Blurred Lines-Jenna
“I have a date tonight, bitches!” Maya held up two different dresses and asked our opinion.
“On a Monday? Must be something special. I say the black dress,” Kennedy responded and gave me a knowing smile.
“Yeah, it’s this really hot guy in my morning class. We’ve flirted a few times the past couple weeks, but I really started giving signals last week, and yay me!”
“What the hell do you mean signals?” I asked. “I think of turning signals when I hear that. Like you raise your left arm or something.”
Maya scoffed. “If we all got hit on the amount of times you do, we wouldn’t need signals. For whatever reason, guys just love your little kick-ass, take-names attitude in your hot little bod. But for the rest of us, we have to…I don’t know, show interest. We have to smile and make eye contact. Find ways to touch them without being awkward. Right, Ken?”
“Absolutely. Especially for the guys in my department. They’re in their own world sometimes. You have to spell it out for most guys. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid.”
I waved my hands in front of me. “Hold up. Shouldn’t smiling be normal, as well as looking people in the eye? I do that, but I sure am not flirting. It’s called being a decent human being.”
“Yeah, but you have to add a little oomph to it. Hold their gaze for a couple seconds. Lick your lips. Wink. Get their number, insinuate plans. Werk it.” Maya danced in a circle.
“You just said that with an E, didn’t you?” It wouldn’t have been physically possible to stop the eye roll.
“Damn straight, biotch. Don’t roll those pretty eyes at my awesomeness. Now, what color dress?”
“I think you should choose the black. It’s sexy yet flattering,” Kennedy said while sitting on the counter, checking her phone.
“Okay, now, J. What do you think? Black or red?” She held them both up and twirled them around. “This is how they would look in the back.” Then she held them to her backside.
“Wear what makes you most comfortable and confident. You’ll look good in either one. Trust me; he won’t notice the color if he sees you in those hooker heels.”
“I knew I liked you for something. Shit! I have twenty minutes to get ready!” She leapt over the couch and ran down the hall toward her room.
“Crazy woman,” I muttered to Kennedy.
“What are you working on tonight?” she asked as I started up my laptop.
I’d just begun downloading the notes from the last class, so the project could be over as soon as possible.
“Ah, this stupid biology project. I have to have a written lab done, and then Aiden’s heading over here to work on the presentation. We have to present Wednesday during class. It’s a huge part of our grade that’s not tests. What about you? Big plans tonight, you sexy computer nerd?”
“Ugh! Garret is being so stupid. I haven’t seen him since the party two weeks ago, and he’s canceled plans with me twice this week. He never cancels on me this much, and it’s pissing me off. But I have a study group for three hours tonight, so it looks like the apartment is yours. How’s it going to work with you and Aiden being alone? For three hours? Sitting together, losing clothes…”
I tried to ignore the small thrill running through my body at the thought of him losing clothes. “Ken, I swear nothing is going on. We’ve been good the past couple months, and I’ve only thought about him naked like five times. This friend thing is best. His offer for friends with benefits was rough. But he followed through on his plan, and he’s worn a Yankees hat the past two times I’ve seen him. He’s making an effort.”
“I get why you were mad. Hell, I would be, too, but part of me, a little secret part of me, thinks you should’ve said yes.”
“Um. Hell. No.” I gave her an exasperated look, and she shrugged. “Ken, you know me. I don’t do that sort of thing. I couldn’t do it even if I wanted to. Plus, he was such an ass about it.”
“I know, J. It’s just hard to watch, I guess, because we both know you’re into him.” Her eyes widened, and she nudged me with her foot.
“I’m not dead. Damn, he’s superhot, obviously, but you know I’m not about to have an ‘arrangement’ with some man-whore.” I even put the word arrangement in air quotes.
“Whatever you say, hun. He stopped becoming the man-whore when you found out about Mike. He became more than the rumors and gossip. He’s done nothing terrible to you or really any girls this semester. Yes, he asked you to sleep with him regularly, which you’ve turned down.”
“Because I have standards. Why am I the crazy one in this situation?” I was annoyed. Aiden and I had gotten over the incident about the arrangement, and I didn’t want to rehash it. I would just get pissed again.
“You’re not, but he’s into you. I’m smart. I know these things.” She nodded smugly.
“Ugh. No.” My response was really intelligent.
“You guys have the place alone tonight, so if you change your mind…I know your lady parts are getting bored with your diving dolphin.”
“Piss off, woman!” I yelled.
Maya and Kennedy both left the apartment soon after, with a multitude of sexual innuendos, and I was just thinking how hungry I was before I heard Aiden outside.
