“It was quite a hassle, Gil, but we got it done,” said Arthur Evans. “I’m sorry I had to deceive you for such a long time, but if I’d told you everything you’d have switched to the Democrats and kicked me out of office.”
The President of the United States listened, then laughed. “I only let my antennae show after the fourth martini. There just isn’t any real difference between us, Gil. We come from the same stock, and nearly all of us born off Ariel are a mix. My blood is so diluted the people in the old country will call me Earthling. Your Eric Price will get a better reception, I bet. His was the first voice from Earth that they heard, and he’s a lot closer to pure blood. That will be something to watch when he arrives in the star craft. As for me, I’ll be sent through the portal, quick and dirty, after the initial excitement cools on Ariel. Not spectacular, but dignified. It’s a nice way to end my presidency.”
Evans listened, and shuffled papers on his desk. Len sat in a chair near him, waiting patiently.
“I’m not aware of anyone who had previous knowledge of Price’s heritage, Gil. It was just blind luck.” Evans lifted an eyebrow at Len, and the young man smiled, acknowledging the lie. “I think phasing him out with such interesting work was both wise and kind. It sounds like he’s found a new life, and he deserves it. You too, Gil. Lets both of us retire and go fishing.”
The President laughed again, and hung up the telephone. “Gave him a shock, I did, and he’s one of my oldest friends. Fortunately, he has a good imagination. What generation are you, Len?”
“Fourth, Mister President.”
“Gad, even my aid is closer than I am to the old world. I’d better look it up; I think it’s eight or nine generations for me. They’ll ask me about it on Ariel. Want to go with me?”
“I’d be honored, Mister President.”
“Then let’s do it. What’s next for today?”
“Senator Banesfield is here to argue for more wheat subsidies, and then there’s lunch with the Syrian delegation.”
“Ah,” said Arthur Evans, “that will certainly bring me back to Earth in a hurry.”
* * * * * * *
“You’re glowing again,” said Eric, and ran a fingertip over her lips. They had just made love, and lay on their sides, facing each other.
“So are you,” said Nataly. She gestured above his head. “There are some nice gold streamers here, and some red, but I still see a little patch of blue. We have to fix that.”
“As long as it takes. We have the rest of our lives.”
Nataly smiled. “We never talked about age. I’m not so young as you think. I’m actually a year older than you.”
Eric pulled her to him again, and kissed her softly. “Ohh, a mature, knowledgeable woman. Teach me what I need to know.”
Nataly giggled, but then there was a sound, a distant, high-pitched whine they heard together. “Oooo, I’ve got to see this,” said Nataly. She struggled out of Eric’s embrace, threw back the covers and ran naked towards the front room of the house. Eric was right behind her when she reached the balcony doors and opened them. They stepped out onto the balcony and Eric enveloped her in his arms as they looked towards the high buttes to the west.
A star colored red and orange was rising slowly above a butte, then stopped and floated slowly north before rising again. Colors brightened as it accelerated its vertical climb.
“Someone going home. Maybe it’s Vasyl,” said Eric.
“No, he’ll use the portal to the presidential building, and so will the rest of the council.”
“I’ll be going in on Sparrow. Vasyl wants to make a show of it.”
“He would.”
The star flared, and then rose faster and faster, dimming with altitude. There was a bright flash, the star winked out and was gone.
“Someone is sure to see it and call the police,” said Eric.
“And the report will be ignored as usual,” said Nataly, and leaned back against him.
“Maybe someday both of us can go to Ariel. In a way, it’s like going home.”
“Home is right here—with you,” said Nataly, and she looked up at him.
Eric growled, and Nataly squealed as he swept her up in his arms and carried her back to their bedroom, and they made love again in a cloud of swirling colors.