Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives-Aiden
“DUDE, you fucking nailed it. The chapter president loved it. He was raving about how much of a class act this was. Well done.” Zeke sat with his feet on the table and tie loosened around his neck.
“I couldn’t agree more. Even though I was looking forward to our rush party, I think I made some badass connections for when I graduate,” Nate said.
Kam and Jon both nodded in agreement and finally kicked back. We were in charge of the whole thing, so we had no time to relax the entire six hours.
I looked around at my closest friends and felt nothing but pride. We somehow pulled off this insane request and looked badass doing so. “Fellas, I’m fucking proud. You all stepped up. I wish there was more to say, but I’m all out of words. Go enjoy the rest of your night as best you can. Here are some cigars.”
“Hear, hear.”
I stood and loosened my tie, noticing it was past midnight. I pocketed one of the Cubans and grabbed a lighter. I reached to grab my phone and realized it was still in the basement with Jenna. I waved bye and headed down the flights of stairs to go talk to her.
Boy, she was a hit. I smiled at the way the guys talked about her. She charmed the curmudgeons, flirted with the old perverts, knew her drinks, and offered them a cigar. I was more than impressed with my new friend. It was still odd to think of her as a friend now. She was completely off-limits, but I enjoyed her company. It was for the best.
“J-Money! You still here?”
“Yeah. In the back.” Her muffled voice came from the utility closet.
“What in the hell are you doing?”
She stood on the barstool, barefoot, trying to shove a box of something onto the shelving.
“Get your short ass down before you fall.”
She didn’t stop what she was doing, but managed to flip me the bird. For the third time. “You know, you could help me instead of standing there watching.”
“Insane girl.” I found a chair and hopped up to grab hold of half the box. “Damn, this is heavy. How’d you get this up here by yourself?”
“Aiden. I’ve worked in a bar for five years, sometimes even by myself. I’m a big girl. Don’t fret over me.”
“Yes, ma’am. By the way, you were awesome tonight. All the alumni were talking about how great you were.”
“Good. I made more tonight than I’ve made in a whole weekend at Isaac’s. These guys have more money than they know what to do with.” She sounded in awe, and I fought the urge to ask more.
“You deserve every dollar earned.”
“Aw, thanks, pretty boy.” She hopped off the stool but slid down onto the floor. “I’m beat. I may just sleep in the closet. Do you mind?”
I laughed at her and held out a hand. She willingly took it. “Yes, I would mind. You’re not sleeping in the closet. I’ll walk you back to your apartment to make sure you don’t fall asleep on the way. It’s the least I can do.”
“I thought you had something to show me?” Her eyes were half closed but still curious.
“Shit, that’s right. Okay. I know you’re tired, but you never ate tonight, did you?”
She tilted her head and shook it in response. “I forgot to, I guess.”
“Do you like milkshakes?”
“What about fries?” I probed.
“That’s a clown question, bro.”
I laughed and was now concerned she was slap happy. “Have you ever been to Steak ’n’ Shake?”
“Steak and what?” Her lips pursed in thought, and I wanted to lick them.
“Steak ’n’ Shake. It’s one of the best diners east of the Mississippi, but they recently got one here in Tempe. It has the best shakes in the world. It’ll be my treat to thank you for helping out.”
Now I had her attention. “Hells yeah, I’m in, baby. I love me a good milkshake.”
“Did you have anything to drink tonight, crazy?”
“Nope. Exhaustion makes me say weird things, but trust me. Food will generally beat out sleep in my case. Food me.” She sighed when I put my arm around her shoulders and guided her up the stairs.
Some of the brothers gave me nods as they began picking up the trash. That was one rule I always had: five were always sober, and they were on clean-up duty the night of their turn. It was always worse to wake up to a house smelling of beer, piss, and vomit. If they didn’t like it, they could leave the frat.
“Let me borrow a car real quick so we can drive. I’ll drop you off afterward.”
“No need. Let’s take my moped. You’ll have to drive, though, because I’m in a dress and can’t flash the goods.”
“Moped? You drive a moped?” I couldn’t believe it. The thought made me like her even more.
“Hells yeah, I do. It’s a babe magnet, I tell ya.”
“Okay, you’re toast. I’m driving.”
She put on her helmet, and I went without. Sue me. Her legs fit nicely around my hips, and her arms held on to me incredibly tightly. I thought it was because she was just as affected by me as I was her, but then I realized she was so small her arms barely fit around me so she had no choice. “Comfy back there, J-Money?”
“Yup, Mr. February.”
No. There was no way she knew about that. It was hidden in the past. One of my biggest regrets. I must’ve heard her wrong.
We pulled into the parking lot and slid into a spot by the entrance. I barely let her take off her helmet before bombarding her. “What the hell did you call me back at the light?”
“What do you mean?” Her eyes displayed innocence, but she was fully awake now. She had a slight flush to her cheeks, giving her away. If there was anything I learned about her in the past week, it was she could mess with you.
“Don’t do pretend. You called me Mr. February. I want to know why.”
“I’m pretty sure you know exactly why.” She smirked and opened the door to the diner.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me.
“How did you find it? I thought it was buried deep.” I stood right in front of her and looked down, trying to intimidate the truth out of her. It didn’t work. At all. She stood on her tiptoes and lifted her chin as high as she could.
