Easy Mathematics for Biologists

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Peter C.Foster
Department of Applied Biology
University of Central Lancashire
harwood academic publishers
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ISBN 0-203-30430-6 Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-34408-1 (Adobe eReader Format)
ISBN: 90–5702–339–3 (softcover)

How to Use this Book
Understanding a Problem—What You Need to Know
Measurements and Units: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Measurements and Units
Ratio and Proportion: Amounts, Volumes and Concentrations
Introduction to Ratios and Proportions
Concentration, Volume and Amount
Concentrations and Dilutions in Practice
Exponents and Prefixes: Scientific Notation, Conversion of Units and More
on Concentrations

Exponents and Scientific Notation
Metric Prefixes: Changing the Units
Solving Equations and Evaluating Expressions
Solving Equations
Evaluating Expressions
Logarithms and Exponents

Manipulating Logs
Straight-Line Graphs: Calibration Curves and Linear Rates
of Change

Proportional Relationships
Equations of Straight Lines
Equations of Straight Lines and Straight-Line Graphs in Practice
Non-Linear Rates of Change: Graphs, Transformations and Rates
Graphs that are not Straight Lines, and their Transformation
Rates of Change
Answers to Problems

Over the past decade or so I have become increasingly concerned that many students
on B.Sc. and HND courses in the biological sciences have great difficulty with
numerical calculations relating to aspects of biology, whether it is with both the
mathematics and the applications, or just a problem applying the mathematics to a
particular situation. While many mathematics textbooks exist, these tend to be
either too general and lacking in relevant examples, or too advanced, covering
topics which are not required by most biology students. (I am using the term
‘biology’ to cover all the biologically-related disciplines such as ecology, zoology,
botany, biochemistry, physiology, and microbiology.)
This book is intended to be used primarily by such first year students to develop
their skills in this area. Rather than provide a conventional textbook, I have chosen to
write this as a self-contained workbook. The aim is for most students to be able to work
through the book independently of any mathematics lectures. Alternatively, it could be
used as part of a variety of courses, whether skills-based or subject-based. In my own
university I have used it in place of lectures as the basis of a numeracy skills module for
a variety of biology students. The students also received some tutorial help.
The book is arranged in chapters which lead from the basic mathematical ideas
of fractions, decimals and percentages, through ratio and proportion, multipliers,
exponents and logarithms, to straight line graphs, and finally to graphs that are not
straight lines, and their transformation. The associated applications covered are
the types of problem most commonly encountered in degree and HND courses in
the biological sciences and include concentrations and dilutions, changing units,
pH, and linear and non-linear rates of change. Each chapter starts with an explanation
of the mathematical concepts covered together with worked examples. The main
concepts or definitions to be remembered are highlighted. Worked examples of
the applications in biology follow the ‘pure’ mathematics sections. The applied
examples obviously require some understanding of the science as well as the
mathematics; I have tried to explain the science to the extent necessary to tackle
the problems. At the end of each chapter are numerous examples of both pure and
applied problems. Answers to the problems are at the end of the book.
I am indebted to a number of people who have made helpful suggestions and
encouraged the development of the book. Peter Robinson, Philip Roberts and Sally
Foster read drafts of the text and made useful suggestions. Many of the students
who used a draft version also either provided helpful comments or showed me
what they found most difficult. Sally Foster also pointed out ambiguities, suggested
alternative ways of presenting some arguments, and identified typographical errors
and errors of grammar and punctuation. Peter Robinson helped with any information
technology problems I had.

You are probably using this book because you have found you have some difficulty
with numerical calculations relating to aspects of biology. You are not alone! Many
students of the biological sciences have the same problem. Nevertheless it is
important that you develop the ability to carry out various mathematical procedures
and to understand quantitative information being produced as evidence to support
some argument or hypothesis. The contents of this book represent the type of
problems most commonly encountered in degree and HND courses in the biological
sciences. Mastery of these will mean you should improve your confidence in
understanding many parts of your course.
The book is arranged in chapters which are sequential in that I believe you need
to master the contents of one before you will be able to fully understand the next.
Each chapter or part of a chapter starts with an explanation of the mathematical
concepts covered, follows with examples that are purely mathematical, and ends
with examples that are applications of the mathematics in biology. You may feel
competent at doing the calculations in the first chapter(s) and be tempted to ignore
them. You may have difficulties with both the mathematics and the applications, or
just have a problem applying the mathematics to a particular situation. Whatever
the case, I suggest you read each chapter and try out the ‘pure’ mathematics
examples marked‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied problems. If
you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you do not get the right
answers, reread the explanations and try the rest of the ‘pure’ problems, and then
repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Answers to the problems are at the end of the book. Try to resist the temptation
to look at the answers before committing yourself to an answer in writing. It is
very easy to fool yourself that you can do a problem if you look at the answer first!

It is quite likely that you are able to do many of the ‘pure’ mathematical problems
in the following chapters, but that your problem is working out how to manipulate

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
the data you are presented with in a real situation. The following example of a
typical situation in biochemistry may help to illustrate how to understand the
problem and dissect out the relevant parts.
Suppose you are conducting an experiment to measure the rate of an enzyme-
catalysed reaction. (An enzyme speeds up a specific chemical reaction.) You want
to find out how the rate of reaction changes if you vary the concentration of one of
the reactants, called PEP. You know you will want to measure the rate at about 9
different concentrations, and that the concentrations have to start at about 0.2 mmol/
1 and go down by a factor of about 100. The final volume of the solution in which
you are measuring the rate is 2.0 ml. What volumes and concentrations of PEP are
you going to use?
What you need to understand is:

what is meant by concentration, by volume, and by amount, and their

what 0.2 mmol/1 means;

how to convert multiples of one unit to another;

that there is a physical limit to the volume of a solution you can pipette,
determined by your equipment.
What you do not need to know to do this problem is anything about the enzyme
or reaction, so don’t worry about these. The first three above require that you
understand the mathematical ideas of fractions, decimals, proportions, exponents
and units. These are covered in the first few chapters and, together with straight
line graphs, are the most important concepts you need to understand and be able to
use. The later chapters cover other topics which are also important, but less basic.

The quantities you will come across most often are length, mass, amount of
substance, time and temperature. Measurements of these consist of a number and
a unit. The number expresses the ratio of the measured quantity to a fixed
standard, and the unit is the name of the standard. For example, if a piece of wood
is 3 metres long it is 3 times the length of the standard used to define 1 metre. It
is vitally important that you use units correctly and especially that you write
down the correct unit after calculating a numerical answer.
measurements do not have units. This may be because they are ratios of two
measurements with the same units, or because they are a particular kind of
mathematical transformation of a measurement called a logarithm. Logarithms
are explained in Chapter 6.)
A large number of different units could be used. Distance could be measured in
metres, inches, hands, feet, furlongs, miles, or light-years! The accepted convention
for use in science is the ‘SI’ system in which there are ‘base’ units and ‘derived’
units each of which has a specified abbreviation or symbol. The base units for
length, mass, amount of substance, time and temperature are metre (m), kilogram
(kg), mole (mol), second (s) and kelvin (K) respectively. Derived units are made
up from combinations of base units; for example, the unit of energy, the joule, is
metres squared times kilograms divided by seconds squared.
It is very important that you write down the appropriate unit with the number
and that you use the correct abbreviation or symbol. Otherwise, you may confuse
the reader or the information you are giving may be meaningless.
Measurements should be written with the number separated from the unit by a
space, and the unit should be singular and without the full stops normally used to
show an abbreviation. For example, a mass of 6 kilograms is written as 6 kg and
not as 6 kg or 6 kg. or 6 kgs. Where units are combined there is a space between
them. For example, a speed of 6 metres per second is written as 6 m s-1, and not as
6 ms-1 or 6 m.s-1. (s-1 is shorthand for ‘per second’: 6 m s-1 is the same as writing 6
m/s.) An area of 4 square metres is written as 4 m2 and not as 4 m2 and a volume of
2 cubic metres is written as 2 m3. (Note: m2 is shorthand for m×m, square metres,

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
the area of a square of side 1 metre. Similarly, m3 is shorthand for m×m×m, metres
cubed, the volume of a cube of side 1 metre.)
Although using SI makes calculations easier in some ways, it is not perfect, and
most biologists are sensible enough to use other units if there is a good reason. For
example, when reporting changes over days or years it would be silly to use seconds
as the unit. Particularly common is the use of the litre as a measure of volume for
the reasons that it is a convenient size; laboratory glassware is calibrated using it;
in most countries (and increasingly in the UK) people are familiar with it; and it is
readily convertible to the SI units. The litre is normally abbreviated as ‘l’, but
many American texts use ‘L’. There are one thousand litres in a cubic metre. (A
litre is the volume of a cube whose sides are one tenth of a metre by one tenth of a
metre. One tenth of a metre is also known as a decimetre (dm), so a litre is also the
same as a cubic decimetre.)
We will come back to more about units in later sections, but now I want to move
on to ways of expressing quantities that are not whole numbers.
A fraction is a whole number divided by another whole number other than 0,
e.g.      . (Note that the symbol ‘/’ means ‘divided by’ whether used in a simple
fraction or a more complex situation.)
The number above the line (3) is called the numerator and that below the line
(5) is called the denominator.
Two fractions are equal if one can be converted to the other by multiplying or
dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the same number. These are
called equivalent fractions.
Example 2.1
Example 2.2
To add fractions you need to get the denominators the same.
Example 2.3

Measurements and Units
Example 2.4
Example 2.5
Similarly, to subtract fractions, the denominators must be the same.
Example 2.6
When  multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators; then multiply the
denominators; then if possible reduce by dividing both the numerator and
denominator by any whole number that will leave a whole number. You may also
be able to cancel numbers appearing as factors of both the numerator and
Example 2.7
Example 2.8
Note that in this example you could have reduced earlier:

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 2.9
Cancelling at the beginning is particularly useful when you are multiplying or
dividing several fractions or a complex fraction:
Example 2.10
The way that you cancel does not matter so long as whatever you do to the numerator,
you do to the denominator.
To  divide fractions, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (i.e. by the
fraction turned upside down) of the second and then reduce or cancel wherever
Example 2.11
Example 2.12
Example 2.13
Example 2.14
Although many calculations involve fractions, the answer is usually presented in a
decimal form rather than as a fraction, e.g. as 0.375 g, not 3/8 g.
Remember that in decimals, each position going further to the right of the decimal
point is one tenth of the previous one, and each to the left is 10 times bigger.

Measurements and Units
(hundreds) (tens) (units) . (tenths) (hundredths) (thousandths)
so 475.356 could be written as the fractions 475               or as
When multiplying decimals you can first ignore the decimal points and multiply
the numbers. Then count the number of digits to the right of the decimal points in
the original numbers. This will be the number of digits to the right of the decimal
point in the answer.
Example 2.15
To divide a decimal by a decimal, keep multiplying both numbers by 10 until
the divisor (the number you are dividing by) is a whole number. Then divide as for
a whole number. The decimal point is above the decimal point in the number being
Example 2.16
In practice, you will almost certainly prefer to use a calculator for these kinds
of calculations. Whether you do or not, you should get into the habit of making an
estimate of the answer as a check on your calculation. In the above example, if you
were to use a calculator, you should first estimate the answer by rounding the
 is between 

 is 17.5 and 
 is about 23.3, so the
answer should be between these, i.e. about 20.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Percentages are a particular kind of fraction where the denominator is 100 but is
indicated by the % sign.
Example 2.17
To convert any fraction or decimal into a percentage, multiply by 100.
Example 2.18
Example 2.19
To convert a percentage to a fraction or a decimal, divide by 100.
Example 2.20
To calculate a percentage, first calculate the fraction, then multiply by 100.
Example 2.21
In a group of 42 students, 10 are male. What percentage are
To apply a percentage to a number, multiply by the number % and divide
by 100.
Example 2.22
If 51% of the population of the UK is female, and the total
population is 56 million, what is the female population?
You will often come across a percentage increase or decrease.
Example 2.23
The number of unemployed fell from 2 312 000 to 2 112 000.
What percentage fall is this?
Example 2.24
The number of unemployed rose by 1.7% last month from 2 312
000. What is the new figure?

