This is where authors traditionally thank their agent, their pets and their crumbly relatives.
Despite my best efforts I have never found an agent; instead I would like to thank the magnificent UK Society of Authors for their untiring support, and the generous allocation of an Authors’ Foundation Award.
Pets? Sadly my cat, Harrods, passed away, but I gladly acknowledge his teaching and wisdom.
I owe a humungous hunk of gratitude to the whole team at Penguin Random House in London; in particular, legendary publisher Annie Eaton and editorial director Ruth Knowles, who spotted a pip of potential, watered it with encouragement and helped it to grow. I cannot overstate their contribution to this book.
I could fill another book with devotion for my children – Claire, at the United Nations; Tom, artist of genius; and Maddy, actor extraordinaire. You are my moon and stars.
And a library could not express my love for my talented wife and companion, Cathy, who had the strange experience of sleeping and waking with Zachery, Lilybelle and the Dead River clan. You laughed at my silly voices and supported me in every way. You are my sun and sky.
In memory of my mother, Joan Anholt; one of many wise women who have inspired my life.
A rousing yell of thanks to the unsung warriors of words – librarians, teachers and booksellers!
And lastly for YOU, dear reader – sisters and brothers everywhere who share The Dream of tolerance, diversity, equality and freedom. One Love!