The Sweet Guitar


hear my mama far away

from a distant star

and her singing is as soft

as a sweet guitar

walking through some crazy town

thought i heard pip say

you never had a birthday girl

so i think that days today

he choose a yellow dress for me

we head back to the car

someplace in a music store

i hear a sweet guitar

listen to the music pip

dont it make you sigh

one day when im famous pip

a guitar is what ill buy

pip say im a patient boy

but I cant wait that far

he walk right in the music store

and buys that sweet guitar

inside the case he put a book

called learn and sing along

practise carefully every day

and you cant go wrong

i hear my mama whispering

one day youll be a star

the world will come to hear you play

on your sweet guitar

i always been a tongue tied girl

and words are kinda new

but three words slip out easily

the words are