Measurements and Units
An alternative and quicker way of doing this is to realise that the original number
is 100%, so the new number will be (100%+the percentage increase)×the original
Example 2.25
If the number falls by 1.7% of this new figure next month, what
will the number be then?
Note that this answer is not the same as the original number. A 1.7% increase
followed by a 1.7% decrease does not cancel out because the number you are
taking the percentage of has changed. It is important in problems that you are clear
to what number a percentage refers.
One way of describing the concentration of a chemical solution is to say the
weight of chemical in a certain volume of solution. For example, the appropriate
concentration for a pesticide might be achieved by dissolving a sachet containing
50 g in a volume of 1 gallon of water. If the final volume is also 1 gallon, the
concentration is therefore 50 g per gallon.
In biology, concentrations of solutions are often described in terms of weight
per volume, usually when the molecular weight of the solute is not known, e.g.
protein. It is usual to quote the concentration as a number of g, (x g), per 100 ml
and this is abbreviated to x%(w/v). The (w/v) stands for weight/volume, indicating
it is the weight (g) divided by the volume (100 ml). (Note that 1 ml is 1 millilitre
which is one thousandth of a litre.)
Example 2.26
How would you prepare 250 ml of a 4%(w/v) solution of NaCl in
Example 2.27
If 5 g of NaCl is dissolved, then diluted with water to make
250 ml, what is the %(w/v) concentration of NaCl in the

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
It is also possible to describe concentrations as x%(v/v) or x%(w/w). For example,
a 50% (v/v) ethanol solution is made by mixing 50 ml ethanol with 50 ml water. A
5% (w/w) sodium chloride solution is made by mixing 5g sodium chloride and
95g water. Note that this is not quite the same thing as 5%(w/v) which is 5g sodium
chloride in 100 ml solution final volume, so you would need to dissolve the salt
and make up to volume in a volumetric flask.
Example 2.28
How would you prepare 15 ml of a 5%(v/v) solution of ethanol in
You need 15 ml×5 ml/100 ml
=75 ml/100=0.75 ml of ethanol
So add 0.75 ml of ethanol to 14.25 ml of water.
Example 2.29
What is the %(v/v) concentration of a solution of ethanol made
by mixing 25 ml ethanol with 225 ml of water?
If you have just finished reading this chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied
examples 31–36. If you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you
do not get the right answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems
1–30, and then repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Do each of the following calculations without, then check with, a calculator.
11.   17.4+13.26
13.   15.01–13.97
14.   7.7×3.5
15.* 9.8×17.31
16.   9.84÷8
17.   13.1÷3.8

Measurements and Units
You can use a calculator for the following problems, but make sure you estimate
the answers first.
19. 18.60÷3.41
20. 18.60÷0.783
21.* 3% of 21
22. 15% of 46
23. 11.2% of 31.3
24.* 15 is ?% of 45
25. 0.75=?%
27. 81 increased by 9% gives what?
28.* What when increased by 20% gives 72?
29. 35 decreased by 20% gives?
30.* What, when decreased by 75%, gives 20?
31. The dry weight of the seeds of an annual weed is 1.75 g and of the rest of the
plant 5.21g. What percentage of the total dry weight are the seeds?
32. A typical bacterial cell is 70% water, 15% protein, and 7% nucleic acid. What
weight of protein and nucleic acid is there in 3g of bacteria? What will be the
weight of matter that is not protein, nucleic acid, nor water?
33. Complete Table 2.1 which shows the relative proportions or amounts of some
elements in the human body.
34. What percentage of the weight of disodium hydrogen phosphate, Na2HPO4, is
from phosphorus?
(Use the following atomic weights of the elements: Na=23, H=1,  P=31,
Also express this percentage as a fraction and as a decimal.
Table 2.1
Data for Question 33, Chapter 2.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
35. How would you make up the following sucrose or ethanol solutions?
(i) 100 ml of a 3% (w/v) solution of sucrose,
(ii) 500 ml of a 3% (w/v) solution of sucrose,
(iii) 500 ml of a 5% (w/w) solution of sucrose,
(iv) 500 ml of a 0.5% (v/v) solution of ethanol.
(v) 20 ml of a 10% (w/v) solution of ethanol.
36. For each of the first three solutions in 35 above, calculate the weight of sucrose
there would be in 5 ml.

ratio is one number divided by another number but it can be written in several
Example 3.1
If there are 20 staff and 400 students,
the student: staff ratio=400:20
Problems involving proportions (in a purely mathematical sense) can be
represented by equations involving two ratios.
Example 3.2
If on a map, 1 cm represents 2 km, how many cm represent
The scale of the map is a ratio of the distance on the map to the
distance on the ground, and this ratio must be the same for any
distance, so the problem can be represented as an equation of two
ratios in which ‘x’ stands for the unknown number:
(You may find it helpful to read the first part of section 5.1 if you are unsure about
solving simple equations.)
Since equations stay the same if you do the same thing to each side, to find the
value of x, multiply each side by 12 km:

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
In the example above, you could have multiplied by both denominators:
1 cm×12 km=xcm×2 km
From this you can see that if the quantities in an equation of two ratios are
represented by a, b, c and d:
Example 3.3
Example 3.4
Example 3.5
In a pharmacology experiment a piece of guinea-pig ileum is
attached to a transducer so that a small contraction of the tissue
produces a larger movement of a pen on a chart recorder. If a 3 mm
movement of the transducer produces a 13 mm deflection on the
chart recorder, what size of contraction is responsible for a 33 mm
deflection on the chart recorder?
The two ratios of tissue contraction to pen movement must be the
same, so if x stands for the required value,
The most common calculations involving ratios and proportions are to do with
unit conversions, and with concentrations and dilutions.
Example 3.6
1 inch = 2.54 cm
How many cm in 18 inches?

Ratio and Proportion
Example 3.7
100 ml contains 5g of glucose. How much is there in 20 ml?
Example 3.8
To 5.0 ml of a 5% solution of glucose is added water to a final
volume of 250 ml. What concentration is this new solution?
You can probably do this in your head. 5.0 ml becomes 250 ml
which is a 50 times bigger volume, so the concentration must be
Working it as a proportion though you might be tempted to write:
This is wrong. The volume is not proportional to the concentration, but inversely
 i.e. the larger the volume, the lower the concentration. Therefore the
relationship is:
I think it is easier to write the relationship in the form in which you would say
5 ml of 5%=250 ml of x%
For ‘of’ you can substitute ‘times’ (just as ‘per’ means ‘divided by’).

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
A better way of writing out the relationship would be to include the units:
A good reason for writing out the problem in this way is because the units might
be different. For example, suppose that to 5 ml of a 5% solution is added water to
a final volume of 5 litres. What concentration is the new solution?
Notice that the units do not balance, so you need to convert litres to ml. Since there
are 1000 ml in 1 litre, there are 5000 ml in 5 litres.
So far I have expressed chemical concentrations only in terms of weight per volume,
weight per weight, or volume per volume. A more common and usually more
useful way is in terms of molarity, i.e. the moles per volume. A mole (symbol mol)
is the SI unit of amount of substance.
For an element the mass of a mole of that element is its atomic mass
expressed in grams instead of atomic mass units. For example, the atomic mass
of carbon is 12.011, so a mole of carbon has a mass of 12.011g. It follows that a
mole of any element contains the same number of atoms as a mole of any
other element.
 This number, which is called Avogadro’s number, is 602 000 000
000 000 000 000 000.
Similarly, for a compound, a mole is the relative molecular mass (molecular
weight or formula weight) in grams. For example, 1 mole of glucose (C6H12O6)
contains Avogadro’s number of molecules and has a mass of 180g because its
formula weight is 180. (Formula weight=(6× 12)+(12×1)+ (6×16)=180.)

Ratio and Proportion
Example 3.9
Calculate the mass of 0.25 moles of Na2HPO4. (Use the
following atomic weights of the elements: Na=23, H=1, P=31,
Relative molecular mass (RMM) or formula weight=
so 0.25 mol×142g/mol=35.5g.
Example 3.10
Calculate the number of moles of NaOH in 15g.
Relative molecular mass =23+16+1=40g/mol
So in 15g there are                                  moles.
If a solution contains 180g glucose in 1 litre then it has a concentration of 1
mol/1. A solution containing 360g sucrose in 1 litre also has a concentration of 1
mol/1 because the relative molecular mass of sucrose is 360. The two solutions
therefore have the same number of molecules per litre, but the glucose solution is
180g/1 which is the same as 18g/100 ml or 18% (w/v) whereas the sucrose solution
is 36% (w/v). In general, then, two solutions of different compounds but the same
molar concentration (molarity) have the same number of molecules per litre, but
usually different masses of solute per litre. A solution containing 360g of glucose
in 1 litre would have 2 moles/litre and therefore be 2 molar.
Note that the unit mol/1 can also be written mol 1-1 or M, so a 0.2 mol/1 solution
is the same as a 0.2 mol 1-1 solution and a 0.2M solution, the M being read as
Example 3.11 What is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 8g of NaOH
in water and diluting to 2 litres?
Example 3.12 What is the molar concentration of a 0.9%(w/v) NaCl solution?
Example 3.13 How many moles of a compound are present in 250 ml of a 0.2
mol/1 solution?

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Number of moles=volume×concentration
=250 ml×0.2 mol/1000 ml=50/1000=0.05 moles
Example 3.14 What weight of glucose is needed to make 1 litre of a 0.25 M
0.25 M=0.25 mol/1
so you need 0.25 mol of glucose for 1 litre.
Since glucose has a molecular weight of 180g/mol,
weight of glucose needed
=0.25 mol×180g/mol=45g
Example 3.15 What weight of glucose is needed to make 250 ml of a 0.5 M
0.5 M=0.5 mol/l
so you need 0.5 mol for 1 litre
0.5 mol×180g/mol=90 g for 1 litre.
But you only want 250 ml, therefore you need
90g×250 ml/1000 ml=22.5g.
Rather than writing all this out, it could be combined into one expression:
Look carefully at the units. Notice that they all cancel out except for g. If you
write the units in at each step of the calculation then cancel them, you can check
that the calculation is correct. This is one way to make sure you do not divide by
something when you should be multiplying by it. Also it is important that you
report your answer with the appropriate units. If the units are wrong, the
calculation is wrong.

It is often more practical or more convenient to make up a ‘stock solution’ and
then dilute that to the required concentration, than to make up the required solution
directly. For example, you might want to make up 1 ml of a solution of a drug (in
water) at a concentration of 1 millionth of a gram per ml, but the smallest amount
you can weigh accurately is 1 hundredth of a gram. It would be a bit silly to weigh
out this amount and make the solution up to 10 litres (10 000 ml) to make the
required concentration.

Ratio and Proportion
A more sensible approach is to weigh out          g and make the solution up to 100
ml. The concentration of this ‘stock solution’ is
This is 100 times more concentrated than the solution needed. You now need to
dilute a portion of this solution by a factor of 100, i.e. what is called a 100-fold
dilution or 100×dilution. A practical way of doing this would be to add 0.1 ml of
the stock solution to 9.9 ml of water.
so the final solution is 
 of the concentration of the stock solution.
This method uses only a single dilution step, but often it is necessary or
convenient to use two or more dilution steps. This is known as ‘serial dilution’.
Example 3.16 Prepare 10 ml of a 0.0001 mol/1 solution (in water) of glucose
from a 1 mol/l stock solution.
You can do this easily by serial dilution. Take 0.1 ml of stock+9.9 ml of water. This
is a 100-fold dilution, so the concentration of this solution (A) is 0.01 mol/1. Now
take 0.1 ml of (A) and add 9.9ml of water. Again, this is a 100-fold dilution, so the
concentration of this final solution is 0.01/100=0.0001 mol/1.
Of course, there is no reason why dilutions should always be by factors of 10.
The fold dilution is equal to the final volume divided by the volume of the
original solution. Remember that the final volume is the volume of the original
solution plus the volume of the additional diluent.

