Frontal Gunshots
The forensic evidence is the crucial part of any crime scene investigation, as you’ve no doubt witnessed firsthand on TV shows like Law & Order and CSI. Forensic evidence is not about people’s opinions or anybody’s freaking theories. It’s about logical and scientific explanations of what actually happened—and you do that by examining the primary facts of evidence. So let’s look at the medical determinations; the blood spatter evidence and the photographic testimony.
President Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas immediately after the shooting, and his body was taken on a stretcher from the limousine into the emergency room where a group of surgeons were ready and waiting to do whatever was humanly possible to save his life. It should be noted that Parkland was not just an emergency room, but an actual trauma center, where the doctors were experienced in the treatment of gunshot wounds.
In Trauma Room One, Dr. Malcolm Perry immediately performed an emergency tracheotomy, which is a standard trauma procedure to ensure that the victim can get air into their lungs. That procedure is accomplished by making a small incision in the lower front portion of the victim’s throat and then inserting a breathing tube.
Now let me just stop here for a second and ask you this: If you were a physician and you were entrusted with the trauma care of the President of the United States who had just been shot, don’t you think that you would vividly recall the exact specifics of precisely what took place? Well, so did they.
Dr. Malcolm Perry noted that there was already a smooth “wound of entrance” on the lower front area of President Kennedy’s throat.21 The Warren Commission, in their usual manner of obfuscation, managed to later get that same doctor to say things from which other inferences could then be drawn by that room of Washington lawyers. But if you look back at the actual words of Dr. Malcolm Perry—taken directly from the Parkland Press Conference on the afternoon of the President’s death—Dr. Perry clearly describes that hole he observed in the throat as “a wound of entrance”; then again as “an entrance wound”; and also states that “the bullet was coming at him.”22 Anyone experienced with wounds—and Dr. Perry was very experienced—can differentiate an entry wound from an exit wound. A wound of entry is small, like the circumference of the bullet, and has what could be termed a smooth appearance, while an exit wound is much larger, caused by the “blowout” damage of the bullet before it exits the body, and its exit after causing its damage then leaves a wound that is rough and jagged. So, in precisely detailing his exact actions on that memorable day, Dr. Perry noted that the bullet hole in the front of President Kennedy’s throat was a smooth wound of entry, and hence, because of what could be called the entry wound’s convenient location in the correct portion of the throat, he enlarged that already existing wound slightly with his scalpel in order to make an incision sufficient for placement of the breathing tube. In addition to the entry wound he observed in the front of President Kennedy’s throat, Dr. Perry also noted a massive blowout exit wound at the right rear of the President’s skull.
Other doctors also observed the huge exit wound at the back of the head. And they too observed that since it was the President of the United States whose wounds they were observing, they weren’t about to make a mistake about that or to forget it anytime soon.
The medical consensus from all the doctors who treated President Kennedy’s wounds in Dallas clearly confirms the massive exit wound at the back of the head.23 In all, at least eight of the treating physicians at Parkland Hospital confirmed on record that there was a huge exit wound at the rear of the President’ head.24 The names of these doctors were:
Dr. Malcolm Perry25
Dr. Charles Crenshaw26
Dr. Charles J. Carrico27
Dr. Richard Dulaney28
Dr. Ronald Jones29
Dr. Robert McClelland30
Dr. Paul Peters31
Dr. Kenneth E. Salyer32
The exit wound at the back of the head was also confirmed by:
FBI Special Agent Frank O’Neal33
Secret Service Special Agent Clint Hill34
Emergency Room Nurse Audrey Bell35
Radiographer Jerrol Custer36
Autopsy Technician Floyd Riebe37
Autopsy Technician Paul O’Connor38
Secret Service Agent Clint Hill—who later “changed his mind”—seemed exceedingly clear about the matter when he originally testified. At the time, testifying right after the assassination when one would think his memory would be vividly fresh, he described to the Warren Commission:
The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.39
So don’t look now, but there seems to be a very large elephant in the room, folks. If our government can take a very clear statement like that and try to spin it a different way in a lame attempt to prove that it isn’t true, then that’s a serious indication that something is really rotten in Denmark and that, for some reason, dark forces are at work here.
The entry wound that caused all that massive damage at the back of the President’s head was also clearly observed by the doctors:
Multiple witnesses, who were medically and otherwise credible, confirmed that they clearly saw an entry wound in the FRONT of President Kennedy’s head, in his upper right forehead at the hairline.40
Now let’s look at the blood evidence. Experts can look at blood spatter and determine from that what took place.
