Notification of calendar for coming year
From Executive Office, Office Services, or Human Resources to employees
Attached please find a spreadsheet copy of the company calendar for 2009. The enterprise calendar, shared amongst all employees for scheduling appointments and meetings, has also been updated.
The annual open enrollment periods for the company health plan will be January 5 through 16, and again July 6 through 17.
One point to note: Christmas of 2009 and New Year’s Day of 2010 both occur on a Friday, which creates two consecutive three-day weekends. Because of the need to maintain staff during the holiday period there will be only a limited number of available vacation slots during that time; all requests for time off during that period must be on file before August 1, and approval will be made on the basis of seniority and staffing needs.
If you have any questions about the calendar, please contact Human Resources.
Announcing company-wide meeting
From Executive Office to employees
Our annual company-wide update meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, from 2 to 5 P.M., at the Marriott Hotel in Lumbertown.
This long-time tradition at Consolidated Intergalactic is an important part of our commitment to keeping all employees updated on every facet of our business and our plans for the future. President and chief Executive Officer Daniel Keyes will open the session, and there will be presentations from each division of the company.
Attendance at the meeting is strongly encouraged, but staffers who have appointments or assignments that conflict with the schedule (including those asked to cover phones and other essential assignments at headquarters) will be able to view a videotape of the session on our company intranet beginning June 2.
As you know, the Marriott Hotel is within walking distance of our offices. We will also offer a shuttle bus, beginning at 1:15 P.M., for those needing special assistance.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Soliciting suggestions for topics for company-wide meeting
From Executive Office to employees
Here at Consolidated Intergalactic, we are committed to an open exchange of ideas and concerns with all employees. In preparation for the June 1 company-wide meeting, Human Resources encourages submission of general-interest questions or suggestions for topics to be covered at the meeting.
We ask that you submit your suggestions to before May 25.
If you have a specific question that relates to any personal concerns, please call Human Resources directly.
Introducing Employee of Month program
From Executive Office or Human Resources to employees
Beginning August 1, Consolidated Intergalactic will honor one employee each month for exceptional performance or other special contributions to the company or our community.
Any supervisor or departmental manager is eligible to nominate an employee by sending an e-mail to
Please describe the reasons for your nomination in a short message. A committee in the benefits department will choose each month’s honoree. The deadline for the first Employee of the Month nomination is July 15; after then, supervisors or managers can send their recommendations at any time.
Announcement of Employee of Month
From Executive Office or Human Resources to employees
Percy Vander Zoot, a quality inspector in the mainframe Manufacturing Department, has been named Employee of the Month for August.
According to the nomination submitted by Henry Silver, manager of the manufacturing unit, Percy discovered a design flaw in our new 6SJ7 Enhanced Transmogrifier that would likely have caused expensive and dangerous failures after a short period of time. “This was a great catch,” Silver wrote. “Even with the best designers, engineers, and computer-aided design it took a trained eye like Percy’s to find a potential problem and protect our customers and our company.”
In recognition, Percy will receive a $500 bonus and be given a pass to park in the Employee of the Month parking space at the entrance to the building for all of August. In addition, he will be eligible for selection as Employee of the Year, an honor that will be announced at the annual holiday party in December.
Please join me in congratulating Percy on his excellent service.
Congratulations to Employee of Month
From Executive Office or Human Resources to employee
I am most pleased to tell you that you have been chosen as Employee of the Month for August.
You were nominated by Henry Silver, manager of the manufacturing unit, who praised your discovery of a design flaw in our new 6SJ7 Enhanced Transmogrifier before it had been shipped to customers. I will be including details of your fine work in an e-mail that will be sent to all employees.
Henry will be presenting you with your bonus check and the golden parking pass to the Employee of the Month space at the front of the parking lot. (It’s a better spot than I’ve got . . .)
Again, congratulations, and thanks for your good work.
Response to widespread rumor, closing of plant
From Executive Office, Human Resources, or department head to employees
It is not our usual practice to respond to rumors, but we do feel it necessary to make an exception in this case: There is no truth to the rumor that Consolidated Intergalactic plans to close its Lumbertown plant.
There are no such plans, and in fact we have begun soliciting bids for equipment for a new assembly line—which may be the source of the rumor. At this time we are not prepared to make an announcement about the expansion, but we do want to bring an end to a completely incorrect rumor that has upset some of our valued employees here.
Response to widespread rumor, sale of company
From Executive Office, Human Resources, or department head to employees
(NOTE: Check with your legal department or investor relations department before sending a letter of this type.)
