Other Witnesses
Judyth Vary Baker
Judy Baker is someone I can personally vouch for; I’ve sat right next to her and gone back and forth over these issues, and I know that she’s a person of high integrity. Judy was a very close friend of Oswald in New Orleans just prior to the assassination, and they were having a serious romantic affair.
Her book, Me & Lee, tells the whole story about Oswald being set up to take the fall. It’s incredible stuff, and she has extensive documentation for her claims:
Judyth shows the evidence and relates—from her first-hand experience—all she knows about the Kennedy assassination, her love affair with Lee Oswald over the summer of ‘63, her conversations with him as late as two days before JFK’s death, his role as a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, and how he was silenced by his old friend Jack Ruby.526
There’s also a good recent video from her 2012 interview by CBS News that captures her integrity, in my opinion.527 Just Google “Judyth Vary Baker 60 Minutes” or go to: cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50135979n.
So—as a result of her direct knowledge—she doesn’t just think Oswald was U.S. intelligence; she knows he was. And she doesn’t just think he was set up as a patsy, she knows that one, too.
Madeleine Duncan Brown
Ms. Brown had a twenty-one-year romantic affair with Lyndon Johnson and gave birth to a child from him. Her book, Texas in the Morning, details those events and there’s also an excellent documentary on her testimony, “The Clint Murchison Meeting—November 21, 1963” that goes into all the details: youtube.com/watch?v=POmdd6HQsus.
But to summarize briefly right here, Ms. Brown was present with Lyndon Johnson at a party at the home of Texas oil millionaire, Clint Murchison. Present there were Murchison, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Dallas Mayor R. L. Thornton, future President Richard Nixon, John McCloy (chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and head of the Ford Foundation, as well as future Warren Commission member), oil baron H. L. Hunt (reportedly the “world’s richest man” at that time), George Brown (founder of Brown & Root, which later became Halliburton), and various others whom she recognized as members of the “8F Group.”528
At the end of the evening, there was a clandestine meeting where the plot to kill JFK was finalized. Johnson despised John and Robert Kennedy—he referred to them as “the Irish Mafia”—and the group’s plans against JFK were apparently finalized on November 21, 1963. Madeleine Brown describes Johnson’s arrival at Murchison’s:
Tension filled the room upon his arrival. The group immediately went behind closed doors. A short time later Lyndon, anxious and red-faced, re-appeared.
I knew how secretively Lyndon operated. Therefore, I said nothing . . . not even that I was happy to see him. Squeezing my hand so hard it felt crushed from the pressure, he spoke with a grating whisper—a quiet growl into my ear not a love message, but one I’ll always remember:
‘After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again—that’s no threat—that’s a promise.’529
When you take the time to listen to a witness like this, who has come forward at no benefit to herself, you get an idea of how much valid information is actually out there that we are not given access to. You can witness her intelligence and sincerity online in the documentary, The Clint Murchison Meeting530: youtube.com/watch?v=POmdd6HQsus.
And here’s a real eye-popper from her book. This is from a conversation with LBJ that she remembered well on New Year’s Eve, 1963—six weeks after the assassination. And please excuse his language, but that’s the way the guy talked:
‘Lyndon, you know that a lot of people believe you had something to do with President Kennedy’s assassination.’
He shot up out of the bed and began pacing and waving his arms screaming like a madman. I was scared!
‘That’s bullshit, Madeleine Brown!’ he yelled. ‘Don’t tell me you believe that crap!
‘Of course not,’ I answered meekly, trying to cool his temper.
‘It was Texas oil and those fucking renegade intelligence bastards in Washington.’531
Marina Oswald
In later years, Marina—Russian-born wife of the accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald—went public with her opinion that her husband definitely was being used by the U.S. intelligence community. And being so close to the matter, her views are very relevant.
Marina said that he must have been a government agent:
Porter [her name after remarrying] said that in retrospect, Oswald seemed professionally schooled in secretiveness ‘and I believe he worked for the American government.’
‘He was taught the Russian language when he was in the military. Do you think that is usual that an ordinary soldier is taught Russian? Also, he got in and out of Russia quite easily, and he got me out quite easily.’532
Marina also observed something important that I’ve been pointing out to you throughout this book:
‘It was a very complicated plot, brilliantly executed. Could any intelligent person believe that kind of thing was organized by one man?’533
I’d like to mention that Marina was also severely mistreated by the U.S. government. She was lied to and betrayed, and those were her exact words on the subject, not just mine.534 It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, and I think they still owe the woman a formal apology.
There’s an excellent interview of Marina online from an NBC interview with Tom Brokaw, and you can observe for yourself the intelligence with which she states her case; even while being bullied around by Mr. Brokaw:535 youtube.com/watch?v=swHZ0DxB8n8.
Marguerite Oswald
The mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, it should be said, was convinced right from the start that her son was a pawn of U.S. intelligence agents, and she never wavered from that opinion. It’s logical to presume that she probably knew a thing or two about that matter as well. Here’s part of Oswald’s mother’s testimony before the Warren Commission:
I think Lee was an agent. I cannot prove Lee was an agent. But I have facts that may lead up to them . . . I have as much circumstantial evidence that Lee was an agent, as the Dallas police have that he was a murderer.536
Good point, Marguerite!
526 Judyth Vary Baker, Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald (TrineDay: 2011): meandlee.com/
527 “Lee Harvey Oswald’s ‘ex-girlfriend’ talks conspiracy,” CBS News, November 28, 2012: cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50135979n
528 Madeleine D. Brown, Texas in the Morning: The Love Story of Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson (Conservatory Press: 1997), 166; John Simkin, “Suite 8F Group,” Spartacus Educational, retrieved 20 May 2013: spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKgroup8F.htm
529 Brown, Texas in the Morning, 166, emphasis in original.
530 RIE & Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., “The Clint Murchison Meeting—November 21, 1963,” (Documentary), retrieved 18 May 2013: youtube.com/watch?v=POmdd6HQsus
531 Brown, Texas in the Morning, 189.
532 Lee Harvey Oswald’s widow believes he didn’t act alone,” Associated Press, September 28, 1988: news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1310&dat=19880928&id=mOdVAAAAIBAJ&sjid=r-EDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6750,6875130
533 Ibid.
534 “Marina Porter (Marina Oswald) interview, NBC, 1993,” retrieved 18 May 2013: youtube.com/watch?v=swHZ0DxB8n8
535 Ibid.
536 John Kelin, “Fair Play for Oswald,” November 1993: acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_issues/03rd_Issue/fp_Oz.html