
I’m indebted to kind and talented people who generously gave their time and advice to help me create this book. Pete Wolverton is the sort of editor most authors can only dream of working with, one who digs deep into the text and thinks carefully about the characters, pacing, and plot. I’m immensely grateful to him for insightful commentary and guidance. I’m likewise lucky to be working with Bob Mecoy, my agent and friend, whose brainstorming sessions with me were invaluable for smoothing rough spots in the final stages. John O’Neill read a late version of the text and asked a host of perceptive questions that helped streamline and tighten the story. Nathan Long, Anne Bensson, Beth Shope, and John C. Hocking weighed in during earlier drafts with excellent suggestions that helped steer me toward the novel you hold today. Dr. Amira K. Bennison graciously answered whatever strange questions I asked about eighth century social conventions. Last but not least, my brilliant wife, Shannon, devoted untold hours to reading and rereading the text. She patiently acted as my sounding board, ruthlessly called me out on weak spots, and offered countless fine tweaks that enhanced the prose.