Thank you to Charlotte Mursell and Rayha Rose, my editors at HarperCollins HQ, whose enthusiasm and support have been a beacon lighting my way. To Elaine Everest who runs The Write Place Creative Writing School in Dartford. She has mentored and sometimes bullied me and, even in the midst of her own busy writing life, still always finds time for her students. She has taught me so much. To The Romantic Novelists Association who opened up a whole new world to me – one which continues to expand. My faithful beta readers, Jean, Moya and Bren, willing from the word go to read and reread till a stage was reached when my manuscript was fit to submit. To my daughters Carole and Tracy and my sister Rhona whose faith in me was absolute. And to my husband who cooks and cleans for me, encourages and enthuses, and never ever by hint or word suggests that I am neglecting him, which I know I do.