AAT Office of Advanced Analytic Tools
ABM Antiballistic Missile
ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ADSI Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence
AEC Atomic Energy Commission
AFSC Air Force Systems Command
AIRAmerican Institutes for Research
AIT Office of Advanced Information Technology
APL Applied Physics Laboratory (Johns Hopkins University)
ARDE Democratic Revolutionary Alliance
ARS Advanced Reconnaissance System
ATP Office of Advanced Technologies and Programs
BND Bundesnachrichtendienst (West German Foreign Intelligence Service)
CCD Charge-Coupled Device
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIG Central Intelligence Group
CIO Central Imagery Office
CITO Clandestine Information Technology Office
COMINT Communications Intelligence
COMIREX Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation
COMOR Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance
DCI Director of Central Intelligence
DCID Director of Central Intelligence Directive
DDI Deputy Director for Intelligence
DDP Deputy Directorate for Plans Deputy Director for Plans
DDR Deputy Director for Research
DEFSMAC Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
DNRO Director National Reconnaissance Office
DOD Department of Defense
DPD Development Projects Division
DPS Development Projects Staff
DS&T Directorate of Science and Technology
EARL Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories
ELINT Electronic Intelligence
ERTS Earth Resources Technology Satellite
ESO ELINT Staff Officer
FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FMSAC Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center
FROG Film-Readout GAMBIT
FSTC Foreign Science and Technology Center
FTD Foreign Technology Division
HALSOL High-Altitude Solar Energy
HN Headquarters Notice
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IDF Israeli Defense Forces
IEG Imagery Exploitation Group
INR Bureau of Intelligence and Research
IPO Investment Program Office
IRBM Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JPRS Joint Publications Research Service
JRDB Joint Research and Development Board
LOROP Long-Range Oblique Photography
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence
MIRVMultiple Independent Reentry Vehicles
MPS Ministry of Public Security (PRC)
MRBM Medium-Range Ballistic Missile
MRV Multiple Reentry Vehicles
MSX Midcourse Space Experiment
NACA National Advisory Council on Aeronautics
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NEL National Exploitation Laboratory
NIA National Imagery Agency
NIA National Intelligence Authority
NIDL National Information Display Laboratory
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
NPIC National Photographic Interpretation Center
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NRP National Reconnaissance Program
NRPEC National Reconnaissance Program Executive Committee
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
NSCID National Security Council Intelligence Directive
NURO National Underwater Reconnaissance Office
NVA North Vietnamese Army
OAP Office of Advanced Projects
OCS Office of Computer Services
OD&E Office of Development and Engineering
OEL Office of ELINT
OIA Office of Imagery Analysis
ORD Office of Research and Development
ORE Office of Reports and Estimates
OSA Office of Special Activities
OSI Office of Scientific Intelligence
OSO Office of Special Operations
OSO Office of SIGINT Operations
OSP Office of Special Projects
OSR Office of Strategic Research
OSS Office of Strategic Services
OTC Office of Technical Collection
OTH Over-the-Horizon
OTS Office of Technical Service
OWI Office of Weapons Intelligence
PBCFIA President’s Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities
PDB President’s Daily Brief
PFIAB President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
PEG Priority Exploitation Group, NPIC
PIBS Presidential Intelligence Briefing System
PIC Photographic Interpretation Center
PID Photographic Intelligence Division
PPMS Power and Pattern Measurement System
PRC People’s Republic of China
PSAC President’s Scientific Advisory Committee
RDD Radiation Detection Device
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle
SAC Strategic Air Command
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile
SAVA Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs
SCS Special Collection Service
SCMC Shuangchengzi Missile Test Complex
SDS Satellite Data System
SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
SEI Scientific Engineering Institute
SIC Scientific Intelligence Committee
SIGINT Signals Intelligence
SLBM Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile
SNA Somali National Alliance
SNIE Special National Intelligence Estimate
SOD Special Operations Division
SOSUS Sound Surveillance System
SRI Stanford Research Institute
TCP Technological Capabilities Panel
TIO Technology Investment Office
TRW Thompson-Ramo-Woolridge
TSD Technical Services Division
TSS Technical Services Staff
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCLAs Unilaterally Controlled Latino Assets
USAF United States Air Force
USIB United States Intelligence Board