
I start the acknowledgments for every book I’ve ever written the same way—by thanking my amazing wife, Kalebra. If you knew what an incredible woman she is, you’d totally understand why.

This is going to sound silly, but if we go grocery shopping together, and she sends me off to a different aisle to get milk, when I return with the milk and she sees me coming back down the aisle, she gives me the warmest, most wonderful smile. It’s not because she’s happy that I found the milk; I get that same smile every time I see her, even if we’ve only been apart for 60 seconds. It’s a smile that says, “There’s the man I love.”

If you got that smile, dozens of times a day, for 29 years of marriage (in September of this year), you’d feel like the luckiest guy in the world, and believe me—I do. To this day, just seeing her puts a song in my heart and makes it skip a beat. When you go through life like this, it makes you one incredibly happy and grateful guy, and I truly am.

So, thank you, my love. Thanks for your kindness, your hugs, your understanding, your advice, your patience, your generosity, and for being such a caring and compassionate mother and wife. I love you.

Secondly, a big thanks to my son, Jordan. I wrote my first book when my wife was pregnant with him (21+ years ago), and he has literally grown up around my writing, so you can imagine how incredibly proud I was when he completed his first book (a 243 page fantasy novel) last year. It has been a blast watching him grow up into such a wonderful young man, with his mother’s tender and loving heart, and compassion way beyond his years. As he heads into his senior year of college, he knows that his dad just could not be prouder, or more excited for him. Throughout his life he has touched so many people, in so many different ways, and even though he’s still a young man, he’s already inspired so many people, and I just cannot wait to see the amazing adventure, and the love and laughter this life has in store for him. Hey, little buddy—this world needs more “yous!”

Thanks to our wonderful daughter, Kira, for being the answer to our prayers, for being such a blessing to your older brother, for being such a strong little girl, and for proving once again that miracles happen every day. You are a little clone of your mother, and believe me, there is no greater compliment I could give you. It is such a blessing to get to see such a happy, hilarious, clever, creative, and just awesome little force of nature running around the house each day—she just has no idea how happy and proud she makes us. She’s what happens when a magical unicorn, a leprechaun, and a fairy princess cosmically collide, and the result gets covered in chocolate sprinkles and cherries. It doesn’t get much better than that.

A special thanks to my big brother, Jeff. I have so much to be thankful for in my life, and having you as such a positive role model while I was growing up is one thing I’m particularly thankful for. You’re the best brother any guy could ever have, and I’ve said it a million times before, but one more surely wouldn’t hurt—I love you, man!

My heartfelt thanks go to my entire team at KelbyOne. I know everybody thinks their team is really special, but this one time—I’m right. I’m so proud to get to work with you all, and I’m still amazed at what you’re able to accomplish day in, day out, and I’m constantly impressed with how much passion and pride you put into everything you do.

A warm word of thanks goes to my in-house Editor, Kim Doty. It’s her amazing attitude, passion, poise, and attention to detail that has kept me writing books. When you’re writing a book like this, sometimes you can really feel like you’re all alone, but she really makes me feel that I’m not alone—that we’re a team. It often is her encouraging words or helpful ideas that keep me going when I’ve hit a wall, and I just can’t thank her enough. Kim, you are “the best!”

I’m equally as lucky to have the brilliant Jessica Maldonado doing the design of my books. I just love the way Jessica designs, and all the clever little things she adds throughout. She’s not just incredibly talented and a joy to work with, she’s a very smart designer and thinks five steps ahead in every layout she builds. We hit the jackpot when we found you!

Also, a big thanks to our copy editor, Cindy Snyder, whom I feel very blessed to have still working with us on these books. Thank you, Cindy!

Thanks to my friend and business partner, Jean A. Kendra, for her support and friendship all these years. You mean a lot to me, to Kalebra, and to our company.

A big thanks to my dear friend, rocket photographer, professor of Tesla studies, unofficial but still official Disney Cruise guide, landscape photography sojourner, and Amazon Prime aficionado, Mr. Erik Kuna. You are one of the reasons I love coming to work each day. You’re always uncovering cool things, thinking outside-the-box, and making sure we always do the right thing for the right reasons. Thanks for your friendship, all your hard work, and your invaluable advice.

Thanks to Jeanne Jilleba, my Executive Assistant, for constantly putting my wheels back on the track. I know even finding where I’m at in the building is a challenge, but you just seem to take it all in stride. I’m very grateful to have your help, talent, and immeasurable patience every day.

Thanks to Kleber Stephenson for making sure all sorts of awesome things happen, doors open, and opportunities appear. I particularly enjoy our business trips together where we laugh too much, eat way too much, and have more fun on a business trip than was previously scheduled.

High-five to the crew at Peachpit Press, and to my editor, Laura Norman, for taking over the helm and guiding my books safely to their birth.

Thanks to Rob Sylvan, Serge Ramelli, Matt Kloskowski, Terry White, and all the friends and educators who have helped and supported me on my Lightroom education journey. Thanks to Manny Steigman for always believing in me, and for his support and friendship all these years. Thanks to Gabe, Rebecca, Steve, Joseph, and all the wonderful folks at B&H Photo. It is the greatest camera store in the world, but it’s so much more.

Thanks to these friends who had nothing to do with this book, but so much to do with my life, and I just want to give them the literary version of a hug: Jeff Revell, Ted Waitt, Don Page, Juan Alfonso, Moose Peterson, Brandon Heiss, Eric Eggly, Larry Grace, Rob Foldy, Merideth Duffin, Dave Clayton, Victoria Pavlov, Dave Williams, Larry Becker, Peter Treadway, Roberto Pisconti, Fernando Santos, Mike McCaskey, Marvin Derizen, Mike Kubeisy, Maxx Hammond, Michael Benford, Brad Moore, Nancy Davis, Mike Larson, Joe McNally, Annie Cahill, Rick Sammon, Mimo Meidany, Tayloe Harding, Dave Black, John Couch, Greg Rostami, Matt Lange, Barb Cochran, Jack Reznicki, Frank Doorhof, Karl-Franz, Peter Hurley, Kathy Porupski, and Vanelli.

I owe a debt of thanks to some awesome people at Adobe: Jeff Tranberry, who I nominate as the world’s most responsive superhero. Lightroom Product Manager, Sharad Mangalick, for all his help, insights, and advice. Tom Hogarty for answering lots of questions and late-night emails, and for always helping me to see the bigger picture. You guys are the best!

Thanks to my friends at Adobe Systems: Bryan Hughes, Terry White, Stephen Nielson, Bryan Lamkin, Julieanne Kost, and Russell Preston Brown. Gone but not forgotten: Barbara Rice, Rye Livingston, Jim Heiser, John Loiacono, Kevin Connor, Deb Whitman, Addy Roff, Cari Gushiken, Karen Gauthier, and Winston Hendrickson, to whom this book is dedicated.

Thanks to my mentors, whose wisdom and whip-cracking have helped me immeasurably, including John Graden, Jack Lee, Dave Gales, Judy Farmer, and Douglas Poole.

Most importantly, I want to thank God, and His Son Jesus Christ, for leading me to the woman of my dreams, for blessing us with two amazing children, for allowing me to make a living doing something I truly love, for always being there when I need Him, for blessing me with a wonderful, fulfilling, and happy life, and such a warm, loving family to share it with.