Letter from Dr. T. Peyron to Theo van Gogh
St.-Rémy, 1889 - 1890
St.-Rémy, 29 January 1889.
I am writing to you on behalf of M. Vincent, who is the victim of another attack. I therefore confirm receipt of the registered letter you sent him and of a roll of papers sent by normal mail. M. Vincent was getting on very well and was completely himself when last week he wanted to go to Arles to see some people, and two days after he made the journey the attack took place. At present he is unable to do any work at all and only replies incoherently to any question put to him. I trust that this will pass again as it has done before.
St.-Rémy, 26 May 1889.
In reply to your letter of the 23rd inst., I am pleased to tell you that since his entry into this house M. Vincent is completely calm and that he finds that his health is improving day by day. At first he was subject to painful nightmares with disturbed him, but he tells me that these bad dreams tend to disappear and become less and less intense, so that now he has a more peaceful and restoring sleep; he also eats with a better appetite.
To sum up: since his arrival here there has been a slight improvement in his condition which makes him hope for a complete recovery.
He spends the entire day drawing in the park here, but as I find him entirely tranquil, I have promised to let him go out in order to find scenery outside this establishment.
You ask for my opinion regarding the probable cause of his illness. I must tell you that for the time being I will not make any prognosis, but I fear that it may be serious, as I have every reason to believe that the attack which he has had is the result of a state of epilepsy and if this should be confirmed one should be concerned about the future.
I hope to go to Paris in the course of June. It will be an honour to come and see you and talk to you about your patient better than one can do by letter…
St.-Rémy, 24 February 1890.
I again confirm receiving the registered letter addressed to M. Vincent. He had another attack, which prevents him from writing to you and which took place after a trip to Arles. I note that the attacks are becoming more frequent and take place quite suddenly after every journey he undertakes away from this house. I do not believe he gives himself over to any excess when he is at liberty, for I have always known him sober and reserved. However, I am forced to recognize the fact that each time he undertakes a little journey he becomes ill. It will only be for a few days and he will regain his sanity as before.
[Postscript] I have had to send two men with a carriage to fetch him from Arles, and it is not known where he spent the night from Saturday to Sunday. He had taken with him a painting of an Arlésienne, but it has not been found.