Thanks to:
My editor Kelley Ragland, thank you for your commitment to Marti; to Ben.
My family: Kevin Todd, Sr., Melissa, Anthony, La Taja, Todd, Jr., and Antonia. You keep me grounded in reality.
Barbara Richardson, the real Janet Petroski, first recipient of the Ruth H. Rozenburg Victim Service Provider Award. You epitomize compassion.
Tara Boryc, GSD, ADC/PC, German shepherd extraordinaire. To my readers: Trouble is now a female, in honor of Tara’s contribution to Trouble’s character development.
The newest member of the Bland clan, Nathaniel Madden; Baltimore super fans: Shirley Johnson, Gloria Hilton, Ellen Gordon, Pat Ash, and Andrew Coles, who is a gift and a blessing. Everyone at Calvin College, especially W. Dale Brown and Annie Anderson, who is Mary’s daughter and Joan’s niece; the folks at the Kentucky Women Writers Conference, especially Shelda and Jan; Mary Alice Gorman and Richard Goldman at Mystery Lovers Bookstore; Sally and Doina, Mary Roberts Rhinehart Chapter, Sisters in Crime; John Doggett, the opinionated critic at Centuries and Sleuths Bookstore; and Shechter and Stu Shiffman, Stuart W. Miller, wherever you are, thanks much.
For enriching my personal experiences of modern-day adolescence, Dr. Howard Atlas and Mr. Herb King, and retirement congratulations to Dr. Kurtz, Superintendent, Waukegan School District 60; Rudy Martin, Arturo Hernandez, Lake County Juvenile Probation; Mike Schack, Marilyn Burden, Cindy Zinaveah, Neal Schilling, Anthony Payne, Debby Brosnan, Becky Raik, and Ralph Strickland at Joseph Academy. To Dr. Mehta and his staff: Anita, Sharon, Nida, Mary Ellen, Patti, Suzanne, and Jill. Dr. Holmberg and his staff: Alberta, Amy, Mary, Jenny, Sue, Dianna, Elba, and Sonya; Dr. Baker and Dr. Kirch.
Technical assistance: Hedy Hustedde, Bettendorf Library, Richard Hughes, former gubernatorial candidate, State of Iowa, Frank Winans, Lake County Sheriff, Retired, Shirlet Clark, R.N., Georgia Carrasco, Lake County Probation Department, Nanette Boryk, paralegal, Anthony Bland, teenager, Nathaniel Madden, adolescent counselor. Tracy Clark, copy editor, Chicago Tribune; Michael Allen Dymmoch, Phillip Corrigan, PADS Crisis Service; Patricia Jones, Supervisor, Waukegan Township; Diane Taylor, Director, Clara Weldon and Cynthia Alexander, Staben House.