From Mistress Price, Maid of Honour to Her Majesty, who sent [Lord Chesterfield] a Pair of Italian Gloves

My Lord,


These are the gloves that I did mention


Last night, and ’twas with the intention


That you should give me thanks and wear them,


For I most willingly can spare them.


When you this packet first do see,


‘Damn me,’ cry you, ’she has writ to me;


I had better be at Bretby still


Than troubled with love against my will;


Besides, this is not all my sorrow:


She writ today, she’ll come tomorrow.’


Then you consider the adventure


And think you never shall content her.


But when you do the inside see,


You’ll find things are but as they should be,


And that ’tis neither love nor passion,


But only for your recreation.