
I could never thank everyone who touches me, in one way or another, on a daily basis in this industry. I can’t even begin to try. BUT, I shall…

To my husband and kids, you never stopped asking me how Tyalbrook was. For SIX years. Thank you. You’re my rocks and I’d be nothing without you.

My amazing crew of readers, bloggers, and friends, you keep me sane and make this solitary life a little less solitary, and a lot more lifelike. I’m grateful for each of you and your hearts.

My Belles, thank you for being cheerleaders when I need them. Thank you for being awesome, always. Wanna be a Belle? Join here:

To Jess, you were my first reader stalker. Your love for Tyalbrook fueled me when I was on the big fat E. Thank you for six years of friendship. You are a beautiful, beautiful soul who deserves nothing but the best in this life. Also, you have a key tattooed on your body in honor of this series. How could I not mention you? ;)

To Jo Pettibone, thank you for reading 1,032 copies of this story through various stages. You’re the best person guilted-into-being-my-friend turned proofer/beta/brownie baker I know! Much love for ya!

To Samantha, I love that you read Never Let You Fall, followed me on Facebook, began chatting with me, and eventually became my editor. Thank you for sticking with me through the years.

To everyone who buys, reads, and reviews my books—thank you. Plain and simple. I’m especially touched by those who take the time to send me notes on Facebook. I can’t tell you how I feel when I see a new note telling me what you think of a character or a new review talking about the storyline. A million thanks to each of you.