This appendix provides the original Persian of the set-off couplets in this translation, identified and alphabetized by the first line of the English translation of the couplet. Bracketed numbers in the appendix refer to ghazal numbers.
A nightingale was holding in its beak [77]
A pair of clever companions, and of old wine, a couple of stones [477]
Along the path of love, indeed [125]
although as a hafez I am well-known [457]
and till dawn [320]
Appreciate the preciousness of time as much as you can [473]
arise and let us dedicate our lives [77]
Although I have been immersed a hundred ways [313]
At dawn a cry came from the heavens [199]
At dawn, I was telling the wind the story of my longing [440]
At dawn, my good fortune came to my bedside [176]
At dawn, the nightingale told the zephyr the story [130]
at every moment the image of your face [357]
Be my beloved [52]
Bring wine! Qur’an reciters, clerics [200]
but if you are not prepared [144]
Come, for the flourishing of this workshop [477]
Come, let us scatter flowers [374]
Dark night and the desert, where can one reach [117]
Do what you want, but do not pursue hurting others [76]
Drunkenly, let us remove the veil [375]
each night all night [324]
Even though covered in the dust of poverty [346]
Even though the affairs of the world are clenched like a bud [274]
Excited by the intoxicated narcissus eyes [379]
Fall in love, for if not, some day [435]
From the alley of the friend [454]
from the dawn of time until eternity’s evening [206]
Give me wine, oh cupbearer [286]
give my futile heart the elixir it craves [248]
Hafezalthough we have no choice [53]
Hafez, talk of your delightfully deceptive magic [429]
Hark! Do not despair [255]
how can eyes see you as you truly are [300]
How can one benefit from union with the beauty of a king [428]
How could we claim to be without sin in a place [489]
How joyfully and tenderly you strut, oh young spring branch [429]
How long shall our hearts grieve [391]
However old, incapable [321]
Humans and spirits are dependent on the existence of love [452]
Humans cannot be found in the terrestrial world [470]
I am a bird [317]
I am a lover, a libertine, an admirer of beauty [311]
I am ashamed of my soiled robe [311]
I am slave to he [37]
I am that magical poet [324]
I am the falcon on the wrist of the king [343]
I did not fall from the mosque into the tavern on my own [111]
I don’t know who fired the arrow [240]
I drink from the decanter secretly [149]
I have been struck by an arrow of the firmament [348]
I never paid attention to the workings of the world [22]
I offered both worlds to my experienced heart [48]
I shall not lament your absence [254]
I uprooted the silhouette of that spruce fir [146]
if ever the breeze of union with you [234]
If my wounded heart has any aspirations [492]
If one night [334]
If the wind of calamity casts chaos into both worlds [60]
If you go to the heavens [407]
If you must have sunlight at midnight, cast off the veil [263]
If your heart is about to burst [263]
In that time without beginning [371]
in the beauty of your face [90]
In the time before time began [152]
in the time of Adam in the garden of Eden [206]
it has grown dark within [483]
Last night in my sleep I dreamed that a moon had risen [439]
Last night the wine-seller [286]
Like a bird, I flew out of the terrestrial cage [335]
Like a cypress, gleefully [355]
like Jamshid drink from that visionary cup [488]
Look at these conditions, I said [470]
Love arises from a hidden subtlety [66]
Might I go mad in this passion, since from night to day [356]
My body’s dust is as a veil [342]
My whole heart and being became so filled with the friend [332]
No friendship is seen in anyone [169]
No matter which way I went, my fear only increased [94]
no one profits from the market of life [440]
Not only today do we drink wine [243]
Nurturing the thought of having the capacity of the sea [290]
O Hafez, on the last day, if you bear [80]
O knowing heart how long will you have to know [436]
O morning breeze, abet me now, tonight, because [42]
O selfishness! Leave me, you greedy thing [492]
O tie a cup to my shroud [266]
Oh Hafez, drink wine, be a clever libertine, and rejoice [9]
one cannot find the precious pearl alone [234]
Our elder said that the creator’s pen made no error [105]
Paradise, the shade of its Tuba tree [353]
Purely because of his love for you, Hafez became [24]
Rise and display your stature, oh graceful idol [336]
Seek success under conditions that are contrary to custom [319]
since poets first used their pens [184]
Since the sorrow of love for you [368]
So what if the Magian elder became my spiritual leader? [69]
Speak to me of minstrels and wine [3]
Strive to be truthful [28]
the angel kneeling before Adam [474]
The army of tyranny rules from shore to shore [49]
The bird of my soul that sang from the Lote tree [310]
The city is devoid of lovers [189]
The flaming torch of the sun [87]
The pen does not have the tongue to utter the secret of love [440]
The story of longing as recorded in this book [354]
There is a vast difference between the lover and the beloved [244]
There is no end to the story of me and the beloved [310]
They call you from the empyrean pinnacle [37]
to me the air of my beloved’s house [333]
to spend time in the company [232]
To use the lashes of my eyes, for honor’s sake [42]
Veils are removed from the earth and the heavens [187]
Venus’s odes will not flourish [258]
We saw the fresh beauty of your face and came [366]
What is the heart’s purpose [393]
What kind of sugar is there in this city [455]
When I am with you, a year seems a day [464]
When I bring the reed pen that is the fish to write [“The Wild Deer”]
When the spring cloud saw [454]
Whenever I desire to see my soul [347]
Whosoever is not alive through love in this circle [244]
Why let the world upset you? Why, and for how long? [159]
Why would one who has chosen seclusion need sights to see? [33]
Wish for the spring of life, oh heart [115]
With your scent, like the rose, at every moment [389]
You are not less than an atom [387]
You said that our Hafez reeks of hypocrisy [485]
Your love will come to the rescue, if you, like Hafez [94]