A small item in this morning’s Lumbertown Gazette has caused some concern amongst employees about a possible sale of the company.
Although it is not our usual practice to respond to rumors, we do feel it necessary to make an exception in this case: The article is incorrect, and we have no plans to make any substantial changes to the ownership or operation of the company.
The article notes than an outside investor has increased its ownership of shares in the company. That is correct, and we always welcome investments; our share price has risen by 5 percent in the past several months, which is a benefit to all investors.
However, even with this new investment, no single outside entity will own more than about 8 percent of the shares of the company. The biggest single owner of shares in Consolidated Intergalactic will continue to be employees and executives who participate in our ESOP (employee stock ownership program). These shares currently represent about 62 percent of the investment in the company and that proportion is likely to increase over time.
Announcement of opening of new sales office
From Executive Office to employees
I am pleased to announce that we expect to open a new sales office in Boston this fall.
This new facility will allow us to better serve our clients in New England, and to improve coordination with our Canadian sales office in Montreal.
Details for the Boston office, including the exact location and the date for start of operations, are not yet finalized, but we are seeking to lease space in or near downtown, and hope for an opening date in September.
The office will operate as an extension of the sales and marketing office here at headquarters. We anticipate the appointment of a regional manager, three Boston-based sales personnel, and two clerical support staffers. Some or all of these jobs may be transfers from the central office.
If you are interested in a possible opening in the Boston office, please feel free to notify John Whalen, executive vice president for sales. We will also post available job positions on Human Resources Job hotline as soon as they are determined.
General announcement to staff of closing of sales office
From Executive Office to employees
We will be closing our sales office in Phoenix on April 15.
We have decided it would be a better use of company resources to consolidate the Phoenix operations with our office in San Diego, which already covers a large portion of the southwest.
Although we realize this consolidation of two offices may be disruptive to some of our valued employees, the savings to the organization will be substantial and should help us expand in other areas.
We hope to be able to offer transfers to San Diego or headquarters for many of the current staffers in Phoenix. Where this is not possible, or where a staffer may choose not to accept reassignment, we will offer all possible assistance to employees in seeking other employment as well as all appropriate benefits.
Harry Jones, vice president for Human Resources, will be meeting with all affected staffers in Phoenix today to discuss options.
Update to employee manual policy on confidential information
From Executive Office, Legal Office, or Human Resources to employees
We are writing to inform all employees of a recent important update to the employee manual regarding the safeguard of company confidential information.
No internal financial information or personnel records are to be disclosed to, discussed with, or provided to any person or organization outside of the company without specific written permission by an executive of the accounting or Human Resources office.
Because of the availability of such information over the Internet on devices including personal computers, laptops, and personal digital assistants (PDAs), the employee manual is amended to include the following new section.
Invitation to anniversary reception
From Executive Office to employees and retirees
As I’m sure you know, Consolidated Intergalactic is about to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary, an event that literally would not have been possible without your involvement as one of the first employees of the company.
On behalf of all of us at Consolidated Intergalactic, I would like to invite you and members of your family to a special preview of our anniversary exhibit on Friday, May 2, from 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. The reception will include past and present employees of the company.
The geegaw that launched a company—and an entire industry—will be the centerpiece of the exhibit that will be open to the public throughout the month of May at the worldwide headquarters of Consolidated Intergalactic in Lumbertown.
The Model 1 Involuted Reverser, handcrafted out of original growth betel nut wood by Consolidated Intergalactic founder Harry Simplon Jones in 1983, has been brought out of the vaults for the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration. Model 1, still functional, will be displayed in a temperature and humidity-controlled case in the main lobby along with more than 150 other artifacts.
Please call Maria Martez at extension 4343 to let us know you will be coming.
Announcing a special anniversary bonus to employees
From Executive Office to employees and retirees
On behalf of all of us at Consolidated Intergalactic, I’d like to join in the celebration of our twentyfifth anniversary with a very special day of your own.
On May 2, our anniversary, we will add an extra personal day to the accrued time account of every full-time employee of the company. Part-time employees will receive person time proportionate to their average weekly hours.
I hope to see all of you at the employee preview reception for our twenty-fifth anniversary collection from 4:30 to 6 P.M. in the lobby of our Lumbertown headquarters building.
Seeking greeters for open house
From Executive Office to employees and retirees
As we prepare to open our exciting twenty-fifth anniversary display in the main lobby, we’d like to invite current and retired employees and members of their family to apply for temporary jobs as greeters for the celebration.