Example 3.17 In a 4-fold dilution
Note that this means the volume of diluent you need is the final volume minus the
volume of the original solution.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 3.18 To make 50 ml of a 25-fold dilution, what volumes should be
Therefore add 2 ml of original solution to 48 ml diluent to get 50 ml of a 25-fold
Example 3.19 How much has a solution been diluted if 3 ml has 15 ml diluent
There are other ways of expressing dilutions. Rather than saying ‘a 10-fold
dilution’ for example, you could say ‘a 1 in 10 dilution’ or ‘a 1+9 dilution’. The
term ‘dilution factor’ is usually used to mean the same as ‘fold dilution’.
Calculations for making up solutions, making dilutions and measuring the amount
of substance produced all involve a simple relationship between concentration,
volume and amount.
e.g. 0.5 mol=0.5 molar×1 litre

Ratio and Proportion
It is really important that you distinguish between amount and
concentration. For example, if you start with 1 mole of glucose and dissolve it in
water to make 1 litre, the concentration is 1 mol/1 (or 1M), the amount is 1 mol,
and the volume is 1 litre. If you then remove 500 ml, the volume is 500 ml, the
concentration is still 1 mol/1, but the amount present is 0.5 mol. If you then add
500 ml of water, the volume becomes 1 litre, the amount stays at 0.5 mol, but the
concentration falls to 0.5 mol/1. (See Fig. 3.1)
Example 3.20 It was found that the concentration of NADH in a 2.0 ml sample
taken from a flask containing 250 ml was 0.001 mol/1. How much
NADH was in the flask?
NADH concentration=0.001 mol/1
Total volume at this concentration=250 ml=0.251
Therefore the total amount of NADH=0.001 mol/1×0.251=0.00025 mol.
Example 3.21 A 10 ml sample was removed from a flask containing 500 ml of
an aqueous solution of X. To 1.0 ml of this sample was added
4.0 ml water, and then 2.0 ml of this final solution was put in a
cuvette to measure the concentration of X. This was found to be
0.03 mol/1.
Relationship Between Amount, Volume and Concentration.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
How much X was in the flask?
The concentration of X in the cuvette=0.03 mol/1.
This has been diluted 5 fold,
so the original concentration of X=0.03 mol/1×5=
0.15 mol/1.
Total amount of X in the flask =0.15 mol/1×500 ml
=0.15 mol/1×0.51
=0.075 mol.
Example 3.22 Using the previous example, complete Table 3.1 showing the
volume, amount and concentration of each of the solutions.
You can find the missing information by working down the table.
Table 3.1
Data for Example 3.22.

Ratio and Proportion
Often you will be interested in measuring the effects of different concentrations of
a substance on some system, so you need to work out how to arrange this. Suppose
the system you are using (e.g. a chemical reaction) requires that you always have
a 2.0 ml volume in the tube in which the system occurs. This means that you need
to work out how to achieve a range of concentrations of your substance in the 2.0
ml volume, bearing in mind first that if you start with 2.0 ml and add a volume of
your test substance the system volume will increase, and second, that adding a
volume of your test substance to a volume of another solution will reduce the
concentration of the test substance.
Look back at the example in Section 1.2 where you have a system volume of
2.0 ml. The highest concentration of PEP you want to use is 0.0002 mol/l and you
need 9 different concentrations of PEP covering a 100-fold range. The first thing
to do is to think about the volumes of solution it is practical to pipette accurately.
You can assume that you could use pipettes to cover a range of volumes from 10.0
ml to 0.01 ml. There are two main ways of proceeding.
(1) Preparing a Series of Dilutions
(a) Decide what is a convenient volume to pipette, e.g. 0.1 ml, and make up a
series of different concentrations of PEP so that you always add a fixed volume
(0.1 ml) of various concentrations to the system. You need a 1.9 ml volume of the
other components of the system so that when you add 0.1 ml, you get a final
volume of 2.0 ml. Since you are adding 0.1 ml of PEP and ending up with 2.0 ml,
the concentration of PEP is being reduced by a factor of 20. Therefore the
concentration of PEP that you make up must be 20×the concentration that you
want to achieve in the system. Therefore the highest concentration of PEP that you
make up must be 0.0002 mol/1× 20=0.004 mol/1 and the lowest must be a 100-
fold dilution of this. You could make up a stock solution of PEP that is 0.004 mol/
1, and from it make your series of dilutions.
Example 3.23 From a stock solution of 0.004 mol/1, a series of 9 concentrations
can be made as in Table 3.2.
(b) Alternatively you could make a series of different PEP concentrations by the
method of ‘doubling dilutions’. Add 0.5 ml water to each tube except the first,
which contains the 0.004 mol/1 stock solution of PEP. Remove 0.5 ml from this
tube and pipette into the second, and mix. As there is now 1.0 ml of solution in this
second tube, the concentration will have been halved, being now 0.002 mol/1.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Table 3.2
Preparing a Series of Dilutions.
Pipette 0.5 ml from this tube into the third tube. This again halves the concentration
so producing a 0.001 mol/1 solution. Continue in this way for the whole set of
tubes. You will end up with a series of tubes with each concentration being one
half of the previous one: 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.00025, 0.000125,
0.0000625, 0.00003125, and 0.000015625 mol/1. Notice that it only requires 8
tubes to cover the 100-fold range, but the numbers would be rather awkward to
handle if you were going to plot a graph of the results.
(2) Using Different Volumes of a Stock Solution
A different approach is to pipette different volumes of your stock solution, plus
different volumes of water, directly into the system. This time the concentration of
the stock solution you make up needs to be lower because you will start by pipetting
a larger volume, and the volume of the other components of the system must be
Example 3.24 Using a stock solution of PEP that is 0.004 mol/1, the required
system concentrations can be made by adding stock and water to 1
ml of the other components as in Table 3.3.

Ratio and Proportion
Table 3.3
Using Different Volumes of a Stock Solution to Prepare Dilutions.
There are advantages and disadvantages with each method. Using the method
(1a) involves three pipettings for each concentration, and the use of more tubes.
Method (2) involves only two pipettings (so should be more accurate) and no
tubes, but if you end up pipetting very small volumes accuracy may suffer. The
method of doubling dilutions is attractive because you do not need to think about
changing the volumes you are pipetting, but it involves three pipettings for each
concentration, and any error in one tube will be carried on to affect subsequent
In microbiology or other cell culture experiments, serial dilution by a factor of
10 is often used to dilute a cell culture enough so that the number of cells per ml
can be counted, or a dilute culture spread on a plate so that each cell grows to form
a separate colony. A typical procedure would be to set up a series of tubes containing
9 ml of medium, and to add 1 ml of the original culture to the first, mix, and pipette
1 ml of this into the next tube, and so on. The number of cells per ml in each tube
will then be of that in the previous tube. In this way it is possible to prepare quickly
a wide range of concentrations.
If you have just finished reading this Chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied
examples. If you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you do

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
not get the right answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems
1–12, and then repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Write the following ratios as fractions in their simplest forms.
1. 12:6
2. 24:15
3.* 9:72
4. 13:52
5. 36g:84g
6.* 210 ml:71
7. x/9=4/3
8. 2/9=x/3
9.* 11/8=44/x
10. 56/x=8/7
11. 1/x=0.5/1
12.* 5/x=3/0.5
If a map is drawn 1:25 000, what distance does 2 cm represent?
14.* What scale is a map where 1 cm represents 5 km?
How many litres in 1 gallon if 1 pint=567.5 ml and there are 8 pints in 1
Ecologists sometimes use the capture/recapture technique to estimate the
population of an animal in a certain study area. For example, for voles the
method consists of trapping a sample of voles in traps scattered throughout
the area. The trapped voles are marked in a way which enables them to be
identified but does not affect them. The marked voles are released and the
traps reset a day later. The total number of voles captured this time, and the
number recaptured which are marked, can be used to estimate the total
population. The proportion of marked voles recaptured to total marked voles
is the same as the proportion of total voles captured to the total population.
(Note that this assumes there is no change in the habits, life-expectancy, etc.
of the marked voles.)
If initially 50 voles are captured, marked, and released, and later 40
voles are captured, of which 5 carry the mark, what is the total vole population
in the area surveyed?
Given a 5% (w/v) solution of sodium chloride (formula weight= 58.5g)
complete Table 3.4.
The formula weight of ATP (disodium salt) is 551.
(i) What is the weight of 0.5 mol of this?
(ii) What weight of this ATP is required for 1 litre of a 0.5 mol/l
(iii) What weight of this ATP is required for 200 ml of a 0.25 mol/l
(iv) What is the % (w/v) concentration of a 0.5 mol/l solution of
(v) What is the % (w/v) concentration of a solution of ATP containing
0.0187g in 50 ml?

Ratio and Proportion
Table 3.4
Data for Question 17, Chapter 3.
What is the molar concentration of a solution of ATP containing
0.0374g in 30 ml?
What volume of 0.01 mol/1 ATP solution could you make with 1g
of ATP?
What volume of 0.005 mol/1 ATP solution could you make from
0.2 ml of a 1% (w/v) solution?
Given 100 ml of 0.01 mol/1 ATP solution, how would you make up
a set of solutions of 10 ml volume each, with concentrations of
0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, and 0 mol/1?
If 0.05 ml of each of the six solutions in (ix) above were pipetted
into a cuvette containing 1.95 ml of other solutions, what would be
the final ATP concentration in each cuvette?
Given 100 ml of a 0.5 mol/1 solution of glucose (formula weight 180),
how would you prepare the following? (Assume the smallest volume you
can measure accurately is 0.05 ml and that you need to be reasonably
economical with the stock solution.)
10 ml of a 0.02 mol/1 solution.
10 ml of a 0.004 mol/1 solution.
1.0 ml of a 0.01 mol/1 solution.
1.0 ml of a 0.03 mol/1 solution.
10 ml of a 0.1% (w/v) solution.
5.0 ml of a 0.03% (w/v) solution.
2.0 ml of a 0.02% (w/v) solution.
1.0 ml of a 0.15% (w/v) solution.
A set of 5 tubes containing 1.0 ml of glucose solutions with the
concentrations 0.02, 0.015, 0.01, 0.005, and 0 mol/1.
A set of 5 tubes containing 10 ml of glucose solutions with the
concentrations 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05, and 0% (w/v).
Inulin (not to be confused with insulin) is a soluble polysaccharide that if
injected into a vein, is filtered from the blood plasma by the glomeruli of

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
the kidneys in the same concentration as in plasma. It is neither reabsorbed
nor excreted in the tubules, and so appears in the urine. Therefore its rate of
disappearance from the plasma is a measure of the ‘glomerular filtration
rate’ (GFR, the volume filtered by the glomeruli per minute) as is its rate of
appearance in the urine. Measurement of GFR can give a useful indication
of kidney function.
Calculate the GFR in ml/minute if the rate of inulin excretion into the urine is
120mg/minute when the plasma concentration is consta nt at 

You may have noticed that I have so far avoided using many multiples of units. For
example, for volumes I have only used litres or millilitres, and for weights, grams or
kilograms. This was because I assumed you would be familiar with these units and
could confidently convert from one to the other, but may not be so competent at
using others. However, you may also have noticed that in restricting myself I have
had to write some cumbersome numbers, e.g. 2 312 000, 10 000 ml, and 0.0001
mol/l. To avoid writing numbers like this I could have expressed them either in scientific
notation or by using a different unit. To use either you need to understand exponents.
You can express many numbers as being the same as other numbers multiplied
together, i.e. as the product of factors.
Example 4.1
Example 4.2
Shorthand ways of writing these examples are:
Notice that in each case, the shorthand version consists of the number that is
being multiplied by itself, which is known as the base, and a raised number
representing how many times the base is written down, which is called the exponent

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
or power. (Powers of 2 are usually read as, for example, ‘10 squared’ and powers
of 3 as ‘10 cubed’. 24 can be read as ‘2 to the 4th power’ or ‘2 to the power 4’ or
more simply ‘2 to the 4’.)
Example 4.3
For the number 24, the base is 2 and the exponent or power is 4.
For any non-zero number a and any non-zero whole number b,
ab=a×a×a×a…. where a is written b times.
To multiply exponential numbers having the same base, add the exponents.
For any non-zero base a and any non-zero whole numbers b and c,
Example 4.4
Example 4.5
Note that to do this, the bases must be the same. If they are not, it may be possible
to make them the same.
Example 4.6
To divide exponential numbers with the same base, subtract the exponents.
Example 4.7
Example 4.8
What does 2-1 mean?
For any non-zero base a and any non-zero whole number b,

