
1. The rubble of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, August 7, 1998

2. Riz Khaliq and the author immediately following the bombing

3. Dufie and Gerry Bushnell in France, 1950

4. Bushnell sisters on ship to Germany, 1950

5. Bushnell sisters dressed for school in France, 1956

6. Easter Sunday, 1960

7. Christmas Day in Karachi, Pakistan, 1960

8. The Marine Corps Ball in November 1990

9. Duncan Musyoko, the ambassador’s driver, 1997

10. Farewell to Americans killed in the bombing, August 10, 1998

11. Laying a wreath at the bomb site, August 15, 1998

12. Madeleine Albright and the author near the bomb site in downtown Nairobi

13. 1998 Marine Corps Ball

14. Joseph Kamotho, William Daley, and the author, December 1998

15. The author in her garden, 1997

16. Memorial to those who died in the Nairobi bombing

17. Remembrance and Recognition Ceremony, January 1999

18. Susan Rice, George Mimba, and the author, Remembrance and Recognition Ceremony, January 1999

19. Nairobi embassy surprise farewell party, May 1999

20. Women’s Community Banking Group in Tecpan, Guatemala

21. Richard Buckley with Guatemalan women’s group

22. Jesse Jackson and the author during his visit to the Rift valley, January 1998

23. The women of Lamu, Kenya, June 1998

24. The women of eastern Kenya, June 1998

25. The Masai women, May 1998

26. A field trip with U.S. and Kenyan militaries, 1998

27. Top Spouse and the author at the Marine Corps Ball, 1997

28. President Daniel arap Moi and the author, July 4, 1998

29. Arlington Cemetery marker dedicated to those lost in the bombing