The display will be open to the public throughout the month of May, and we would like to have at least two greeters on duty every day. Current employees will receive compensatory time off for hours volunteered during the celebration; retirees and family members will be paid $12 per hour for their time.
To sign up for this fun and exciting special job, please contact Jay Joblot in the Employment Office at extension 2311.
Announcement of foreign visitors touring company
From Executive Office to department heads
The Board of Directors and senior executives will be hosting a delegation from Japan on August 1. This group of businessmen and women and financiers is touring the United States looking for companies with which they may develop financial and trade partnerships.
We will be contacting a number of individual department heads to set up specific tours and presentations, but we also expect there will be a number of informal excursions throughout our headquarters.
Please alert members of your staff about the visitors, and where appropriate please devote a reasonable amount of time and effort to cleaning and organizing your area.
If you have any questions, please call my assistant, Janice Jean, at extension 1111.
Announcement to general staff about foreign visitors touring company
From Executive Office to employees
The Board of Directors and senior executives will be hosting a delegation from Japan on August 1. This group of businessmen and women and financiers is touring the United States looking for companies with which they may develop financial and trade partnerships.
We’re sure that all of our employees will show our guests every courtesy as they tour the company. They will be accompanied by representatives of the public relations staff, and they may have questions about some of our operations; please take your cues from the PR rep about how much detail to put into your answers.
Invitation to lunch with foreign visitors
From Executive Office to specified department heads
The Board of Directors would like to invite you to join us at a special luncheon with a group of Japanese businessmen and women and financiers who are touring the United States looking for companies with which they may develop financial and trade partnerships.
The lunch will be held at the Lumbertown Marriott from 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. on August 1. We will arrange for shuttle bus service from the main entrance to the hotel beginning at 12:15 P.M.
Please contact Janice Jean, at extension 1111 to confirm your attendance.
Policy on accepting gifts
From Executive Office, Procurement Office, or Office Services to vendors and suppliers
At Consolidated Intergalactic we appreciate the good efforts of all of our business partners. We also want to assure that all of our activities are conducted in keeping with the highest ethical standards.
Effective immediately, no Consolidated Intergalactic employee is permitted to solicit or accept a gift of any value from someone with whom we do business or a company or organization seeking to do business with Consolidated Intergalactic. Although we recognize that in nearly all cases such gifts are ordinary pleasantries of a business relationship, the purpose of this policy is to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest in all of our operations.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your account executive or the Procurement Office at extension 4044.
Year-end statement, good year
From Executive Office to employees
I want to express my personal thanks to all of our dedicated team members here at Consolidated Intergalactic as we reach the end of another banner year.
Sales for the past twelve months have exceeded our expectations, and orders already on the books for the first quarter of next year point to a strong start for 2009.
I am proud to work with such a dedicated and capable staff.
I wish each of you and your family and friends a healthy and happy new year.
Year-end statement, difficult year
From Executive Office to employees
As we reach the end of the year, I want to give my personal thanks to all of our family here at Consolidated Intergalactic.
We are all aware that this has been a difficult year, mostly because of events that were completely out of our control: adverse weather in the South Pacific, labor difficulties at our independent suppliers, and a soft economy in our primary markets here in the United States and in Guatemala.
I have never, though, felt that the company has been let down by our dedicated workers. And I am convinced that next year will bring greatly improved financial results; our orders in the past month are indicating a strong first quarter.
Finally, I want to wish each of you and your family and friends a healthy and happy new year.
Statement on death of former executive
From Executive Office to employees
It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of Charles “Bud” Wilson, former director of personnel for Consolidated Intergalactic.
Bud was one of the first employees of CI, working for the company for more than twenty-three years until his retirement last September. He truly was one of the builders of this company—every employee who has come to work in the years following his arrival benefited from the corporate culture he helped develop.
Bud passed away last night at his home here in Lumbertown after a short illness; he had returned only two weeks ago from an around-the-world cruise with his beloved wife Marissa. In addition to Marissa, he is survived by his two sons, Peter (currently deputy director of procurement for Consolidated Intergalactic) and Malcolm.
Details of a memorial service for Bud will be announced within the next day and posted on the Human Resources Web site.
Announcement of memorial for deceased employee
From Executive Office to employees
On Tuesday, September 15, we will be dedicating a park bench and memorial garden to honor the memory of Charles “Bud” Wilson, a valued former employee of Consolidated Intergalactic who passed away a month ago. The garden is located just outside of the southwest employee lobby of our Lumbertown offices.
