this would add a major intersection.

In the short term, I have asked that one of our bus monitors come to your location several times a week to attempt to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, the school district’s ability to control or discipline students begins and ends when they are on our property (including the school bus) but does not extend to private property.

I hope to have a more complete solution to your problem within ten days.