Another Key Witness Conveniently Silenced: George de Mohrenschildt
Another Chicago mobster closely linked to the Chicago Mob and its “business” arrangement with the CIA also soon got hit. Chuck Nicoletti, the top hit man for the Giancana organization, was murdered on March 29, 1977, right after the House Select Committee on Assassinations had determined that his testimony would be taken. On the same day, a shotgun blast killed George de Mohrenschildt, a man with ties to the CIA who was also a close friend of Lee Harvey Oswald—and was also being sought for testimony by the House Select Committee.
Think about that one: on the exact same day that Nicoletti was murdered, the man whom many referred to as Oswald’s “handler” also died, just as he was being sought for testimony!
George de Mohrenschildt was a wealthy businessman with links to the U.S. intelligence community who befriended Oswald when he came back from Russia. But de Mohrenschildt was working with the government, or at least on their behalf. A military intelligence veteran, James Southwood, who had been told to get info on Oswald, reported to author Dick Russell that:
All the information I had about Oswald had been given to the 112th (military intelligence unit) by George de Mohrenschildt.435
So de Mohrenschildt obviously had some interesting information about how and why he was feeding U.S. intelligence information about Lee Harvey Oswald.
Robert Tanenbaum, Deputy Counsel to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, was running that investigation. Tanenbaum quickly realized the importance of de Mohrenschildt’s knowledge and sent investigator Gaeton Fonzi to interview him for that purpose. In fact, as soon as Tanenbaum learned of its importance, he responded, “We will have an investigator there tomorrow.”
But de Mohrenschildt was dead before that investigator could get to him. He died from a shotgun blast to the face, which was quickly ruled a suicide. I just have three words to say about that: don’t believe it!
On the morning of March 29, 1977, Gaeton Fonzi, the committee’s Miami-based investigator, arrived at the villa in Manalapan.He was told by de Mohrenschildt’s daughter that her father was meeting with journalist Edward Jay Epstein at a Palm Beach hotel but would be back that night. At 1:00 p.m., de Mohrenschildt left by car and returned to his temporary residence. By 2:21 p.m., he was dead. Authorities determined the time by listening to a tape on which de Mohrenschildt’s daughter was recording a TV soap opera while she was at work.436
An attorney, Mark Lane, believing the death to be far too coincidental, realized that the tape recording made of that television show at the house where de Mohrenschildt died could provide crucial evidence. He checked it out and was right. Get a load of this: that tape shows that an intruder apparently entered the house during the time that de Mohrenschildt allegedly killed himself with a shotgun.
Here’s how that attorney described it:
They claimed he committed suicide. But if you listen to the tape, you hear this: You hear a little noise, then you hear silence and then you hear ‘Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep,’ a little more noise, and then you hear the shot. The ‘Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep’ was a security system, on medium mode. One mode is—if it’s on fully armed—if anyone opens a door or window, a siren goes off and the police are notified. On another mode, it’s off entirely. But on the medium mode, it goes ‘Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep’ to show that someone has opened the door and come into the house. Just before de Mohrenschildt was shot, that’s what happened.437
Dick Russell investigated the case further and asked de Mohrenschildt’s wife if she thought that her husband actually could have committed suicide:
Nobody that knew him does, that’s my answer.438
There’s another recent book out, titled Hit List by Richard Belzer and David Wayne, which goes into more detail on all these cases and how they all form a pattern. But I think you get the idea from just the ones I’ve shown you here.
So like I said, don’t believe it. That was no suicide from a shotgun to the face, folks. He didn’t leave a note for his daughter, and he did leave a huge bloodbath in the living room for her to come home and find. And by all reports, George de Mohrenschildt was not the kind of person to do that. Plus, it was just way, way too convenient. It doesn’t pass the form of inductive reasoning known as ‘The Duck Test’: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck—it’s a duck.
George de Mohrenschildt was murdered and the fact that he died just as he was about to be interviewed by an investigator who actually cared about learning the truth was not another coincidence, but was in fact another witness elimination!
435 Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much, 456.
436 Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much, 173.
437 Mark Lane, “G.DeMohrenschildt - The Security Alarm,” retrieved 2 July 2013: youtube.com/watch?v=37dtEpvyUJU
438 Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much, 173.