Mystery Tour (II)


Jack woke Pip at dawn. The three of them slipped out of Kozy Kabins like fugitives in the fog, watched only by two Hispanic gardeners raking leaves by the pool.

For two hours they spun along the freeway. Already the day was hot, so Jack pulled over to open the sunroof and study his maps, while they ate bagels spread with cream cheese. After a while Jack turned down a minor road and soon they were rolling along twisted wooded lanes, deep in lush countryside, where the air was fresh as spring water.

As the world awoke, Pip felt a peculiar sensation which he did not fully understand – something about that landscape unsettled him. As they lurched over hilltops, or spun round shady corners, he felt weird moments of déjà vu like half-forgotten dreams.

By lunchtime Jack seemed a little lost. The lane turned sharply, and they saw a pretty village below them. Pip felt his stomach knot with alarm.

The village seemed poor but it had a folksy atmosphere, with a small stream running lazily beside the main street, dogs sleeping on the grass and colourful washing dancing on lines like upside-down families. Jack told them he would buy provisions for a picnic and ask for directions, and he pulled up outside a cheerful wooden store with a green corrugated roof.

Huddled silently in the passenger seat, Pip battled with emotions that had no names.

Jack watched him with unease. ‘What is it, old fellow? Are you sick?’

And then Pip turned to Jack with a look of absolute desolation across his face. For the first time since they had met, he yelled at him –

‘Why d’you do it? I can’t believe you’d do such a thing. Why d’you do it, Jack? I thought you was my friend!’