hannahs secret number 1
hannah has a secret valley
a grassy place where no one goes
a mossy lair beneath the tree trunks
where the river used to flow
hannahs secret number 2
hannah has a secret treasure
a transistor radio from her dad
keeps it stashed beneath a tree root
wrapped inside a plastic bag
hannahs secret number 3
hannah has a secret story
as she was born her mother died
and her mother was a singer
the finest singer of her tribe
hannahs secret number 4
hannah has a secret daddy
abandoned her one winters day
hannahs dad became a junkie
gave her a radio gave her away
hannahs secret number 5
hannah has a secret pleasure
holds the radio to her ear
then she hears her mother calling
in a voice thats sweet and clear
hannahs secret number 6
hannah has a secret talent
when she hears those lovely songs
making sure no one is spying
hannah loves to sing along
hannahs secret number 7
hannah has a secret admirer
with hands as big as dinner plates
erwin gropes her in the kitchen
leaves her with a bitter hate
hannahs secret number 8
hannah takes a secret vengeance
when hes gone all buttoned up
hannah spits into his dinner
pisses in his coffee cup
hannahs secret number 9
hannah makes a secret promise
if he comes up to her bed
hannahs silence will be over
she will kill that monster dead
hannahs secret number 10
hannah has a secret dream
like a mighty roaring sea
one day the world will hear her singing
one day hannah will be free