“Open up, shorty. I have bribes!” I loved how he didn’t knock or text. He just yelled to announce his presence. “Hey, you should really lock your door. I could’ve been coming to rob you.” He set down the food on the counter, then looked up and stopped. His eyes heated over, and a smile played on his lips as he scanned my body. “I like this new look, Jenna. Leggings?”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, shut up. It’s my Monday night lounging attire. Don’t say a word.”
“I won’t say a word…but your glasses make you look like a porn star.”
“Yes, that’s how I pay for college. I was hoping no one would figure it out,” I deadpanned.
“You know, I read an article online the other day that explained the characteristics of sarcastic people, and I’m pretty sure twenty-one of them described you. You look more approachable. Adorable even.”
“Ugh. You don’t need to butter me up. Let’s just get to work.” I rolled my eyes.
“Trait number one: cannot take a compliment. You just proved my point.” He was sitting on the couch, completely at ease in my apartment, and I couldn’t help but notice how large he really was. The damned Yankees hat looked good on him. He wore it backward, and curls escaped the edges, making him look endearing. His presence was overwhelming, and his delicious scent poured over into our small, girly space. It was like he was luring me into a trap. “Get over here and stop giving me weird looks. Let’s get to work!”
“You’re in a mood tonight, Aiden. Damn.” I tried to hide my smile at his playful mood but failed. I grabbed my notebook from my table and joined him on the couch. Our legs weren’t quite touching, and I had to control myself. Needing to change the subject, I asked, “Did you bring your Mac?”
“Duh, of course I did. You get the information yet?”
“Duh. Here, this is the first page of notes if you want to start putting it in the PowerPoint,” I retorted.
“If you don’t mind, just read me the information so we can get this done faster.”
“Hot date tonight, eh?” I shut my eyes and mentally slapped myself for saying it out loud, because I didn’t want him to think I cared about what he did. It had been a week since the “incident,” and I didn’t want to backtrack. We were making good strides forward as friends.
He glanced at me from the side and winked. “Why? Jealous?”
“Just making conversation,” I said too quickly.
He nudged me with his shoulder and turned his face toward me so he was just inches from mine. “Don’t worry so much, shorty. I was just kidding. I don’t have a date, but I was hoping to convince you to hang out with me after this. There are some pretty fun things to do in Phoenix. Like friend things.”
My lady parts were running in circles, and my brain was telling me to say yes. And since both were in agreement, I couldn’t help but smile and reply, “Hells yeah, let’s get this over with and do something fun.”
“That’s my girl. Okay, give me the info!”
Two hours later, we were both mentally exhausted. My neck hurt from straining, using the book and computer, and I knew Aiden was feeling the same way.
“We totally nailed the project. I know we did.” Aiden held out his hand for a fist bump. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, totes.” I stood and stretched. I felt his gaze on my body, but I tried to ignore it—keyword: tried. “Don’t make me regret saying this, but I’m glad I had to take your table that day.”
He threw his hand over his heart and tossed his head back in a dramatic manner. “Did I hear you correctly? Was that almost a compliment?”
“Damn it, Aiden, yes. Don’t make me say it again.” I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth to prevent myself from smiling and immediately regretted it as his eyes zeroed in on the action. “You promised me some fun Phoenix activities. What are they?”
“Well…” He put his hands on his knees and pushed himself up from the couch, stretching, showing off the slightest sliver of skin above his belt. Suddenly, I got warmer. “We could go grab a drink at one of the cool bars downtown. Do you like trying different types of beer?”
“Hell titties!”
“What?” A line popped between his eyebrows.
“Sorry, it’s something Maya and I say instead of an obvious yeah. Part of my awkward charm. But yes, I love trying craft beers.”
He shook his head, amused. “I knew you were trouble. That’s why we’re friends.”
“No, we’re both just assholes who call each other out on our shit. That’s why we’re friends. Plus, we like science, so we’re supercool.”
He winked and then bent low enough for my breath to catch. “Sure, shorty. It’s not at all because we’re attracted to each other but are avoiding the issue.”
I cleared my throat, putting some distance between us, and said, “Let me go change real quick. Hold on.”
“Nah, you look good. Just maybe put on some shoes to hide those hideous socks.” He winked.
I ran into my room to change within two minutes, and we were walking out. He held the door for me, which was now becoming a norm. Aiden had great manners.
I texted Maya on the way.
Jenna: So Aiden and I are heading to a beer place downtown. As friends.
Maya: You don’t have an early class, so no excuses.
Jenna: We’re just going for a little bit. Nothing’s going to happen. I just wanted to let you know if I don’t come back, it’s because he’s killed me.