Exponents and Prefixes
Example 4.9
What is 10-3 as a fraction?
Example 4.10 What is 3-4 ?
Example 4.11 Simplify 33/33
One number divided by itself obviously equals 1.
Therefore any exponential number divided by itself is one.
In fact, for any non-zero base a, a0=1.
Example 4.12 50=100=20=30=1
It is possible that you may need to simplify a number that is a power of an
exponential number.
Example 4.13
Example 4.14
If you write out values of the powers of 10 you can see that for each increase of
1 in the power, the value increases by a factor of 10. This is shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1
Powers and Values.
Multiplying or dividing by 10b is therefore the same as moving the decimal
 b places to the right or left respectively.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 4.15
decimal point moved 3 places to the right
decimal point moved 3 places to the left
decimal point moved 4 places to the right
Example 4.16
Since dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the
inverse of the fraction,
Example 4.17
38.1=3810×10-2 or 381.0×10-1
or 3.81×101 or 0.381×102
Exponents become particularly useful when the base is 10 because it allows us
to write out large numbers in a concise way.
Example 4.18
Avogadro’s number=602 200 000 000 000 000 000 000.
This can be written as 6.022×1023 because it is the same as
6.022×10×10×10×10 ...... (23 times).
In general, numbers written in the form a×10b where a is greater than 1 but less
than 10 and b is a non-zero whole number are said to be expressed in scientific

To express a number in scientific notation, find ‘a’ by moving the decimal
point to leave one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. Calculate the
value of the exponent by counting the number of places you have moved the decimal
point. If you have moved the decimal point to the left, b is positive, and if to the
right, negative.
Example 4.19
24 000=2.4×104
because the decimal point is moved 4 places to the left.
Example 4.20
0.000 024=2.4×10-5
because the decimal point is moved 5 places to the right.
To add or subtract numbers in scientific notation, you need to express them in
the same power.
Example 4.21

Exponents and Prefixes
To multiply or divide numbers in scientific notation, deal with the two parts
Example 4.22
Example 4.23
How you express the final value is a matter of choice. 1.68×10-1 is more concisely
written as 0.168. Many people prefer to move the decimal point one or two places
either way rather than write the exponential form.
Example 4.24
320 rather than 3.2×102
32 rather than 3.2×101
0.32 rather than 3.2×10-1
0.032 rather than 3.2×10-2
If the value ends up having a power less than -2 or greater than +2, then you can
either leave it in scientific notation, or change the units by using a prefix. This is
covered in the next section. Before going on to this however, try the following
example on your calculator.
Example 4.25
The correct procedure is to key, in order: 3.6, EXP, 3, -, 0.8, EXP, 3, =. A common
mistake is to key 3.6, ×, 10, EXP, 3, -, 0.8, ×, 10, EXP, 3 =, which gives an answer
10 times too big. EXP on the calculator stands for exponent with base 10, so you
should not key in the×10. Similarly, if you wanted to divide by 104, you should
key: ÷, 1, EXP, 4, and not ÷, 10, EXP, 4.
You have already come across the prefixes ‘milli’, meaning one thousandth and
‘kilo’ meaning one thousand. Prefixes like these are another way to avoid
cumbersome numbers.
Example 4.26
0.0004 m=4×10-4 m=0.4×10-3 m=0.4 mm
Example 4.27
400 000 g=4×105 g=400×103 g=400 kg
As you can see in the examples above, converting from one unit to another involves
multiplying or dividing by a power of 10.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
There are many prefixes. The most commonly used are shown in Table 4.2.
Example 4.28
1 µg=1 microgram = 1×10-6 g or 0.000 001 g
It is unfortunate that some of the letters used as symbols for the prefixes are the
same as, or similar to, those used for other prefixes or units. In particular, confusion
can arise between G (giga) and g (gram), and between M, m, and µ (mega, milli,
and micro) and m and M (metre and molar). It is therefore important that you use
the correct symbols for the prefix and unit, do not invent your own abbreviations,
and preferably use only correct SI units, except where others make more sense. It
is usually best also to restrict yourself to multiples of 1000, e.g. kilo, milli, and
micro. Below are some examples to show the problems.
Example 4.29
‘a 10 mM solution…’
Since the M follows the m, it cannot mean mega, therefore it must mean
molar, and so mM probably means millimolar since a ‘10 metremolar solution’
does not make much sense. It would be better to express this as ‘a 10 mmol/1
solution’ or ‘a 10 mmol 1-1 solution, or for strict SI enthusiasts, ‘a 10 mol m-3
Example 4.30
‘a rate of 5 µM 1-1m-1’
Table 4.2
Commonly Used Prefixes to Denote Multiples of Units.

Exponents and Prefixes
Since µM is micromolar, this appears to mean a rate of 5 µmol/1 per litre per
metre, a concentration per volume per length, when what is probably meant is a
rate of 5 µmol/l per minute, a change in concentration with time.
Example 4.31
‘a concentration of 0.5 mmol dm-3…’
This is acceptable but could more simply be expressed as 0.5mmol/l, 0.5 mmol
1-1, or 0.5 mol m-3.
Some people say that since a litre is not a proper SI unit, volumes should be
based on a unit of length to the power 3. They then use dm3 or cm3 or mm3.
However, this is not really in the spirit of SI either as one should not use powers
of multiples of units. You do need to be able to convert between these units
Example 4.32
Example 4.33
Example 4.34
What is the equivalent in litres of 1 mm3?
Concentrations in cells are typically millimolar or micromolar for metabolites
of central pathways, and pico or femtomolar for messengers. Some equivalent
units are:
If you have just finished reading this chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
examples. If you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you do not
get the right answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems 1–
59, and then repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Evaluate the expressions in questions 1–21. Use a calculator only to check
your answers.
2.* 50
4. (0.1)2
6.* (0.5)-1
7. (2/3)2
8.* (3/2)-2
10.  aa3
13.  a5/a3
16. (a2)3
17.* (a2)-1
19. 103/102
20.* 100×10-3
Express the following in scientific notation.
22. 0.000035
23. 17 300 000 000
24.* 3184.576
25. 373×10-6
26. 0.016×104
27.* 0.0351×10-2
Express the following as decimals.
28. 3.15×10-4
30.* 0.015×104
31. 1.5×10-2
32.* 478.6×10–4
Evaluate the following (questions 34–45) using a calculator only to check the
34. 4.51×103+6.42×103
35.* 1.32×108 +8.68×108
36. 4.51×104–1.62×104
37.* 1.32×10–2-4.36×10-2
38. 4.51×10–2-0.15×10-3
40. (4.5×103)(6.0×10-2)
41.* 4.5×103/6.0×10-2
42. 3.6×10-5×11×102
44. 3.6×10–3/12×10-2
45.* 21×103×5×10-6/35×10-2
Convert into the required units.
471 mg=? g
47. 18 ml=? 1
48.* 14×10-5 1=? µl
49. 0.000051 g=? µg
42 µg=? mg
51. 831 µl=? ml

Exponents and Prefixes
52.* 0.14×10–2ml=?µl
0.037 mmol/1=? µmol/1
3.1×10-5mol/l=? mmol/l
55.* 17 mmol/1=? mol/m3
0.031×105 nmol/1= ? µmol/l
57.* 14pmol/µl=? mmol/ml
0.15% (w/v)=? mg/l
59.* 3.1×10-4 mg/ml=? % (w/v)
60. Complete Table 4.3, which shows the composition of phosphate-buffered saline.
Use a calculator if necessary. Use the following atomic weights: Na=23, K=39,
P=31, O=16, H=1, Cl=35.5, Mg=24, Ca=40
Table 4.3
Data for Question 60, Chapter 4.
61. What are the total phosphate and total chloride concentrations in this solution?
Express your answers as both %(w/v) and mmol/1.
62. What are the concentrations of each of the metal ions in this solution?
Express your answers as both %(w/v) and mmol/1.
63. Sodium pyruvate has a formula weight of 110. Calculate the weight required
to make up 100 ml of a 50 mmol/1 solution. Complete Table 4.4 which shows
the composition of various solutions made from this stock solution.
Table 4.4
Data for Question 63, Chapter 4.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
64. A bacterial cell culture has 1.0 ml removed and added to 9.0 ml of medium.
0.1 ml of this is removed and added to 9.9 ml of medium. 1 ml of this is
removed and added to 9 ml of medium. 1 ml of this is removed and added to
9 ml of medium. The number of bacteria in 0.1 ml of the final dilution was
found to be 23. What was the approximate number of bacteria in the original

You have already come across equations of two ratios in Chapter 3. An algebraic
equation will usually show the relationship between a variable represented by a
letter such as x or y and something else. To solve the equation means to find the
value(s) of x that make(s) the equation true. Different equations that have the same
solution are called equivalent equations.
Example 5.1
In order to solve equations it is necessary to change them into simpler equivalent
equations. You can do this by adding to or subtracting from both sides of the equation
the same non-zero number. You can multiply or divide both sides of the equation
by the same non-zero number. You may also substitute another expression for part
of the original equation.
Example 5.2
Example 5.3

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 5.4
Example 5.5
Example 5.6
Note that when multiplying or dividing numbers in parentheses (brackets) you
must multiply or divide all the numbers.
Example 5.7

Solving Equations and Evaluating Expressions
and because 25=5×5,
As I showed at the beginning of Chapter 3, if the numerators and the
denominators of two ratios are represented by letters,
This gives a quicker way of simplifying proportions than multiplying both sides of
the equation by both denominators.
Example 5.8
Example 5.9
The solution of an equation of this kind is not always so simple: sometimes
there are two possible values for x.
Example 5.10

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Subtracting 6x+6 from both sides
We now need a way of finding x. One way of doing this is to express the equation
as two factors.
Equations where the unknown variable x is present to the power 2 (but not
greater than 2) are known as quadratic equations. The last example was therefore
finding the solution of a quadratic equation. In this example, it was possible to see
how it could be factored into the form a×b=0, and then, in turn a and b are set
equal to 0.
However, many quadratic equations cannot be easily factored and another method
using a formula has to be used. For an equation of the type ax2+bx+c=0, where a is
a non-zero number, the solutions are given by:
means’ the square root of what is under the sign’.
A square root of a number is one of its equal factors.
=the number a such that a2=b

Solving Equations and Evaluating Expressions
It is not essential that you know how this formula is derived. However, you
should be aware of its existence and be able to use it.
Example 5.11
Note these are the same solutions as you would get by factoring.
To evaluate an expression, substitute the given values for the unknown variable.
You should already be familiar with this for simple examples.
Example 5.12
The circumference c of a circle is given by the formula
c=πd where d is the diameter. What is the circumference of a circle
with a diameter of 5 m?
=π(5)=15.7 m
Example 5.13
What is the radius of a circle with a circumference of 15.7 m?
cd rearranges to d=c
radius=d/2=5/2=2.5 m
Example 5.14
What is the area A of a circle of radius 3 m if the area is given by
the formula A=πr2 where r is the radius?
A=π(3)2=28.3 m2

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 5.15
The lengths of the three sides of a right-angled triangle are related
by the equation x2+y2=z2 where x, y, and z are the lengths of the
sides, z being the side opposite the right angle. What is the length
of side x when z=5 m and y=4 m?
so length of side x=3 m.
It is important when evaluating expressions that you are careful that you substitute
values with the correct units.
Example 5.16
If the amount of calcium in a 1.0 g sample of bread is 5.0 mg,
what is the calcium concentration expressed as %(w/w)?
%(w/w) = (weight of calcium/weight of bread) × 100.
Direct substitution would give
calcium concentration=(5/1)×100=500
This is wrong because the units do not match. The correct calculation is
Example 5.17
In the formula A=E c d
=the absorbance of a solution as measured in a
E=the absorption coefficient of the solute
c=the concentration of the solute
d=the length of the light path through the solution
What is the absorbance of a solution of 0.1 mmol/l p-nitrophenol
if the absorption coefficient is 1.8×104 1 mol-1cm-1 and a light
path of 10 mm is used?
Note that in this formula A has no units, so the units of E must be the inverse of the units
of c×d, i.e. the units of E are litres/(mol×cm) since the units of c×d are (mol/1)×cm.