“Honestly, I didn’t find it. Someone told me about it. I just happened to question why anyone would do such an idiotic thing and had to see the proof. I saw, and oh my God. It was borderline porn.”
She kept her stance up, trying to make herself taller. It made me laugh.
“Ah, so you liked it, then?” I teased. “Want me to get you a copy?”
“I didn’t say I liked it. It was overtly sexual. And no thanks, I’m content with my own calendars of hot construction workers.” She ended the conversation and asked for a booth.
I was still standing there confused, yet again, at her statements.
“Do you really have a calendar of hot construction workers?” I had to know, even if it was none of my business.
She looked up from her menu, and I was suddenly taken aback by the green of her eyes. They were vibrant and the most unusual shade. It made her look unattainable to a mere mortal.
She sighed and waved her hands as she spoke. “Yes. If I went into my whole life story, it would make sense, but I’m not going to do that. My uncle got it for me as a gag gift when I turned eighteen, and now it’s been a recurring birthday present for the last four years.”
I chuckled at her response, and my stomach dropped when our waitress came up. Karli. A previous hookup which ended sourly. Her error, not mine. Fuck me.
“Aiden. Brought your new piece of ass to my work? Classy.” Her blonde-and-black hair seemed trashy now paired with hot-pink lipstick. She was attractive, but the venom in her eyes made it not matter. For one of the first times, I regretted hooking up with someone.
I looked over to find Jenna smiling.
“Listen, uh…what’s your name?” She glanced down at the nametag. “Karli, no offense, but trust me. I am not his new piece of ass. We’re just friends. And I don’t think judging and being rude to your customers is a wise idea.”
“Listen, you little slut—” Karli’s eyes smoldered, and I swore she was going to toss a glass of water on Jenna, but before she finished, Jenna stood, holding up her hand.
“I’m going to stop you right there. I am not a slut. And you’re embarrassing yourself. We want to order food. If you can’t handle that, then leave.”
Karli stared daggers at Jenna but stalked off. I still couldn’t believe what just happened, but Jenna sat back down and began humming to herself.
“Uh, sorry about that,” I muttered, trying to get her attention.
“No need to be sorry. Not your fault your dick got her all worked up.”
“Holy shit.” I burst out laughing.
“I have to ask. Am I going to have to deal with a lot of these crazies if we’re seen in public? I can handle myself—God, that’s not an issue—but I’d like to know.” She held eye contact, searching my face for something, but I didn’t know what.
“I’d like to say no, this won’t happen a lot, but I don’t know. I told you I never lie to these girls. I tell them up front there will never be a relationship. They won’t be the one to ‘change’ me, and it’s just a hookup. They’re the ones who fucking warp in their minds they’ll finally be the one to tie me down.”
“Yeah, girls can be crazy. I’ve seen them do desperately pathetic things at the bar.” She shrugged. “To be fair, guys can be assholes, too.”
We each ordered our own shake, cheese fries, and while I ordered three shooters, she ordered the chili mac. And being honest, there was no cute way to eat chili mac. She had sauce on her face, hands, and was making weird noises. I had no fucking clue why I enjoyed it.
“Dude. This is so damn good,” she mumbled between bites. She’d almost cleaned her plate, and I was impressed.
“Glad you like it. I saw this place on the show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Plus, I visited the original one in the Midwest when I was younger. This was also Robert Ebert’s favorite restaurant.”
“Robert Ebert?” She tilted her head when she was confused. I figured out at least one tell of hers.
“Movie critic?”
“Hmm. I’m not real hip on the movie scene.”
“I’ll teach you, young grasshopper.” I thought about Raging Bull and Citizen Kane. Jenna had to see those movies. They were amazing.
“This place may be my new favorite. I’m such a foodie.” She moaned into her spoon.
“I’m beginning to see that. Where do you put all your food? You certainly don’t show it.”
She shrugged and continued eating. “Have you had their chili mac before?”
“Can’t say I have, but seeing how much you’re enjoying it, I might have to try it.”
“Here, try some.” She put some on her spoon and held it over the table like it was normal for her to be feeding me in public. I should’ve said no, but I didn’t.
“Yup. Can I try your shake?” She was truly unlike any girl I’d ever hung out with. Ever. She ate her body weight, shared her food, and was now asking to try mine.
I licked my lips and shook my head at her in amusement.
“By all means, shorty.”
She glared at the nickname but took a chug of my strawberry-banana shake—stranana—through my straw. It was stupid how it turned me on seeing her mouth on my straw. I had to turn off these thoughts. Friends. We were friends. No sex.
“Oh, much better than mine. Oh well. I’ll get it next time.” She sat back and laid her hands on her stomach. “I’m in heaven right now.”
“It’s my charming personality, I know. You’re welcome.”
“Piss off.” She smiled and closed her eyes.
“Be right back. I’ll go pay.” I threw a ten on the table and paid the check before taking her home.
“Thank you for the late-night dinner. It was great.” She parked her little moped by her door, and I opted to walk home.
“You’re welcome. You were great tonight. Have a good weekend, and I’ll see you in class Monday.”
“Bye, Aiden.”
She went into her apartment and locked the door. There was no reason I waited there for the light to come on besides making sure she was safe. Because knowing someone only a week was too short to care for someone so much, right?