39 Academic Institutions: From Organizations and Individuals
From Organization to Academic Institution or Employees
Requesting assistance in setting up courses to support available jobs
Announcing new academic course to support company goals
From Individual to Academic Institution
Requesting transcript as former student
Granting permission to third party to request transcript
Requesting verification of academic degree as former student
Granting permission to third party to verify academic degree
Responding to inquiry about availability as associate professor or instructor
Declining offer of post as instructor
Request for information on scholarships or grants
Request for information on off-campus housing
Request for information on work-study plans
Request for transfer of credits from former school
Request for transfer of credits into existing program
Asking for work experience to be applied toward degree credit
Providing requested information seeking credit for work experience
Request for meeting with principal or dean
Request for meeting with guidance counselor for college prep
Letter of praise about teacher
Letter of complaint about student behavior
Offer to volunteer services at school
From Parent or Guardian to Academic Institution
Personal letter asking for early release of child
Letter of explanation for absence of child
Letter of explanation for late arrival of child, family obligations
Letter of explanation for late arrival of child, medical appointment
Requesting permission for third party to pick up child from school
Letter explaining extended absence because of family matter
Letter of permission for after-school or out-of-school activity
Letter to school nurse explaining medication for child