What is karma? Is it our purpose, or is it our destiny? Are we given our individual abilities so that we may do with them as we must? Perhaps, it is so that we can do with them all we can. At any event, they should not limit us. They can’t be a burden, but a gift.
If it is our duties that we are here to accomplish, then why do they so often cause conflict within our souls? Do we take up what is right, or do we take up what feels right? It is, I suppose, a question of morality.
Morality is as diverse a thing as exists in this world, and yet there is nothing quite as categorical.
Revenge is perhaps the most singular act of them all, embarked upon as an expression of one’s own feelings of guilt or helplessness. It is a path that does much more to those who follow it rather than those into whose lives it leads. For one, it mars his life; for the other, it mars his soul. You know best what will suit you. Revenge, yes, but revenge against whom?