Well now, do you hear that whispering? Perhaps it’s the seagulls calling, or the waves on the shore at Dingle Bay, or perhaps it’s the voice of the wind. See, my voice is the voice you have always known . . .
And now it’s time to awake . . .
I’m going to count from one to ten, and you might want to gently stretch your arms . . . One . . . two . . . three . . .
It’s almost time to close the book . . . four . . . five . . . You will awake feeling strong and happy . . . six . . . seven . . . eight . . . resolved to overcome all adversity and use whatever Gift you possess to live your life . . . and to love . . .
Nine . . . ten . . .
Wide awake now . . . The Hypnotist’s tale is over. But yours has just begun . . .