Solving Equations and Evaluating Expressions
Example 5.18
The equilibrium constant, Keq, for a reaction A+B→C is given by
where  [A],  [B], and [C] represent the concentrations of the
reactants A and B and of the product C at equilibrium. Calculate
the equilibrium constant if A=0.2 mol/l, B=0.5 mmol/l, and C=15
If you have just finished reading this chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied
examples. If you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you do not
get the right answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems 1–
24, and then repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Solve each of the following equations.
1. 3x+15=6
2.* 7-2x=11
3. 11x+5-3x-7=42
5. 7(2x-3)=21
6.* 4(11-3x)=2x+16
7. 7x/3-1/5=11
8.* 3x/5+1/4=11/20
11. 0.34x-1.65=11.71
0.31x +0.05=17.1-0.003x
17. 11/(x-4)=22/(x-1)

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
25. What is the concentration of a solution of NADH if the molar absorption
coefficient=6.3×103 1 mol-1 cm-1 and the absorbance=0.155 in a cuvette with a
light path length of 4 cm?
26. For many enzyme-catalysed reactions, where [S] represents the concentration
of substrate (reactant), the rate of reaction at a particular concentration of
substrate is given by:
Vmax is the maximum rate of reaction and Km is a constant.
Calculate v when [S]=0.2 mmol/l, Vmax=0.3 µmol/s and Km= 400
If the Km=0.4 mmol/l, find the ratio             when [S]= 2.0 mmol/l.
Find Km if                  and [S]=0.2 mmol/l.
Find [S] if v=0.91×Vmax and Km=0.4 mmol/l.
Complete Table 5.1 showing the relationship between           and
27. The dissociation of a weak acid can be written as HA                                where
HA represents the weak acid, H+ is a hydrogen ion, and A¯ is the ‘conjugate
base’, i.e. the original molecule minus the hydrogen ion. For example, for
acetic acid,
Dissociation is only slight, so at a particular temperature an equilibrium will be
reached. The equilibrium constant for the dissociation (Ka), called the acid
dissociation constant or ionisation constant is
Table 5.1
Data for Question 26(v), Chapter 5.

Solving Equations and Evaluating Expressions
Calculate the [H+] of a solution made by using 0.5 mol of acetic acid in 1 litre
of water at 25°C.
HINT: If x=[H+], then it also=[H3CCOO-], while [H3CCOOH]= the original
acetic acid concentration minus x.

Exponents were introduced in Chapter 4. In section 4.2 you will have seen that
numbers can be written as a combination of a base and a raised numeral, the
exponent. For example, 16=24 where the base is 2 and the exponent is 4.
The logarithm (log) of a number has the same value as the exponent: the
power to which a base must be raised so that it equals the given number.
Example 6.1
log216=4 because 24=16
Read this as ‘the log to the base 2 of 16 equals 4 because 2
to the power 4 equals 16’.
Likewise, log10100=2 because 102=100
In general, then, logb a=x when bx=a
Since the value of a logarithm depends on the base, this must be specified or
implied. ‘Logarithm’ is usually abbreviated to ‘log’ with the specified base as a
subscript, e.g. log2. However, the most frequently encountered logs are those with
base 10 (called common logs) and those with base e (called natural or Naperian
logs: e being a number with a value of approximately 2.718. It is not necessary to
understand how it is derived to use it.) A common log is usually written as ‘log’,
and a natural log as ‘In’. This is how they appear on calculator keys. So,
log2 a specifies the base 2
whereas log
 a implies log10a (a common log)
and In
 a implies logea (a natural log)
Note that any positive numbers can have logs, but zero and negative numbers
cannot. What is log100? It means 10x=0 but there is no value of x for which this
could be true: a positive or negative value of x gives a value greater than 0, and
100=1. What is log10(-10)? 10x=-10. Again, there is no value of x for which this
could be true.
You will remember from section 4.2 that when multiplying numbers expressed
in exponential form, you add the exponents. Therefore the log of two exponential
numbers (having the same base) multiplied together equals the sum of the logs of
the numbers.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 6.2
The general rule is:
Similarly, when exponential numbers are divided, the exponents are subtracted.
Therefore the log of one exponential number divided by another (having the same
base) equals the difference between the logs of the numbers.
Example 6.3
The general rule is:
At the beginning of this chapter you saw that
Thus the general rule is:
Example 6.4
So far I have used only examples where the logs are whole numbers, but there is
no need for this restriction.
Example 6.5
log 25=1.3979 because 25=101.3979
In the example above, 1.3079 is the log of 25, but also 25 is the antilog of
1.3979. The antilog of a number is the value obtained when the base is raised to a
power equal to the number to be antilogged.

Example 6.6
log 105=5, and antilog 5=105
Note that this means the antilog of the log of a number is the number itself.
Two other rules follow:
          means the nth root of a, i.e. the number which when multiplied
by itself n times equals a, so it is an inverse power of a.
Example 6.7
Using the rules for logs explained above, it is possible to rearrange, simplify, or
solve equations containing logs. The rules are restated here in various useful forms.
For any positive non-zero number a and any positive non-zero number b,
(1) log(ab)=loga+logb
(2) a×b=antilog (loga+logb)
(3) log(a/b)=loga–logb
(4) a/b=antilog(loga–logb)
(6) logan=nloga

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Example 6.8
Solve log2(x-4)=3
Taking antilogs of both sides
So x-4=23=8
Example 6.9
Express y=ax-c in natural logarithmic form
Following rule (1)
ln y=ln a+ln x-c
Following rule (6)
ln y=ln a-c ln x
Example 6.10
Using log 2=0.3 and log 3=0.48, calculate the following, without
using a calculator.
Example 6.11
Express ln x in terms of log x.
Remember that the natural log, ln, has the base e.
If ln x=a, x=ea
Using rule (6)
log x=log(e)a =alog e
so a=log x/log e=log x/0.434=2.303log x
ln x=2.303log x
Example 6.12
Find n when 9=8n
Using rule (6)
log 8n=nlog 8
so n=log 9/log 8=1.057
You can check this is correct using your calculator if you have a key labelled
‘xy’. Press: 8, xy, 1.057, =. You may have to use a supplementary key to obtain xy,

e.g. the INV key, the second function key, or the shift key in which case the sequence
would be, as an example, 8, INV, xy, 1.057, =.
Example 6.13
Find n when n=(1.8)2.5/(2.7)3.2
Following rule (3),
Example 6.14
Solve log2(x-4)=3
antilog(log2(x-4)) = antilog23
Example 6.15
Note that if your calculator has an ‘x1/y’ button, you could calculate this directly.
Press: 20, INV (if necessary), x1/y, 3, =.
In Chapter 5, problem 27 involved the calculation of the [H+] in a solution of a
weak acid with an acid dissociation constant represented by Ka. Because of the
sizes of the values for these it is convenient to transform these numbers by taking
logs, and inventing a term for these transformed numbers. Thus, the ‘pH’ of a
solution is defined as the negative logarithm to the base 10 of its hydrogen ion
concentration, i.e.
Similarly, the pKa of a weak acid is defined as the negative logarithm to the base
10 of its acid dissociation constant, i.e.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Water itself dissociates, so it also has a Ka value which at 25°C is 1.8×10-16
More correctly,
but for most purposes you can think of a hydrogen ion being formed rather than a
hydronium ion (H3O+), so
Pure water is 55.6 mol/l, ignoring the negligible reduction in concentration caused
by ionisation, so
This is known as Kw, the ion product of water.
Using this relationship it is possible to calculate the pH of a solution of a base.
Example 6.16
What is the pH of a 0.2 mol/l aqueous solution of NaOH at
25° C?
NaOH is a strong base which completely dissociates. It will
give rise to 0.2 mol/l OH-, so [OH-]=0.2 mol/l.
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation expresses the relationship between pH,
pKa, and the ratio of the concentrations of conjugate base and weak acid when a
weak acid is neutralised by a strong base.

Example 6.17
Check that the answers obtained in problem 27 in Chapter 5 satisfy
this equation.
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is particularly useful in calculating
the amounts of acid and conjugate base required to make a buffer solution of a
certain pH.
Example 6.18
How could you prepare 1 litre of 0.1 mol/l sodium phosphate buffer
pH 7.2, given solutions of 0.1 mol/l Na2HPO4 and 0.1 mol/l
NaH2PO4? The pKa value for the dissociation
The proportion is therefore 2.51 volumes of 0.1 mol/l Na2HPO4 to l volume of
0.1 mol/l NaH2PO4.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
So you need 
 litres of 0.1 mol/1 Na2HPO4 plus 0.285
litres of 0.1 mol/l NaH2PO4. Add them and mix.
The equation can also be used to calculate the proportion of molecules of a
weak acid or base that are ionised at a certain pH.
Example 6.19
Glycine has the structure H3N-CH2-COOH.
The pKa for the carboxyl group is 2.4. What proportion of the
glycine molecules in a dilute aqueous solution have ionised
carboxyl groups at pH 3.4?
Therefore at pH 3.4, there will be 10 molecules of glycine with an ionised carboxyl
group for every one with the group un-ionised.
Therefore the proportion ionised=10 ionised/11 total=0.91 or 91%.
If you have just finished reading this chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked ‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied
examples. If you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you do not
get the right answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems 1–
54, and then repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Find the values of the following without using a calculator.
1. 161/2
2.* 272/3
3. log 100
4.* log104
5. ln 1
ln e5
7. log 0.0001
9. log10-7
ln (e2)3
11. log2 16
12.* log5125
15. log255
16.* log328 (Hint: think in terms of base 2)

Using log 2=0.30 and log 3=0.48, and without using a calculator, find the values
of the following.
17. log 4
log 36
19. log 0.6
20.* log 1.5
log 5
23. log 200
24.* log(3×104)
25. log (6×10-3)
26.* log 0.04
Solve the following equations.
30.* 10(x2)=16
34.* log5x=-3
log x+log 5=-1
log x-log 0.01=0.1
log(x+1)+log 5=4
48.* log(x-2)-log 4=3
log(x+1) + log(x-1)=3
51.* log(x+1) + log(x-4)=log 6
log(2x+1)-logx =log(x+2)
53.* Express in natural logarithmic form the equation y=axb
54. Express in exponential form the equation log y=alog x+b.
55. You can set a spectrophotometer to read either transmittance (T) or absorbance
(A). Percentage transmittance is the percentage of the incident light that passes
through the sample. Absorbance is related to transmittance by the equation:
A=-log T.
 (i) Complete Table 6.1.
(ii) What is the transmittance of a solution with an absorbance of 0.5?
56. Calculate the pH values of solutions with the following H+ concentrations.
(i) 0.1 mol/l
(ii) 0.0001 mol/l
(iii) 5×10-3 mol/l
(iv) 8×10-11 mol/l
(v) 6×10-3 mmol/l
57. Calculate the pH values of solutions with the following OH- concentrations.
 (i) 0.1 mol/l
(ii) 0.001 mol/l

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Table 6.1
Values for Question 55, Chapter 6.
(iii) 3×10-3 mol/l
1.7×10-5 mmol/l
11×10-8 mol/l
58. Calculate the H+ and OH- concentrations of solutions with the following pH
(iii) 3.6
59. Ammonia is a weak base that in aqueous solution forms its conjugate acid
NH +
4  by reaction with water:
The pKa for the NH +
4  is 9.25. What will be the pH of a 0.01 mol/l solution of
NH3? (Hint: think of the reverse reaction.)
60. The Ka of the conjugate acid of the base ethylamine is 1.58×10-11 mol/l. Which
base, ammonia or ethylamine, is stronger, i.e. produces a solution with the
higher pH for the same concentration?
61. What is the pH of a solution made by adding 100 ml of 0.05 mol/l acetic acid
to 200 ml of 0.01 mol/l sodium acetate? (pKa of acetic acid is 4.74.)
62. If the amino acid alanine has pKa values of 2.3 for the carboxyl group and 9.7
for the amino group, what proportion of the carboxyl and amino groups will
be ionised at pH 7.4?
63. If the pH of blood is 7.4 and the total concentration of inorganic phosphate
(consisting of PO 3-
4 , HPO4 , H2PO4  and H3PO4) is 1 mmol/l, what are the
approximate concentrations of the ions PO 3-
4 , HPO42-,and H2PO4 . (Use pKa
values of 2.14, 6.86 and 12.4.)
64. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is related to the standard free energy
change ∆G° by the equation:
where R=8.3 J K-1 mol-1 and T is temperature (kelvin). Calculate ∆G° for a
reaction when the temperature is 37° C and Keq=0.50.

