To the Postboy


Son of a whore, God damn you, can you tell


A peerless peer the readiest way to Hell?


I’ve outswilled Bacchus, sworn of my own make


Oaths would fright Furies and make Pluto quake.


I’ve swived more whores more ways than Sodom’s walls


E’er knew, or the college of Rome’s cardinals.


Witness heroic scars, look here, ne’er go,


Cerecloths and ulcers from top to toe.


Frighted at my own mischiefs I have fled


And bravely left my life’s defender dead,


Broke houses to break chastity, and dyed


That floor with murder which my lust denied.


Pox on’t, why do I speak of these poor things?


I have blasphemed my God and libelled kings.


The readiest way to Hell? Come quick, ne’er stir.


The readiest way, my lord, ‘s by Rochester.