
The trolls of Ruin Mist do not mix much in the affairs of men and elves. Two races of trolls are known to exist:


Swamp Trolls

Swamp trolls live in swamps and unlike their cousins, they are quite civilized. While they prefer to live in mud-built homes on the edge of swamps, many have ventured into the lowland plain areas of Under-Earth. Swamp Trolls are rarely seen in the kingdoms of men. Although swamp trolls might not like it, they do have a more gentle nature than most races of beings that are larger than men. But take heart not to anger a swamp troll, for they have a long memory and are fierce warriors.


Wood Trolls

Wood trolls are nasty creatures who hunt in packs and live primarily in trees. They are ugly, smelly creatures and the strike of their claws can be deadly. Like their distant cousins the swamp trolls, wood trolls primarily dwell in Under-Earth.

  Due to the lack of understanding of trolls, swamp trolls and wood trolls are misnamed by men, elves, and dwarves. While swamp trolls dwell in mud houses within watery areas such as swamp and bogs, wood trolls are the troll kin who favor water. Thus while wood trolls live in wooded areas, they are usually found near a major source of water, such as a lake, river or deep swamp. Much of the sordid history of the Kastelle and Adrynne swamps is due to the machinations of the wood troll clans.




As trolls and giants are often mixing, there is also a race of half-troll half-giant folk called troants. Troants have a more even temperament than their troll cousins have and are often smarter and stronger than their giant brethren are. Because of a higher intelligence and better nature, troants are more likely to associate with humans than either trolls or giants.



Wolmerrelle are shape changers, the half-animal and half-human race that worship Arr. Wolmerrelle are known to have 2, 3 or even 4 heads. The strongest, those linked most directly to their nearly human past, have a single head and they are the largest of the wolmerrelle in body size.