In previous chapters you have come across many examples where one number is
related to another in a very simple way. For example, the circumference of a circle
is π times the diameter and the absorbance of a solution is a constant times the
concentration. These relationships can be expressed as:
c=πd, where c is the circumference, and d is the diameter, and
A=kc, where A is the absorbance, k is a constant and c is the
Note that each of these can be rearranged as a proportion, i.e. so that the value of
one variable is proportional to the value of the other:
In experiments we are often trying to find out the relationship between two
variables, i.e. to answer questions of the type. ‘How does the value of one variable,
y, change when the value of the other variable, x, is changed’. An experiment to
answer this question is likely to produce a set of data consisting of values of x,
each of which has a corresponding value of y. One way of analysing this data to
show the relationship between x and y is to plot them on a graph in which the
horizontal distance represents the value of x, and the vertical distance the value of
y. Since each experimental value of x has an associated value of y, it can be
represented by a point whose co-ordinates are those values. Any point, with the
coordinates xn and yn, can be written as Pn(xn, yn).
Example 7.1
The data point P1 where x=2 and y=3 is plotted as shown in Graph
7.1. Note that there are x and y axes having scales starting at 0 and
that each unit of distance along the axis represents the same
increase in value. Remember that the horizontal x coordinate is
always given first, so the point can be labelled P1(2, 3).

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 7.1
Example 7.2
From an experiment the results shown in Table 7.1 were obtained.
The data can be plotted on a graph as shown in Graph 7.2.
Each point on this graph represents a pair of values of x and y. Note that in this
example, all the points lie on a straight line which passes through the origin (the
point (0, 0)). Taking the point (0.100, 0.6) you can see that the value of y is 6 times
the value of x (0.6=6× 0.100). If you look at any other point, you will see that this
is still true. Check for yourself using the original data points and then some
intermediate points. Since the value of y is always 6 times the value of x, the
relationship can be written as:
which is an equation of the form y=ax where a is a constant, and the value of y is
proportional to the value of x, i.e. 
On this same graph,   is the steepness of the straight line, the ratio of the
vertical change to the horizontal change. This is usually known as the gradient or
Table 7.1
Data for Example 7.2.

Straight-Line Graphs
Graph 7.2
slope of the line. If you start at P1 (x1, y1) and move along the line to P2(x2, y2), you
will have moved vertically by y2-y1 and horizontally by x2-x1, so the
(This is also sometimes written as ∆y/∆x where delta y and delta x denote the
change in y and x. The gradient is therefore a measure of how many units y changes
for a change of 1 unit in x.
Example 7.3
Find the value of the gradient in Graph 7.3.
You could obtain the gradient by choosing two points e.g.
(0.100, 0.60) and (0.050, 0.30) and calculating the gradient as:
Note that it does not matter which point is P1 and which is P2:
Example 7.4
Find the gradient of the straight line passing through the points
P1(1, 3) and P2(3, 9).

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 7.3
Look at Graph 7.4. How does y change for a change in x? Choose any two points e.g.
(0, 2) and (5, 5). The ratio 
. As
this is true for any two points, the change in y is proportional to the change in x,
but in this case y is not proportional to x. This is because the line does not pass
through the origin, the point where both x and y are zero. The line cannot therefore
be represented by the equation y=0.6x, because, for example, if you substitute
Graph 7.4

Straight-Line Graphs
the coordinates of the point (5, 5) in the equation you get 5=0.6×5=3 which is
nonsense. If you look again at the graph you can see that when x=0, y=2, so the
correct equation is y=0.6x+2.
In general, any straight line can be represented by an equation which can be
expressed in the form y=ax+b where a and b are constants, a is the gradient and b,
the value of y when x=0, is called the y-intercept. Both a and b can have positive,
zero, or negative values.
Example 7.5
Simplifying gives
In this case, the gradient is 0.5 and the y-intercept is 1.5.
In Graph 7.5, the y-intercept b=-1 as the line intercepts the y-axis at the point
(0, -1). The gradient is (0-(-1))/(2- 0)=   =0.5. Therefore the equation of this line
must be y=0.5x-1.
In Graph 7.6, the y-intercept is the point (0, 5) and the slope is (0-5)/ (5-0)=-5/
5=-1, so the equation of this line must be y=-x+5.
In Graph 7.7 the line is parallel to the x-axis so the value of y does not
change whatever the value of x, so the gradient=0. The value of y is said to be
independent of x. Since the y-intercept is the point (0, 2) the equation of the
line must be y=2.
In Graph 7.8, the line is parallel to the y-axis and there is no y-intercept. The
line represent a set of values of y which have no defined relationship to x, so the
gradient is undefined and the equation of this line is x=-2.
Graph 7.5

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 7.6
Graph 7.7
It is possible to determine the equation of a straight line given either

the coordinates of two points on it, or

the coordinates of one point plus the gradient, or

the gradient and the y-intercept.
Example 7.6
Determine the equation of the straight line passing through the
points (-3, 7) and (5, 11).

Straight-Line Graphs
Graph 7.8
Using the values of y and x at one point
Therefore y=0.5x+8.5.
Example 7.7
Determine the equation of the straight line passing through the point
(3, 4) with a gradient of -5.
The equation will be of the form y=ax+b, where a=-5 substituting
the values of y and x
so y=-5x+19
Example 7.8
Determine the equation of the straight line with a gradient of
-3 and y-intercept of -4.
y=ax+b where a is the gradient and b the y-intercept,
so y=-3x-4
Given the equation of a straight line you can determine the coordinates of two
points by substituting values for x.
Example 7.9
If x=1, then y=-5+20=15 so one point is (1, 15)
If x=2, then y=-10+20=10 so another point is (2, 10).

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Using these coordinates you could draw a graph with the straight line passing
through these points.
An alternative is to find the x and y intercepts.
When x=0, y=20 so the y-intercept is (0, 20)
When y=0, 5x=20, x=20/5=4 so the x-intercept is (4, 0).

If you carry out an experiment in which you change the value of x and determine
the corresponding value of y, you can plot the values of x and y on a graph. You
should make sure you do the following six things:
Choose appropriate scales and mark them on the axes. The scales will
normally be linear; for example 1 cm along the axis might represent a
change of 1 minute wherever you start from on the axis. You should
normally include the origin on your graph. If you do not, you should
make it obvious that this is the case, perhaps by having a break in the
Label the axes to indicate what variables are being plotted. The units on the
x-axis are those of the independent variable. This is the one whose values
may have been chosen, or do not depend on the other variable. The dependent
variable (the one whose value is determined by the other variable) is plotted
on the y-axis.
Label the axes with appropriate units.
Mark the points clearly.
Decide whether or not the points lie on a straight line. This is not always
easy. Because of experimental error or natural variation the data points
are unlikely to lie exactly on a straight line. Also, in some cases, there
may be a proportional relationship between the variables for only part of
the range of values of x. These points are illustrated in Graphs 7.9 and
7.10. Graph 7.9 shows a situation where y is proportional to x only over
part of the range of x-values. In Graph 7.10 there is some doubt whether
a straight-line relationship really exists. Graphs of curves are dealt with
in Chapter 8.
If you are convinced that there is a straight-line relationship between x and y
you need to draw the line which best fits the points. You can do this by eye,
trying to balance points above and below the line, or you can use a statistical
method (linear regression) which is available on many calculators and in

Straight-Line Graphs
Graph 7.9
Graph 7.10
computer statistical or data presentation packages such as MINITAB.
(Statistical methods can be used to determine the goodness-of-fit of the data
to a straight-line relationship.) Having drawn the line you can determine the
gradient and y-intercept, and hence the equation of the line.
You can interpret a straight-line graph as follows:
The variable y is related to x such that any increase in x is associated with a
proportional increase in y. The gradient of the line gives the ratio between
the change in y and change in x.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
If the line passes through the origin, y is proportional to x.
If the line does not pass through the origin, when x=0,  y has a non-zero
You may be able to predict values of y for another set of values of x, or use
measured values of y to determine x.
Example 7.10
The results shown in Table 7.2 were obtained when the intensity
of the light emitted from a set of solutions containing different
known concentrations of Ca2+ (a set of ‘standards’) was measured
in a flame photometer.
Table 7.2
Data for Example 7.10.
If the readings for these standards are plotted against their Ca2+ concentrations
(µg/ml), a straight-line graph is obtained which passes through the origin and has
a slope of 0.5 (see Graph 7.11).
Graph 7.11

Straight-Line Graphs
The equation is therefore
This indicates that the reading is proportional to the Ca2+ concentration over the
range used. If readings are obtained from other solutions (samples with unknown
Ca2+ concentrations), their concentrations can be calculated by dividing the reading
by the gradient.
reading=0.5 (concentration)
so sample reading/0.5=concentration (µg/ml).
This example illustrates the use of a ‘calibration curve’ which is a general term for
the graph obtained when the readings from an instrument are plotted against the
known values of another variable.
In many experiments time is the independent variable (x), in which case the
gradient of the straight-line graph represents the rate of change of the other variable.
Suppose you are measuring the amount of product obtained from a reaction at
various times after starting the reaction. When you plot the amount of product
against time, you find the points lie on a straight line passing through the origin.
You are therefore able to conclude that product accumulation is proportional to
time over the range measured. The gradient gives the rate of reaction, i.e. the rate
at which product is made. If you repeated this experiment at a higher temperature,
you might find that the gradient increased. You could conclude that the rate of
reaction depends on the temperature.
Another example would be if you were measuring the rates of reaction using
different concentrations of enzyme. For each enzyme concentration you would
plot a graph of product accumulated against time, and obtain the gradient of the
straight line. These gradients represent the rates of reaction at different enzyme
concentrations. When you plot these rates of reaction against enzyme concentration
you find the points lie on a straight line passing through the origin. You are therefore
able to conclude that under the conditions used, the rate of reaction is proportional
to the enzyme concentration.
If you have just finished reading this chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked ‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
examples. If you also get these correct, move on to the next chapter. If you do not
get the right answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems 1–
16, and then repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Find the gradient of the straight line passing through the points whose coordinates
are given.
1. (2, 3), (5, 6)
2.* (-1, 3), (-5, -6)
3. (0, -5), (6, 5)
(0.25, 4), (4, -1.5)
Find the equation of the straight line passing through the points whose
coordinates are given.
5. (3, 2), (6, 5)
6.* (3, 1), (5, 6)
7. (2, 3), (-6, 5)
8.* (-1, -1), (2, 8)
Find the equation of the straight line passing through the point P1 with the
given gradient a.
9. P1(-1, 2), a=2
P1(-1, -3), a=-1
Graph the following equations:
13. y=2x+1
15. 3–2y=4x
16.* 4y-3x=9
17. A 0.25 mmol/1 stock solution of p-nitrophenol in buffer at pH 10.0 was
diluted in buffer to prepare a set of solutions of different concentration. The
absorbance at 410 nm of each of these solutions was measured in a
spectrophotometer using a 1 cm light path. The results are given in Table 7.3.
Calculate the molar absorption coefficient for p-nitrophenol if A=Ecd where
A=absorbance, E=molar absorption coefficient, c=concentration, and d=light
path length.
Table 7.3
Data for Question 17, Chapter 7.