Maya: Killed you with his amazing cock maybe. JUST SLEEP WITH HIM. I’m trying to get some now, so tell your vagina it’s on deck and play ball.
Jenna: Play. With. Balls.
Maya: Haha, yeah, double entendre. Just go for it.
“Do you get to drink a lot when you’re working?” He licked his bottom lip as he looked down at me while we began walking.
“Random question, but yeah, I can. If a customer buys us a shot or something, we can take it, but it’s not worth actually getting drunk because the owner would fire us on the spot.”
“Sorry, it’s random, but I was just thinking about that. I’ve been stuck working in law offices doing random shit the past two years, and I hated every second of it. I know they’re great opportunities, and I should be thankful.”
“But you realize you would probably make more money being a bartender where you can drink on the job, eh?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
Laughing, he stopped walking and smiled sheepishly. “Exactly. Maybe my priorities are fucked. I forgot to offer. Would you want to walk there or want me to drive?”
“How far is it? It’s perfect weather outside, so I don’t mind walking.” I couldn’t get over the beautiful weather here, and I wanted to be outside as much as I could now it was cooling down.
“Fuck yeah. I love walking, but most girls don’t want to walk for twenty minutes, so I thought I’d offer.”
I nudged his side and teased, “Maybe you should stop comparing me to other girls. I mean, for one, I won’t sleep with you.”
“Please don’t remind me of the fact!” He playfully put his arm around my shoulders as we began walking toward The Ale House. He was such a touchy person that I didn’t think twice about how it might look to others. I was beginning to appreciate our weird friendship and secretly enjoy every time he touched me. “Honestly, though, I don’t compare you to other girls. Never worry about that.”
“Can I ask you a personal question?” I watched his chin as I asked, avoiding his eyes. I might have been crossing some line, but I wanted to ask anyway.
“As long as I get to ask one, too.” His hand was casually dangling close to my boob, and I was trying to focus on my question and not the fact he accidently grazed it for a split second.
“I know your dad is some big hotshot apparently and you’re expected to be a lawyer at his firm, but expecting and wanting to be something are completely different. I obviously know you and your dad aren’t seeing eye to eye on it. So what do you want to do?”
I waited for his response and noticed his jaw tense before he took a deep breath. “I have to fight off the urge to spout my rehearsed response. I’ve been saying it so long it almost seems true. Of course I want to follow in my father’s footsteps and continue his legacy. It would be a dream to work alongside my father and his partners. But that’s not true.”
“I figured as much. What would you do if you had a choice?”
“What makes you think I don’t have a choice?” His tone wasn’t demanding, but it was defensive.
“Why are you still going that route if you don’t want it?” I asked as if it made perfect sense to do what you wanted. I knew no other way of life.
He pulled his arm away from me, and I felt the absence of his warmth. I shivered a little bit despite it being quite warm, and he ran his hands under his hat in frustration.
“Tell me, then, Jenna. Is everything you do exactly what you want to do? There isn’t some laid-out plan for you to follow, something expected of you regardless of your feelings or thoughts? Your life is exactly what you want it to be?”
I tilted my head and took in his question. I recognized his defense mechanism. I worded my response carefully. “I try to live my life exactly how I want to. I do things I enjoy. I spend time with people I want to spend time with. Why would I waste my time doing something I don’t want to?”
“Must be nice to have a life that’s so easy you get to do whatever the hell you want with no expectations from anyone.” He sighed and continued walking ahead of me.
It irked me how he just assumed what my life entailed and refused to finish the conversation.
“Hey!” I picked up the pace and caught up to him quickly, even with my short legs. I couldn’t help but point my finger in his chest when I spoke. “I’m sorry I asked a personal question which obviously hit a nerve, but don’t be an asshole about it. You don’t know anything about my life, so don’t make assumptions.”
He took a step back and looked at me with hooded eyes, his hands in his pockets. My finger was still on his chest. He slowly reached out his hand to grab mine. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that to you when you were just asking a question. Obviously, I have some issues with my future. I’m sorry I was hurtful.”
“Wow, did it hurt saying it out loud?” I smiled and saw his face lift when he realized I was teasing.
“Yeah, it hurt real bad. Maybe you should kiss me to make it feel better,” he quipped, and as if nothing happened, we went back to our normal, lighthearted banter.
“Ain’t gonna happen, buddy.”
“A guy can wish. Not wanting to burst your little attitude bubble, but during your speech earlier, you said you only do things that make you happy, and you’re with me right now…”
“I know.”
He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. My stomach had the foreign sensation of a thousand butterflies swarming a field.