
Chapter 18


KERRY SAT AT THE PASTOR’S bedside seething. She had walked away from Robb without a backward glance. She couldn’t believe he had said that. What a horrific and terrible thing to say. But, of course, the only thing making it truly terrible, is because it was also terribly true. She had been abandoned by her mother. She didn’t judge her mother right or wrong for doing it, but she had established her life to make sure it never happened again. And now she was the one always leaving everywhere.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” she murmured with her gut wrenching.

“The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. Jeremiah 31:34,” Pastor Don responded. “You aren’t the apple. You didn’t eat the grape. You’re just stuck with a slightly bitter taste in your mouth. Drink some water, should take care of it.”

Kerry smiled warmly. She had grown to love this gentle, thoughtful man. She could only imagine what it must’ve been like for the young people growing up in his parsonage, having a father figure like him. He reminded her of her grandfather so much. She reached out and clasped his hand kindly.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I tried.”

“Well, you helped us a lot,” Pastor Don said. “Sometimes you’ve got to pay attention to how much you help other people and consider how much you need to help yourself.”

“It has been amazing to be here,” Kerry responded. “Staying with your family was just what I needed. You have restored my faith in so many things. I’ll never know how to repay you.”

“Well, just make sure you take some of the love with you.” Pastor Don smiled as he squeezed her hand. “Margaret always said love would bring us home.”

Kerry blinked back tears. “I have your love in my heart, Pastor Don.” She couldn’t say more. She couldn’t tell him that she had romanticized the idea of living on the ranch with Robb as real husband and wife. She needed to forget those moments with his friends and family or watching Ebony be born. “Take care of Ebony for me.” She stood up, slipping the wedding ring from her finger, and put it back in the pastor’s hand.