Straight-Line Graphs
18. Using the data in 17 above, calculate the concentrations of the unknown
solutions of p-nitrophenol which when diluted as indicated, gave the
absorbances shown in Table 7.4.
19. In an assay for the enzyme lumpase in saliva, the enzyme is incubated with
the substrate, L-LUMPA, and the rate of formation of product, BITTA, is
measured by taking samples at times during the incubation and adding
concentrated HCl which converts BITTA to a coloured substance, MUDDY.
The intensity of the colour can be measured spectrophotometrically and is
proportional to the concentration of MUDDY. For every molecule of L-LUMPA
used, one molecule of MUDDY is produced.
An experiment was performed as follows:
1.0 ml saliva+9.0 ml buffer-L-LUMPA solution were incubated at 37° C. 1.0
ml samples were taken at set times, 2.0 ml cone. HCl added and the absorbance
measured against a suitable blank. A 1.0 cm light path was used. The results
for this are given in Table 7.5, and those for a calibration curve are given in
Table 7.6.
The rate of reaction in units of absorbance change minute-1.
The rate of reaction in units of µmoles L-LUMPA converted
The activity of the enzyme in units of µmol minute-1 ml-1 saliva.
Table 7.4
Data for Question 18, Chapter 7.
Table 7.5
Data for Question 19, Chapter 7.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Table 7.6
Calibration Curve Data for Question 19, Chapter 7.
Recently an artificial substrate (JOBBO) for the enzyme has been made which
gives a red-coloured product without the need for the addition of cone. HCl.
This product has a molar absorption coefficient of 5,000 1 mol-1cm-1. In an
assay with the same saliva sample as before, when 1.0 ml saliva was incubated
with 9.0 ml buffer-JOBBO solution at 37°C, the absorbance increased linearly
with time from a value of 0 at time=0 min, to 0.5 at time=10 min.
(iv) Calculate the activity of the enzyme in the sample.
20. You obtain the results shown in Table 7.7 in an experiment to determine the
effect of substrate concentration on the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction.
Plot a graph of rate of reaction against substrate concentration. What can you
say about the relationship between the two variables?
Table 7.7
Data for Question 20, Chapter 7.


Question 20 in the previous chapter had data that when plotted directly gives a
curve rather than a straight line. You will often find this to be the case, because the
relationship between many variables is not one of direct proportionality.
If the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the concentration of the
reactant A, for the reaction A→B, the rate of reaction=k[A] where k is a constant
(called the rate constant). Also, the rate of reaction = the rate of disappearance of
A which can be represented by the expression -
 where the ‘d’ stands for ‘a
small change in’, and the minus sign is present because [A] is falling.
Example 8.1
Find the rate of reaction at 2.5 and 5.0 minutes, using the data in
Table 8.1.
If [A] is plotted against time, the Graph 8.1 is obtained.
You can see that it is not easy to get accurate values for the rates of reaction at
2.5 and 5.0 minutes because these are the gradients at these times, and the
graph is a curve rather than a straight line. This implies that the rate of reaction
is constantly changing, and this is of course because the concentration of A,
which determines the rate, is constantly falling. One way of calculating the
Table 8.1
Data for Example 8.1.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 8.1
Graph 8.2
gradient more easily is to transform the data mathematically so that when
replotted the graph becomes a straight line. In this example you calculate the
natural logs of the values for [A]. Graph 8.2 shows a plot of In [A] against
You can see that this is a straight line. Therefore its equation must be of the
form  y=ax+b. In this case, y=ln[A], x=time, and b is the y-intercept
which=4.38. The gradient is a, which you can calculate in the usual way from

Non-Linear Rates of Changes
two points, and which equals -0.429. Therefore the equation of this straight
line is:
ln[A]=-0.429 (time)+4.38
The gradient a is also equal to the rate constant, k. The rates of reaction at 2.5 and
5.0 minutes can be obtained by first finding [A] at these times.
So, at 2.5 minutes,
In [A]=-0.429(2.5)+4.38=3.31
So [A]=antiln(3.31)=27.3 mmol/l
and since rate of reaction=k[A]
rate of reaction=-0.429(27.3)
=-11.7 mmoll-1 minute-1.
Similarly, at 5 minutes,
so [A]=antiln(2.26)=9.54 mmol/l
and rate of reaction=-0.429(9.54)
=-4.09 mmol 1-1 minute-1.
Note that the rates of reaction are negative because they represent the rate of fall in
concentration of A.
The example above shows how it may be possible to obtain an equation relating
two variables if one or both variables can be transformed so that when the
transformed data is plotted, a straight line is obtained. Therefore you might expect
that several shapes of curve can be described by relatively simple equations. Graphs
8.3 to 8.8 are examples.
Graph 8.3 is of the equation y=beax where both a and b are positive (in this case,
0.5 and 2 respectively). This is an exponential equation.
Graph 8.4 is of the equation y=beax where a is negative and b is positive (in this
case, -0.5 and 5, respectively). This is also an exponential equation.
Graph 8.5 is of the equation y=a(lnx) where a is positive (in this case 0.5). This is
a logarithmic equation.
Graph 8.6 is of the equation y=bxa where both a and b are positive (in this case, 0.5
and 2 respectively).
Graph 8.7 is of the equation y=ax2 where a is positive (in this case 0.5). Graph 8.8
is of the equation where a and b are positive (in this case, 0.75 and 1.25 respectively).
In each of these cases, it is possible to obtain an equation relating x and y, and
the values of the constants a and b, by transforming the data in the following

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 8.3
Graph 8.4
• For equations of the form y=beax (Graphs 8.3 and 8.4)      
If ln y is plotted against x, the gradient=a and the intercept on the ln y axis=ln b.

Non-Linear Rates of Changes
Graph 8.5
Graph 8.6
• For equations of the form y=a(ln x) (Graph 8.5)
If y is plotted against ln x, the gradient = a.
• For equations of the form y=bxa (Graph 8.6)

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 8.7
Graph 8.8
If ln y is plotted against ln x, the gradient=a and the intercept on the ln y axis is
ln b.
• For equations of the form y=ax2 (Graph 8.7)
If y is plotted against x2, the gradient=a.
• For equations of the form 
 (Graph 8.8) there are several possibilities.

Non-Linear Rates of Changes
Invert the equation:
This is the same as
If   is plotted against   , the gradient=
, and the   intercept =  . Also, the   -
Invert the equation:
Multiply by x
If   is plotted against x, the gradient is   and the   intercept is  .
(iii) Multiply by the denominator, then divide by x:
If y is plotted against  , the gradient is -b and the y-intercept is a.
In the previous section you have seen how variables may be related in such a way
that the rate of change of y with a change in x is itself constantly changing. In
example 8.1 where the rate of change was the rate of a reaction =the rate of
disappearance of A, I introduced the expression -d[A]/dt where the ‘d’ stands for

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
‘a small change in’, and the minus sign is present because [A] is falling. The term
 is a general term for the change in y relative to the change in x and is therefore
the gradient of the graph of y against x for any shape of graph. The value of 
any particular value of x is given by the ‘differential form’ of the equation of the
graph of y against x. The latter can be called the ‘integrated form’ of the equation,
and I gave examples of these in Section 8.1. (An explanation of the derivation of
the differentiated forms is outside the scope of this book. You would need to read
an ‘A’ level or higher level textbook to find out about it. However, you can use the
differentiated forms of the equations in calculations without understanding their
origins.) The differential forms of the equations are listed in Table 8.2.
By using these equations you can therefore calculate 
, the rate of change of
y with x, for any data whose points form a line which can be described by one of
the listed integrated forms.
Given a set of data values of x and y, you should do the following.
(i) Plot y against x. If this gives an obvious straight line, you can determine the
gradient and the intercept directly, and hence find 
, the equation of the
line, and therefore the relationship between y and x.
(ii) If the plot does not give an obvious straight line, see whether it more closely
resembles any of the types of curve discussed above. If so, try transforming
the data appropriately and replot. If you now obtain a straight line, you can
determine the gradient and intercept, find the equation of the line, and find
 from the differentiated form of the equation.
Example 8.2
The number of bacteria in a culture was measured at 10 minute
intervals over one hour. The results are shown in Table 8.3.
 (i) What is the relationship between number of bacteria and
(ii) Calculate the growth rate at 15 minutes.
Table 8.2
Integrated and Differentiated Forms of Equations.

Non-Linear Rates of Changes
Table 8.3
Data for Example 8.2.
A plot of number of bacteria/ml against time gives an
upward curving plot that is obviously not a straight line,
but suggests an exponential relationship, i.e. if the num
ber of bacteria/ml at time t=Nt, then
Nt=beat where a and b are constants.
A plot of ln Nt against t gives a straight line with a
gradient of 0.0345 min-1 and intercept of 10.3.
Therefore ln Nt=10.3+0.0345t
antiln (ln Nt)=antiln (10.3+0.0345t)
=antiln (10.3)×antiln(0.0345t)
Also, since
at time 15 minutes,
so growth rate
=1742 bacteria/minute at 15 minutes
Example 83
The rate of a reaction was measured at different temperatures. From
the results shown in Table 8.4, determine the relationship between
rate of reaction and temperature.
Table 8.4
Data for Example 8.3.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 8.9 shows the rate plotted against the temperature. The points suggest
an upward curve rather than a straight line. This suggests y and x are likely to be
related according to an equation of the form y=beax, and therefore you should try
plotting ln rate against temperature. This is shown in Graph 8.10. You can see
the points appear to lie on a straight line with gradient 0.024, suggesting the
ln rate =0.024 (temperature)+ln b,
or rate=be0.024(temp)
However, if you plot ln rate against 
 you obtain Graph 8.11.
Again, the points appear to fit a straight line, this time with a gradient of -
2.15×103, suggesting the equation:
This illustrates a potential problem in that more than one transformation may give
an apparently satisfactory fit of a curve to the data. You need to be aware of this
possibility. It may be possible to eliminate one equation by thinking about what
values are obtained at the extremes. ln the example, using the first equation, when
temperature is 0 K, rate=b which is non-zero.
Graph 8.9

Non-Linear Rates of Changes
Graph 8.10
Graph 8.11
This cannot be true, though, since at absolute zero the molecules would be
motionless and could not react. Using the second equation, you obtain rate=0 at 0
K, which is sensible.
Transforming data into a logarithmic form is also often useful when the values
for the independent variable span several orders of magnitude. By taking the log
of these values it is easier to plot a graph which shows the effective range of values

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
over which the dependent variable changes significantly. This is particularly
applicable in physiology or pharmacology where you may be interested in the
relationship between the concentration of a neurotransmitter or the dose of a drug
and the response of a tissue.
If you have just finished reading this chapter I suggest you now try the ‘pure
mathematics’ examples marked‘*’. If you get these correct, try all of the applied
examples. If you also get these correct, congratulations! If you do not get the right
answers, re-read the explanations and try the rest of the problems 1–9, and then
repeat your attempts at the applied problems.
Sketch graphs of the following equations and of their differentiated forms. Find
the values of 
 at x=2.
1. y=ex
4. y=e-x
y=ln x
6.y=10(ln x)
7. y=ln x2
10. In an experiment to measure the effect of histamine on the contraction of
isolated guinea-pig ileum, the extent of tissue contraction was measured
at 11 different concentrations of histamine. The results are shown in Table
8.5. Calculate the histamine concentration which gives half the maximum
Table 8.5
Data for Question 10, Chapter 8.

Non-Linear Rates of Changes
11. A hormone H binds reversibly to its receptor R on cell membranes:
The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of hormone-receptor complex
into free hormone and receptor is Kd. The data in Table 8.6 gives values for the
amount of hormone bound by receptor at different hormone concentrations.
Calculate the total number of receptors and the Kd.
12. Radioactivity arises from atoms which have unstable nuclei. These nuclei
disintegrate spontaneously, emitting ionising radiation. Radioactivity is
quantified by the rate of disintegration. For example, a sample of a radioactive
substance can be said to have an activity of 5×106 disintegrations per second,
meaning that in the sample, this number of nuclei disintegrate every second.
Obviously, if nuclei are disintegrating, the activity of a sample must decrease
over time as there are fewer nuclei left to disintegrate. The time it takes for the
activity to fall to half of its original activity is called the half-life, t1/2. This is a
characteristic of each radioisotope, i.e. each type of radioactive atom. Calculate
the half life of a radioisotope X, and the activity after 2 weeks from time 0,
given the data in Table 8.7.
13. For a simple reaction 
 the rate of reaction=k[X] where k is called the
rate constant. The value of k depends on the temperature and the relationship
is given by k=Ae-Ea/RT where A is a constant depending on the nature of the
reaction, R is the gas constant (= 8.3 joules mol-1K-1) and Ea is called the
activation energy of the reaction. T is the absolute temperature (K). Calculate
Ea, for a reaction, given the values of the rates of reaction at different
temperatures shown in Table 8.8.
14. The data in Table 8.9 relate the average basal metabolic rates of several species
of mammal to the average body masses of these mammals. Derive an equation
that describes the apparent relationship between these two variables.
15. Using the data from question 20 in Chapter 7, find the relationship between
rate and substrate concentration, and the value of the constants, by using three
different transformations of the equation:

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Table 8.6
Data for Question 11, Chapter 8.
Table 8.7
Data for Question 12, Chapter 8.
Table 8.8
Data for Question 13, Chapter 8.
Table 8.9
Data for Question 14, Chapter 8.

