Prologue: ‘I know you will think me mad’
1: ‘Champagne has been known to allay sea sickness when all else failed’: The Voyage Out
2: ‘Happy hunting-ground of the single girl’: The Women Who Went Out
3: ‘Kisses on the boat deck’: Love at Sea
4: ‘A £300-a-year man – dead or alive’: The Men They Met
5: ‘Welcome to India’: Arrivals
6: ‘A hell of a heat’: The Climate
7: ‘Parties, parties, parties’: The Social Whirl
8: The Viceroy’s Daughter: Elisabeth Bruce
9: ‘There are so many “Ladies”’: Viceregal Entertainments
10: ‘I told him it was only the moonlight’: Courtship
11: ‘It would be a pleasure to be in his harem, I thought’: Maharajas
12: ‘Us and them’: Brits and Indians
13: ‘I thought my heart was going to jump out of my body’: Grace Trotter
14: ‘Where every Jack has someone else’s Jill’: The Hills
15: ‘“No” would have been unthinkable’: Engagement
16: Daughter of the Raj: Bethea Field
17: ‘Colonels: must marry’: Marriage
18: ‘No one will want to marry me now!’: Perils
19: ‘As I inspected ours I sighed a bit’: The First Home
20: ‘But what about horses? And polo? And parties?’: Iris Butler
21: ‘Just lift up your skirts and you’ll be all right’: Up Country
22: ‘Cheerio, old girl’: Sheila Hingston