Sherry Fiester was a Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and Court-Recognized Expert in Crime Scene Reconstruction and Blood Spatter Analysis. She conducted an extremely detailed and professional reconstruction of the crime scene and here is the point-blank conclusion of that study:
The head injury to President Kennedy was the result of a single gunshot fired from the front of the President.41
That sure sounds pretty damn solid to me. She did say “front,” didn’t she?
Additional blood spatter evidence is further indicative of a shot from the front. There were two Dallas motorcycle officers riding flank-left-rear to the President’s car, meaning that the placement of the outriders were slightly behind the rear wheels of the limousine on the left hand side of the car. The officers were Bobby Hargis and B. J. Martin, and their windshields were sprayed with the blood and brain matter of President Kennedy. It has been established that the limo had slowed considerably after the first shots—some said almost to a complete stop—so the dramatic spatter backwards and to the left of the car was not the result of the forward motion of the vehicle, but the result of directional gravity from the source of the shot, which would place the gunshot as coming from the right-front of the car. Bobby Hargis was riding closest to the car, behind it on the left side, and this is how he described what happened:
When President Kennedy straightened back up in the car the bullet hit him in the head, the one that killed him and it seemed like his head exploded, and I was splattered with blood and brain, and kind of a bloody water . . . well, at the time it sounded like the shots were right next to me.42
Officer B. J. Martin, who was riding even farther to President Kennedy’s left, in tandem with Officer Hargis, was also sprayed with blood and brain matter immediately after the head shot to the President.43
So the blood spatter evidence also shows us that shots came from the front; all proving through forensic findings that President Kennedy was actually struck by at least two bullets from the front—one in the right side of his forehead and one in the throat. And, since we know that shots also came from the rear of the motorcade, any shot from the front is proof of a conspiracy, as shots from both the front and rear necessitate that there were multiple shooters. Case closed. But hang on, because we’ve still got 62 more.
The Warren Commission tried to explain away that blood spatter and backward movement of the President’s body with some medical semantics, which I’ll get into on the next entry. They had to come up with something, because it turned out that there was a home movie made of it that day that vividly depicted the violent backward motion and the backward spray of blood and brain matter.
21 Fetzer, James H., Ph.D., Assassination Science: Experts Speak Out on the Death of JFK (Open Court, 1998). Also see: John Simkin, The Education Forum, “Dr. Malcolm Perry R.I.P. (1929–2009),” retrieved 14 April 2013: educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=15105
22 Ibid.
23 Belzer, Richard & Wayne, David, Dead Wrong (Skyhorse: 2013), 97–98.
24 Horne, Douglas P., Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK (Douglas P. Horne: 2009).
25 Fetzer, Ph.D., Assassination Science; Simkin, The Education Forum, “Dr. Malcolm Perry”: educationforum.ipbhost.com/index php?showtopic=15105
26 Aguilar, Gary L., M.D., “John F. Kennedy’s Fatal Wounds: The Witnesses and the Interpretations From 1963 to the Present,” August 1994, Electronic Assassinations Newsletter, assassinationweb.com/ag6.htm
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid.
33 Ibid.
34 “Warren Commission Testimony of Secret Service Agent Clint Hill,” March 9, 1964, JFK Lancer:jfklancer.com/CHill.html Also see: Douglas P. Horne, “SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU CLINT HILL AND CHRIS MATTHEWS,” at John Simkin, The Education Forum, retrieved 14 April 2013: educationforum.ipbhost.com/indexphp?showtopic=19068
35 History Matters Archive, “ARRB Bell Interview,” retrieved 11 Feb. 2012: historymatters.com/archive/jfk/arrb/medical_interviews/audio/ARRB_Bell.htm
36 Aguilar, M.D., “Fatal Wounds.”
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid.
39 “Warren Commission Testimony of Secret Service Agent Clint Hill,” JFK Lancer; and Horne, “SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU CLINT HILL AND CHRIS MATTHEWS”
40 Horne, Inside the ARRB, emphasis in original.
41 Gutierrez Fiester, Sherry, JFK Homicide: Forensic Reconstruction, Bloodspatter Analysis in the Kennedy Murder: Proving a Frontal Headshot (JFK Lancer: 2010, DVD). jfklancer.com/catalog/gutierrez/index.html Also see: Sherry P. Fiester, Enemy of the Truth: Myths, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination (JFK Lancer: 2012).
42 Hargis, Robert “Deposition of Robert Hargis,” 18 April, 1964
43 Fiester, Forensic Reconstruction