1. 1
11. 30.66
12. 4.14
13. 1.04
14. 26.95
15. 169.638
16. 1.225
17. 3.45
18. 13.16
19. 5.45
20. 23.75
21. 0.63
22. 6.9
23. 3.51
24. 33.3%
25. 75%
26. 77.8%
27. 88.3%
28. 60
29. 28
30. 80
31. 25.1%
32. 0.45 g of protein; 0.21 g of nucleic acid; 0.24 g
33. See Table 9.1
34. 21.8%; 
 ; 0.218
35.  (i) 3 g of sucrose made up to 100 ml with solvent
(ii) 15 g of sucrose made up to 500 ml
Table 9.1
Answer to Question 32, Chapter 2.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
25 g of sucrose plus 475 g solvent
2.5 ml of ethanol plus 497.5 ml solvent,
2 g of ethanol made up to 20 ml with solvent
36. (i)
0.15 g
0.15 g
0.25 g
6. 30 ml/1 or 0.03 1/1
7. 12
9. 32
10. 49
11. 2
13. 50 000 cm or 500 m or 0.5 km
14. 1:500 000
15. 4.541
16. 400
17. See Table 9.2
18. (i)
275.5 g
275.5 g
(iii) 27.55 g
0.00226 mol/1
(vii) 0.181 1 or 181 ml
(viii) 0.73 ml
(ix) and (x) See Table 9.3
19.  Using 0.5 mol/1 stock solution and water,
(i) 0.4 ml stock+9.6 ml water
(ii) 0.08 ml stock+9.92 ml water, or, 1 ml stock+4 ml water, then 0.4 ml of
this+9.6 ml water.
Table 9.2 Answers to Question 17, Chapter 3.

Table 9.3 Answers for Questions 17 (ix) and (x), Chapter 3.
(iii) 1 ml stock+4 ml water, then 0.1 ml of this+0.9 ml water,
1 ml stock+4 ml water, then 0.3 ml of this+0.7 ml water,
0.11 ml stock+9.89 ml water.
1 ml stock+8 ml water, then 0.15 ml of this+4.85 ml water,
(vii) 1 ml stock+17 ml water, then of 0.08 ml of this+1.92 ml of water.
(viii) 1 ml of stock+17 ml of water, then 0.3 ml of this+0.7 ml of water.
The answers given below for (ix) and (x) are not the only possible
correct answers. Generally you should be trying to be practical and
0.4 ml of stock+9.6 ml of water; then of this, 1.0, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25 and 0
ml with 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0 ml water respectively.
1 ml stock+44 ml water; then of this, 10, 7.5, 5.0, 2.5 and 0 ml with 0,
2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 ml of water respectively.
20. 120 ml/minute
1. 8
2. 1
6. 2
10. a5
11. a

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
13. a2
14. a-5 or 1/a5
15. a-1 or 1/a
16. a6
17. a-2 or 1/a2
18. a6
19. 10
20. 0.1
21. 0.1
22. 3.5×10-5
23. 1.73×1010
24. 3.184576×103
25. 3.73×10–4
26. 1.6×102
27. 3.51×10-4
28. 0.000315
29. 0.000376
30. 150
31. 0.015
32. 0.04786
33. 61
34. 1.093×104
35. 109
36. 2.89×104
37. -3.04×10-2
38. 4.495×10–2
39. -4.35×10-2
40. 270 or 2.7×102
41. 7.5×104
42. 3.96×10-2
43. 3×10-8
44. 3×10-2
45. 0.3
46. 0.471 g
47. 0.018 1
48. 140 µ1
49. 51 µg
50. 0.042 mg
51. 0.831 ml
52. 1.4 µ1
53. 37 µmol/1
54. 0.031 mmol/1
55. 17 mol/m3
56. 3.1 µmol/1
57. 1.4×10-5 mmol/ml
58. 1.5×103 mg/1
59. 3.1×10–5% (w/v)
60. See Table 9.4
61. Total phosphate is 0.092%;
Chloride is 0.50%; 142 mmol/1.
9.6 mmol/1.
62. Na+ is 0.35%; 153 mmol/1.
K+ is 0.016%; 4.18 mmol/1.
Mg2+ is 1.2×10-3 %; 0.49 mmol/1.
Ca2+ is 3.5×10–3 %; 0.88 mmol/1.
Table 9.4
Answer for Question 60, Chapter 4.

Table 9.5
Answers to Question 63, Chapter 4.
63. 0.55 g. See Table 9.5 for other answers.
64. 2.3×107 bacteria/ml.
1. -3
2. -2
3. 5.5
4. 2
5. 3
6. 2
7. 4.8
8. 0.5
9. 4.167
10. -5.96
11. 39.3
12. 54.47
13. -19.5
14. 14.67
15. 6
16. 5
17. 7
18. 1.4
19. -2.57
20. -3.8
21. 3 and -1
22. -2 and 1
23. 3 and -2
24. 5.284 and -0.284
25. 6.15 µmol/l
26. (i)
0.1 µmol/sec
(iii) 0.8 mmol/l
4.0 mmol/l
See Table 9.6
27. 2.99×10–3 mol/l

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Table 9.6
Answers to Question 26 (v), Chapter 5.
1. 4
2. 9
3. 2
4. 4
5. 0
6. 5
7. -4
8. -3
9. -7
10. 6
11. 4
12. 3
13. -2
17. 0.60
18. 1.56
19. -0.22
20. 0.18
21. -0.18
22. 0.70
23. 2.30
24. 4.48
25. -2.22
26. -1.40
27. 2
28. 0.566
29. -6
30. 1.098
31. 16
32. 81
33. 128
34. 0.008
35. 0.0625
36. 2
37. 8
38. 109
39. 1.0023
40. 0.977
41. 2
42. 13
43. 0.125
44. 5
45. 0.02
46. 0.0126
47. 1999
48. 4002
49. 31.64
50. 3.0000004
51. 5 or -2
52. 1
53. ln y=ln a+b ln x
54. y=antilogb×xa
55. (i)
See Table 9.7
56. (i)
(iv) 10.1
57. (i)
(iv) 9.23

Table 9.7
Answers to Question 55, Chapter 6.
Table 9.8
Answers to Question 58, Chapter 6.
58. See Table 9.8
59. 10.6
60. Ethylamine gives pH 11.4 for a 0.01 mol/l solution.
61. 4.34
62. Carboxyl group 99.999% ionised Amino group 99.5% ionised
64. ∆G°=1783 J/mol
1. 1.
2. 2.25.
3. 1.67
4. -1.467
5. y=x-1.
6. y=2.5x-6.5
7. y=-0.25x+3.5
8. y=3x+2
9. y=2x+4
10. y=-x-4
11. y=0.25x+4.25
12. y=-0.6x
13-16. See Graphs 9.1-9.4
17. See Graph 9.5. Gradient =E=18.2 l mmol-1 cm-1
=18.2×103 l mol-1 cm-1.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 9.1
Graph 9.2
18. See Table 9.9
19. (i)
0.02 absorbance minute-1
0.0267 µmol minute-1
(iii) 0.267 µmol minute-1 ml-1 saliva
0.1 µmol minute-1 ml-1 saliva

Table 9.9
Answers to Question 18, Chapter 7.
Graph 9.3
Graph 9.4

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 9.5
20. The graph is not a straight line, though it approximates to one when the
substrate concentration is low. Therefore the rate of reaction is not proportional
to the substrate concentration, though it approaches proportionality at low
substrate concentrations.
1–9. See Graphs 9.6–9.23
10. Plot mm contraction vs log [histamine]. The result is an S-shaped curve. Since
the maximum contraction is 13.4 mm, the half-maximum effect is 6.7 mm,
and at this point the log [histamine] is -5.59, so the [histamine] is 2.6 µmol/l.
11. Plot [bound hormone] vs [bound]/[free hormone].
The bound-intercept=10.5 fmol/ml=total number of receptors/ml so 10.5 fmol/
ml×6.02×1023=6.3×109 receptors/ml.
12. Plot ln dps vs time.
Gradient=-0.433, y-intercept=19.3
therefore ln dps=-0.433(time)+19.3
(i) For t=half-life, ln dps=ln (2.4×108/2)=18.6
t1/2=(19.3-18.6)/0.433=1.61 days

Graph 9.6
Graph 9.7
Graph 9.8

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 9.9
Graph 9.10
Graph 9.11

Graph 9.12
Graph 9.13
Graph 9.14

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 9.15
Graph 9.16
Graph 9.17

Graph 9.18
Graph 9.19
Graph 9.20

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Graph 9.21
Graph 9.23
Graph 9.22

(ii) At 
t=2 weeks=14 days, ln dps =-0.433(14)+19.3=13.24 therefore
activity=antiln 13.24=5.6×105 dps
13. Plot ln rate vs. 1/T.
therefore Ea=2.16×103×8.3 J/mol=17.9 kJ/mol
14. Plot log10 MR vs log10 BM.
Gradient=0.77, y-intercept=0.55
therefore log MR=0.77 log BM+0.55
therefore MR=3.55×BM0.77
15. See Table 9.10
Rate v=a[substrate]/(b+[substrate])
Plot   vs 
; vs [S]; and v vs 
From these graphs, a=approx. 0.73 µmol/min, b=approx
60 µmol/l.
Table 9.10 Answers for Question 14, Chapter 8.

Absorbance, 44, 46, 57, 59, 70, 72
of straight lines, 62–66, 69, 70
Absorption coefficient, 44, 46, 70, 72
Equilibrium constant, 45, 46, 58
Antilog, 50–53, 56
Evaluating an expression, 43–45
Atomic mass, 16
Exponential equation, 75
Avogadro’s number, 16
Exponents, 2, 29–33, 49, 50
Axes, 59, 63, 66, 78
dividing and multiplying, 30
Base see also Logs and Exponents,
Factoring, 42
mathematical, 29–32, 49, 50, 52, 56
Factors, 5, 29, 30, 42
chemical, 46, 54–56, 58
Formula weight, 16, 17, 26, 27, 37
Base units, 3
Fractions, 4–6, 8, 10, 11
Buffer solutions, 55
adding, 4
dividing, 6
Calibration curve, 69, 71
equivalent, 4
Common logs, 49
multiplying, 5
Concentrations, 2
subtracting, 5
percentage, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16
molar, 16–21, 23–27, 35, 37, 44–47
Gradient, 61–66, 70, 73–75
[H+], 53–55, 57–58
Graphs, 59
graphs of, 68–72, 73, 84–85
non-linear, 73
Conjugate base, 46, 54–56, 58
of straight lines, 59–69
Converting units, 14–16
Coordinates, 59, 66, 70
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 54, 55
Decimals, 2, 6, 7, 36
Independent variable, 66, 69, 83
dividing and multiplying, 7
Integrated form, 80
Denominator, 4–6, 8
Dependent variable, 66, 69, 84
Litre, equivalent of, 4, 35
Differential form, 80
Logarithmic equation, 75
Dilutions, 18–21, 23–25, 27, 38
Logarithms, 49–53, 56, 57
fold, 19, 20, 23–25
rules for manipulating, 51
serial, 19, 25
Dissociation constant, 46, 53
Dissociation, of a weak acid, 46, 53, 58
Molarity, 16, 17
Mole, 16–18, 21
Molecular weight, 9, 16, 17
equivalent, 39

Natural logs, 49, 52
Numerator, 4–6
of change, 69, 79–81
Parentheses, multiplying or dividing
of reaction, 2, 69, 71–75, 81, 85
numbers in, 40
Ratio, 3, 13, 60
Roots, 42, 51
applying to a number, 8
calculating a, 8
Scientific notation, 32–33, 36
concentrations, see Concentrations
SI units, 3, 4, 16
converting from a, 8
Square, 3, 30
increase or decrease, 8
Standard free energy change, 58
converting to, 8
Straight line, see Equations of straight
pH, 53–58
pKa, 53–58
Powers, 30–33
Transformations, 75, 80–82
Prefixes, 33–35
Transmittance, 57
Proportions, 2, 13–16, 41, 59
Units, 2–4, 18, 29, 33–37, 44
Quadratic equations, 42
Units, converting, 14–16

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