I invite any friend and colleague of Bud to join me and Marissa Wilson in dedicating the garden in a ceremony at 12:30 P.M.
Announcement of memorial scholarship for deceased employee
From Executive Office to employees
The Board of Directors and members of the family of Charles “Bud” Wilson are honored to be able to announce the creation of a new scholarship to aid children of CI employees with college expenses.
The perpetual endowment of the Wilson Scholarship will award $5,000 toward each year of a fouryear college program for two children of employees. Recipients will be selected by a committee consisting of family members and representatives of the company on the basis of academic achievement and community service.
We will be publishing details of the application process for the scholarship in the first week of March of each year.
Letters of Congratulations and Thanks
Holiday greetings to employees
Holiday message:
On behalf of Consolidated Intergalactic, I would like to wish each and every one of our employees and their families a joyous holiday season and a healthy, prosperous, and happy new year.
Letter of thanks for community service
From Executive Office, Human Resources, or department head to employee
I wanted to tell you how much we appreciate your volunteer community service. Your hard work reflects well on you, and on Consolidated Intergalactic.
Your supervisor has informed us of your volunteer work, and has nominated you for a special honors program.
Letter of thanks for appearance at community function
From Executive Office, Human Resources, or department head to employee
Thank you for representing all of us here at Consolidated Intergalactic by your recent appearance at the Lumbertown Cares fundraising luncheon.
As a company, we are committed to service to our community, and we are especially proud of the efforts contributed by our employees.
Thanks for involvement in community campaign
From Executive Office, Human Resources, or department head to employee
We are very proud to learn of the success you had as the leader in a campaign that raised more than $10,000 to help support important medical research at Lumbertown Community Hospital. It is especially gratifying that Consolidated Intergalactic was able to assist your efforts.
Congratulations, and thank you.
Congratulations to employee on publication of book or article
From Executive Office or department head to employee
I have received a copy of the current issue of Modern Gadget, and I was very pleased to see an article you wrote about new trends in automated micro repair techniques.
The article was well written, and reflects very well on your expertise. We are proud of the credit you gave to our Research Department here at Consolidated Intergalactic.
Congratulations. Please keep me posted on any future publications.
Compliments to speaker and thanks for presentation
From Sales Department or Executive Office to invited speaker
I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your recent presentation to the sales force about “The Power of Planned Obsolescence.” Your message was right on the mark, and I’m already thinking of ways to make use of your theories in our new line of products.
Thanks again.
Congratulations to recipient of community service award
From Executive Office or Human Resources to employee
On behalf of all of us here, please accept my congratulations on being named Consolidated Intergalactic’s Volunteer of the Year.
You have been a superb representative of the company in your fundraising and involvement with Habitat for Humanity; as a result of your personal work, more than a hundred other CI employees have chosen to work with that group here in Lumbertown.
As I always say, the most important contribution we make is not our products or services but our involvement in the community as individuals and as a company.
Congratulations to business acquaintance on publication of book or article
From Executive Offices, department head, or employee to customer or employee
Your article in the current issue of Gadget News was very well done. It is a real treat to read something new from a true visionary in our field.
Thanks for speech, donation in appreciation
From Executive Office to invited speaker
On behalf of Consolidated Intergalactic, I want to thank you again for your inspirational speech at our recent company meeting.
I am aware that your employer prohibits the acceptance of gifts from companies with whom you do business; we have the same policy in place for our staff.
However, I want you to know that we have made a donation in your name to Lumbertown Cares as a token of our appreciation for your time and effort.
Thanks to employee accepting honorary or voluntary position
From Executive Office, Human Resources, or department head to employee
I am very pleased to hear that you have accepted appointment as our representative on the Board of Directors of Lumbertown Cares.
This organization is an important part of our community and we are happy to have you participate on our behalf.
Personal letter of thanks and condolence to family of former employee
From Executive Offices to family of employee
Dear Amelia,
Words cannot express our sadness at your loss. Eugene was a valued member of our team here at Consolidated Intergalactic, and he proved himself to be a true hero.
Nothing we can do can ever erase the pain you have experienced, but you have my word that we will do everything we can to honor your husband’s sacrifice. I have instructed our Benefits Office to assign a staffer as your personal contact for any questions about insurance, pension, and other matters.
In addition, we will be making a special announcement at the memorial for your husband later today about CI’s commitment to honoring Eugene’s memory.
Again, you have our deepest sympathies.