Chapter 44
Liz was more excited about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday than any she could remember. She and Tina had a long phone conversation about it, and they decided their families would celebrate together, and they would have it at Liz’s house because she had more room.
Liz made the turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and rolls, and Tina brought the side dishes — green bean casserole, sweet potato soufflé, and field peas. She also brought three pies that she got from the grocery store where she worked. “Employee discount,” she explained.
Liz’s father brought vanilla ice cream for the pies and two bottles of wine, and the kids brought their appetites.
When the food was finally ready, everyone filed into the formal dining room and stood around the table. “This is the nicest dinner setting my family has ever seen,” Tina said before they took their seats. She looked at her kids. “Don’t you think so?”
Shelby brushed the fingertips of one hand over the lace table cloth and then snatched her hand back as if she’d burned it. “I’m afraid to touch anything. It’s all so nice. The forks and everything look like real silverware and the plates and stuff look like china.”
“They are,” Liz said. “They were all wedding gifts. We hardly ever use them.”
Justin elbowed Jason in the ribs. “So don’t break anything, doofus.”
Jason scowled and gave him a light shove on the shoulder. “You’re the clumsy one, pea brain.”
Tina gave them both a harsh glance and their skirmish ended.
“We never eat in here,” Zach said. “We always eat in the kitchen.”
“I’ve never eaten in here, either,” Liz’s father said. “Uncle Nicholas wasn’t much for entertaining, and Winnie never cooked for us. But I have to admit, it looks nice, Liz.”
The walls were now painted powder blue, and the chair railing and other trim were white. The crystal chandelier overhead was sparkling clean, its twelve small bulbs shining like stars. The musty old carpet was gone, and Liz had buffed the wooden floor until it gleamed. All of the furniture was walnut, glossy with polish. In addition to the table, which was laden with food, there was a china cabinet on one wall and a buffet on the other, where they’d set the pies and rolls and iced tea pitcher.
Liz gestured and said, “Everybody have a seat.” She took one end of the table and her father took the other, while Jason, Justin, and Shelby sat together on one side. Zach and Tina settled across from them, with Tina beside Liz.
They spread their cloth napkins in their laps, and then Jason immediately reached for the turkey platter. Tina frowned at him. “Where are your manners? We haven’t said grace or anything, yet.” He pulled his arm back to his side and lowered his eyes.
“We’re not that formal,” Liz said, “but before we serve ourselves, I’d like to do something that we used to do with my family when I was growing up.” She looked across the table at her father. “Do you remember what Mom used to always have us do on Thanksgiving before we could eat?”
He smiled softly, lopsided, with his lips together. “We’d go around the table and everybody had to say what they were thankful for.”
“That sounds good,” Tina said. “But I want to go last.” She turned to Zach, who was sitting beside her. “You want to start?”
“Uh….” His mind went blank and all he could manage was, “I…I’m thankful for all my friends and my family.” He shrugged to show that he was finished.
Tina turned to her kids. “Jason, how about you? What are you thankful for?”
He muttered something about friends and family, too, and so did his brother when it was his turn. Shelby was more elaborate. “I’m thankful for friends and family, but not just any friends. My new friends. The best ones I could ever hope to have.” She cast a quick smile at Liz and her father, and then an especially sweet one at Zach. Her face brightened. His darkened.
“I’ll go next,” Liz said. “I’m also thankful for friends and family, and I’d like to add how happy I am that it’s your family that we made friends with.” She looked at Tina tenderly, and then her kids. “I was apprehensive about moving back here, but meeting you and having you become part of our lives has made me certain that I made the right choice to leave Raleigh for Whitmer. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“That was a nice thing to say.” Liz’s father nodded. “I guess it’s my turn.” He cleared his throat before saying, “I’d like to echo what Liz just said, and add my own little twist to it. I’m glad I got to know you Ross kids, ’cause you keep me going. You make me feel younger, I guess. I’m glad your family has become part of our lives, too, and I’m glad that my daughter and grandson have come back into mine. You’ve really made a difference.” He chuckled. “My house is almost clean, now.”
Laughter rippled around the table, and Tina said, “It’s my turn, and I have a lot to be thankful for, more so than I ever expected just a few months ago.” She looked at Liz warmly. “I’m especially glad that we’ve become friends because, honestly, I don’t know how my family would’ve made it without you. The last couple of years have been really hard on us, with Kenny gone, but you’ve helped us more than I can say, and now I feel like we’re goin’ to be all right.”
Tina briefly put the fingertips of one hand to her mouth. “But what I’m also thankful for is,” —she glanced at her kids— “and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you yet, but I wanted it to be a surprise.” She nodded once and continued, “I got the promotion. I’m goin’ to be the office manager.”
“Mama!” Shelby squealed. She sprang from her chair, ran to her mother’s side, and threw her arms around her. Her boys looked like they wanted to join her, but were too self-conscious.
“Congratulations!” Liz said. “When did you find out?”
“Monday. It seems that the guy who got the job before me was foolin’ around with the owner’s seventeen-year-old daughter and got her pregnant. Can you believe that?”
“Isn’t he married?”
“He was. I don’t know how that’s going to work out. Anyway, the owner found out about it and fired him right off, and then gave the job to me.”
“Does that mean you can quit your other job at the grocery store?”
“Not just yet.”
“Aw, no!” Jason said.
“Relax, sweetheart, it’ll just be half days on Saturday. I was goin’ to quit all together, but the store manager asked me to stay on, and I said I would for a while. I like getting the employee discount, and I think I’ll use the extra income to hire a new lawyer for Kenny. Several people have told me lately that he never should’ve gotten such a long sentence, and if we’d had a decent lawyer in the first place, he wouldn’t have. But we didn’t know.”
“Do you have a lawyer in mind?” Liz’s father said.
“Not yet, but I know what to look for now, and with the raise I’m getting’ at the office and the extra money from working Saturday’s at the grocery store, I’ll be able to afford it.” She turned to her kids and said, “And I can finally get you some decent clothes. No more second-hand stuff for you.”
“What time will you be getting home during the week, now?” Liz said.
“I get off at five. I’ll be home to cook dinner at a normal hour from now on.”
“Good.” Justin rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I hated waiting ’till eight o’clock to eat.”
She gave her boys a stern look. “And I’ll be around to keep you out of trouble.”
“We don’t get in trouble no more,” Jason said.
“Anymore,” she said. “And I’ll also be around to correct your grammar so you don’t grow up talkin’ like white trash.”
“This is very good news,” Liz’s father said and raised his wine glass. “This calls for a toast. To Tina and her job promotion.”
“And to family and friends,” she added and lifted her glass, while everyone else did, too.