The Earl of Rochester’s Answer to a Paper of Verses sent him by L[ady] B[etty] Felton and taken out of the Translation of Ovid’s Epistles, 1680

What strange surprise to meet such words as these,

Such terms of horror were ne’er chose to please,

To meet, midst pleasures of a jovial night,

Words that can only give amaze and fright,


No gentler thought that does to love invite.

Were it not better far your arms t’employ

Grasping a lover in pursuit of joy

Than handling sword and pen, weapons unfit?

Your sex gains conquest by their charms and wit.


Of writers slain I could with pleasure hear,

Approve of fights, o’er joyed to cause a tear;

So slain, I mean, that she should soon revive,

Pleased in my arms to find herself alive.